-- extracted from draft-ietf-l3vpn-mpls-vpn-mib-01.txt -- at Fri Jan 30 06:16:29 2004 MPLS-L3VPN-MIB-DRAFT-01 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, experimental, Integer32, Counter32, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TruthValue, RowStatus, StorageType, TimeStamp, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC InterfaceIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB VPNId FROM PPVPN-TC-MIB SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB InetAddress, InetAddressType FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB MplsIndexType FROM MPLS-LSR-STD-MIB ; mplsVpnMIB MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200210311200Z" -- 31 October 2002 12:00:00 GMT ORGANIZATION "IETF Layer-3 Virtual Private Networks Working Group." CONTACT-INFO " Thomas D. Nadeau tnadeau@cisco.com Harmen van der Linde hvdl@att.com Luyuan Fang luyuanfang@att.com Stephen Brannon Fabio M. Chiussi fabio@bell-labs.com Joseph Dube Martin Tatham martin.tatham@bt.com Comments and discussion to l3vpn@ietf.org" DESCRIPTION "This MIB contains managed object definitions for the Layer-3 Multiprotocol Label Switching Virtual Private Networks." -- Revision history. REVISION "200401301200Z" -- 30 January 2004 12:00:00 EST DESCRIPTION "Initial RFC version." ::= { experimental 118 } -- assigned by IANA -- Textual Conventions. MplsVpnName ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An identifier that is assigned to each MPLS/BGP VPN and is used to uniquely identify it. This is assigned by the system operator or NMS and SHOULD be unique throughout the MPLS domain. If this is the case, then this identifier can then be used at any LSR within a specific MPLS domain to identify this MPLS/BGP VPN. It may also be possible to preserve the uniqueness of this identifier across MPLS domain boundaries, in which case this identifier can then be used to uniquely identify MPLS/BGP VPNs on a more global basis. This object MAY be set to the VPN ID as defined in RFC 2685." REFERENCE "RFC 2685 [VPN-RFC2685] Fox B., et al, 'Virtual Private Networks Identifier', September 1999." SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE (0..31)) MplsVpnRouteDistinguisher ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Syntax for a route distinguisher and route target." SYNTAX OCTET STRING(SIZE (0..256)) -- Top level components of this MIB. mplsVpnNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsVpnMIB 0 } mplsVpnObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsVpnMIB 1 } mplsVpnScalars OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsVpnObjects 1 } mplsVpnConf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsVpnObjects 2 } mplsVpnPerf OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsVpnObjects 3 } mplsVpnRoute OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsVpnObjects 4 } mplsVpnConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsVpnMIB 3 } -- -- Scalar Objects -- mplsVpnConfiguredVrfs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of VRFs which are configured on this node." ::= { mplsVpnScalars 1 } mplsVpnActiveVrfs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of VRFs which are active on this node. That is, those VRFs whose corresponding mplsVpnVrfOperStatus object value is equal to operational (1)." ::= { mplsVpnScalars 2 } mplsVpnConnectedInterfaces OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of interfaces connected to a VRF." ::= { mplsVpnScalars 3 } mplsVpnNotificationEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TruthValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "If this object is true, then it enables the generation of all notifications defined in this MIB." DEFVAL { false } ::= { mplsVpnScalars 4 } mplsVpnVrfConfMaxPossibleRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes maximum number of routes which the device will allow all VRFs jointly to hold. If this value is set to 0, this indicates that the device is unable to determine the absolute maximum. In this case, the configured maximum MAY not actually be allowed by the device." ::= { mplsVpnScalars 5 } mplsVpnVrfConfRouteMaxThreshTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes the interval in seconds, at which the route max threshold notification may be re-issued after the maximum value has been exceeded (or has been reached if mplsVpnVrfConfMaxRoutes and mplsVpnVrfConfHighRouteThreshold are equal) and the initial notification has been issued. This value is intended to prevent continuous generation of notifications by an agent in the event that routes are continually added to a VRF after it has reached its maximum value. If this value is set to 0, the agent should only issue a single notification at the time that the maxium threshold has been reached, and should not issue any more notifications until the value of routes has fallen below the configured threshold value. This is the recommended default behavior." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { mplsVpnScalars 6 } -- VPN Interface Configuration Table mplsVpnIfConfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsVpnIfConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies per-interface MPLS capability and associated information." ::= { mplsVpnConf 1 } mplsVpnIfConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsVpnIfConfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table is created by an LSR for every interface capable of supporting MPLS L3VPN. Each entry in this table is meant to correspond to an entry in the Interfaces Table." INDEX { mplsVpnVrfName, mplsVpnIfConfIndex } ::= { mplsVpnIfConfTable 1 } MplsVpnIfConfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsVpnIfConfIndex InterfaceIndex, mplsVpnIfVpnClassification INTEGER, mplsVpnIfVpnRouteDistProtocol BITS, mplsVpnIfConfStorageType StorageType, mplsVpnIfConfRowStatus RowStatus } mplsVpnIfConfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a unique index for an entry in the mplsVpnIfConfTable. A non-zero index for an entry indicates the ifIndex for the corresponding interface entry in the MPLS-VPN-layer in the ifTable. Note that this table does not necessarily correspond one-to-one with all entries in the Interface MIB having an ifType of MPLS-layer; rather, only those which are enabled for MPLS L3VPN functionality." REFERENCE "RFC 2233 - The Interfaces Group MIB using SMIv2, McCloghrie, K., and F. Kastenholtz, Nov. 1997" ::= { mplsVpnIfConfEntry 1 } mplsVpnIfVpnClassification OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { carrierOfCarrier (1), enterprise (2), interProvider (3) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes whether this link participates in a carrier-of-carrier's, enterprise, or inter-provider scenario." ::= { mplsVpnIfConfEntry 2 } mplsVpnIfVpnRouteDistProtocol OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX BITS { none (0), bgp (1), ospf (2), rip(3), isis(4), static(5), other (6) } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes the route distribution protocol across the PE-CE link. Note that more than one routing protocol may be enabled at the same time, thus this object is specified as a bitmask. For example, static(5) and ospf(2) are a typical configuration." ::= { mplsVpnIfConfEntry 3 } mplsVpnIfConfStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this entry." ::= { mplsVpnIfConfEntry 4 } mplsVpnIfConfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The row status for this entry. This value is used to create a row in this table, signifying that the specified interface is to be associated with the specified interface. If this operation succeeds, the interface will have been associated, otherwise the agent would not allow the association. If the agent only allows read-only operations on this table, it will create entries in this table as they are created." ::= { mplsVpnIfConfEntry 5 } -- VRF Configuration Table mplsVpnVrfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsVpnVrfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies per-interface MPLS L3VPN VRF Table capability and associated information. Entries in this table define VRF routing instances associated with MPLS/VPN interfaces. Note that multiple interfaces can belong to the same VRF instance. The collection of all VRF instances comprises an actual VPN." ::= { mplsVpnConf 2 } mplsVpnVrfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsVpnVrfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table is created by an LSR for every VRF capable of supporting MPLS L3VPN. The indexing provides an ordering of VRFs per-VPN interface." INDEX { mplsVpnVrfName } ::= { mplsVpnVrfTable 1 } MplsVpnVrfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsVpnVrfName MplsVpnName, mplsVpnVrfVpnId VPNId, mplsVpnVrfDescription SnmpAdminString, mplsVpnVrfRD MplsVpnRouteDistinguisher, mplsVpnVrfCreationTime TimeStamp, mplsVpnVrfOperStatus INTEGER, mplsVpnVrfActiveInterfaces Unsigned32, mplsVpnVrfAssociatedInterfaces Unsigned32, mplsVpnVrfConfMidRouteThreshold Unsigned32, mplsVpnVrfConfHighRouteThreshold Unsigned32, mplsVpnVrfConfMaxRoutes Unsigned32, mplsVpnVrfConfLastChanged TimeStamp, mplsVpnVrfConfRowStatus RowStatus, mplsVpnVrfConfStorageType StorageType } mplsVpnVrfName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsVpnName MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The human-readable name of this VPN. This MAY be equivalent to the RFC2685 VPN-ID, but may also vary. If it is set to the VPN ID, it MUST be equivalent to the value of mplsVpnVrfVpnId. It is strongly recommended that all sites supporting VRFs that are part of the same VPN use the same naming convention for VRFs as well as the same VPN ID." REFERENCE "RFC 2685 [VPN-RFC2685] Fox B., et al, `Virtual Private Networks Identifier`, September 1999." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 1 } mplsVpnVrfVpnId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX VPNId MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The VPN ID as specified in RFC 2685. If a VPN ID has not been specified for this VRF, then this variable SHOULD be set to an empty string." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 2 } mplsVpnVrfDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The human-readable description of this VRF." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 3 } mplsVpnVrfRD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsVpnRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The route distinguisher for this VRF." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 4 } mplsVpnVrfCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The time at which this VRF entry was created." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 5 } mplsVpnVrfOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { up (1), down (2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes whether a VRF is operational or not. A VRF is up(1) when at least one interface associated with the VRF, which ifOperStatus is up(1). A VRF is down(2) when: a. There does not exist at least one interface whose ifOperStatus is up(1). b. There are no interfaces associated with the VRF." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 6 } mplsVpnVrfActiveInterfaces OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of interfaces connected to this VRF with ifOperStatus = up(1). This counter should be incremented when: a. When the ifOperStatus of one of the connected interfaces changes from down(2) to up(1). b. When an interface with ifOperStatus = up(1) is connected to this VRF. This counter should be decremented when: a. When the ifOperStatus of one of the connected interfaces changes from up(1) to down(2). b. When one of the connected interfaces with ifOperStatus = up(1) gets disconnected from this VRF." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 7 } mplsVpnVrfAssociatedInterfaces OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total number of interfaces connected to this VRF (independent of ifOperStatus type)." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 8 } mplsVpnVrfConfMidRouteThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes mid-level water marker for the number of routes which this VRF may hold." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 9 } mplsVpnVrfConfHighRouteThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes high-level water marker for the number of routes which this VRF may hold." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 10 } mplsVpnVrfConfMaxRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Denotes maximum number of routes which this VRF is configured to hold. This value MUST be less than or equal to mplsVrfMaxPossibleRoutes unless it is set to 0." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 11 } mplsVpnVrfConfLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeStamp MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last change of this table entry, which includes changes of VRF parameters defined in this table or addition or deletion of interfaces associated with this VRF." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 12 } mplsVpnVrfConfRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This variable is used to create, modify, and/or delete a row in this table." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 13 } mplsVpnVrfConfStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The storage type for this entry." ::= { mplsVpnVrfEntry 14 } -- MplsVpnVrfRTTable mplsVpnVrfRTTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsVpnVrfRTEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies per-VRF route target association. Each entry identifies a connectivity policy supported as part of a VPN." ::= { mplsVpnConf 3 } mplsVpnVrfRTEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsVpnVrfRTEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION " An entry in this table is created by an LSR for each route target configured for a VRF supporting a MPLS L3VPN instance. The indexing provides an ordering per-VRF instance." INDEX { mplsVpnVrfName, mplsVpnVrfRTIndex, mplsVpnVrfRTType } ::= { mplsVpnVrfRTTable 1 } MplsVpnVrfRTEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsVpnVrfRTIndex Unsigned32, mplsVpnVrfRTType INTEGER, mplsVpnVrfRT MplsVpnRouteDistinguisher, mplsVpnVrfRTDescr DisplayString, mplsVpnVrfRTRowStatus RowStatus } mplsVpnVrfRTIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auxiliary index for route-targets configured for a particular VRF." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRTEntry 2 } mplsVpnVrfRTType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { import(1), export(2), both(3) } MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The route target export distribution type." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRTEntry 3 } mplsVpnVrfRT OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsVpnRouteDistinguisher MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The route target distribution policy." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRTEntry 4 } mplsVpnVrfRTDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Description of the route target." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRTEntry 5 } mplsVpnVrfRTRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row status for this entry." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRTEntry 6 } -- VRF Security Table mplsVpnVrfSecTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsVpnVrfSecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies per MPLS L3VPN VRF Table security features." ::= { mplsVpnConf 6 } mplsVpnVrfSecEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsVpnVrfSecEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table is created by an LSR for every VRF capable of supporting MPLS L3VPN. Each entry in this table is used to indicate security-related information for each VRF entry." AUGMENTS { mplsVpnVrfEntry } ::= { mplsVpnVrfSecTable 1 } MplsVpnVrfSecEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsVpnVrfSecIllegalLblVltns Counter32, mplsVpnVrfSecIllegalLblRcvThrsh Unsigned32 } mplsVpnVrfSecIllegalLblVltns OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of illegally received labels on this VPN/VRF." ::= { mplsVpnVrfSecEntry 1 } mplsVpnVrfSecIllegalLblRcvThrsh OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of illegally received labels above which this notification is issued." ::= { mplsVpnVrfSecEntry 2 } -- VRF Performance Table mplsVpnVrfPerfTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsVpnVrfPerfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies per MPLS L3VPN VRF Table performance information." ::= { mplsVpnPerf 1 } mplsVpnVrfPerfEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsVpnVrfPerfEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table is created by an LSR for every VRF capable of supporting MPLS L3VPN." AUGMENTS { mplsVpnVrfEntry } ::= { mplsVpnVrfPerfTable 1 } MplsVpnVrfPerfEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsVpnVrfPerfRoutesAdded Counter32, mplsVpnVrfPerfRoutesDeleted Counter32, mplsVpnVrfPerfCurrNumRoutes Unsigned32 } mplsVpnVrfPerfRoutesAdded OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of routes added to this VPN/VRF since this device has last been reset or the VRF was created, whichever came last." ::= { mplsVpnVrfPerfEntry 1 } mplsVpnVrfPerfRoutesDeleted OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of routes removed from this VPN/VRF." ::= { mplsVpnVrfPerfEntry 2 } mplsVpnVrfPerfCurrNumRoutes OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicates the number of routes currently used by this VRF." ::= { mplsVpnVrfPerfEntry 3 } -- VRF Routing Table mplsVpnVrfRouteTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MplsVpnVrfRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table specifies per-interface MPLS L3VPN VRF Table routing information. Entries in this table define VRF routing entries associated with the specified MPLS/VPN interfaces. Note that this table contains both BGP and IGP routes, as both may appear in the same VRF." REFERENCE "1. RFC 1213 Section 6.6, The IP Group. 2. RFC 2096 " ::= { mplsVpnRoute 1 } mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsVpnVrfRouteEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in this table is created by an LSR for every route present configured (either dynamically or statically) within the context of a specific VRF capable of supporting MPLS/BGP VPN. The indexing provides an ordering of VRFs per-VPN interface. Implementors need to be aware that if the value of the mplsVpnVrfName (an OID) has more that 111 sub-identifiers, then OIDs of column instances in this table will have more than 128 sub-identifiers and cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3." INDEX { mplsVpnVrfName, mplsVpnVrfRouteDest, mplsVpnVrfRouteMask, mplsVpnVrfRouteTos, mplsVpnVrfRouteNextHop } ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteTable 1 } MplsVpnVrfRouteEntry ::= SEQUENCE { mplsVpnVrfRouteDestAddrType InetAddressType, mplsVpnVrfRouteDest InetAddress, mplsVpnVrfRouteMaskAddrType InetAddressType, mplsVpnVrfRouteMask InetAddress, mplsVpnVrfRouteTos Unsigned32, mplsVpnVrfRouteNextHopAddrType InetAddressType, mplsVpnVrfRouteNextHop InetAddress, mplsVpnVrfRouteIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, mplsVpnVrfRouteType INTEGER, mplsVpnVrfRouteProto INTEGER, mplsVpnVrfRouteAge Unsigned32, mplsVpnVrfRouteInfo OBJECT IDENTIFIER, mplsVpnVrfRouteNextHopAS Unsigned32, mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric1 Integer32, mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric2 Integer32, mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric3 Integer32, mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric4 Integer32, mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric5 Integer32, mplsVpnVrfRouteXCPointer MplsIndexType, mplsVpnVrfRouteRowStatus RowStatus, mplsVpnVrfRouteStorageType StorageType } mplsVpnVrfRouteDestAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address type of the mplsVpnVrfRouteDest entry." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 1 } mplsVpnVrfRouteDest OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The destination IP address of this route. This object may not take a Multicast (Class D) address value. Any assignment (implicit or otherwise) of an instance of this object to a value x must be rejected if the bit-wise logical-AND of x with the value of the corresponding instance of the mplsVpnVrfRouteMask object is not equal to x." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 2 } mplsVpnVrfRouteMaskAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address type of mplsVpnVrfRouteMask." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 3 } mplsVpnVrfRouteMask OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the mask to be logical-ANDed with the destination address before being compared to the value in the mplsVpnVrfRouteDest field. For those systems that do not support arbitrary subnet masks, an agent constructs the value of the mplsVpnVrfRouteMask by reference to the IP Address Class. Any assignment (implicit or otherwise) of an instance of this object to a value x must be rejected if the bit-wise logical-AND of x with the value of the corresponding instance of the mplsVpnVrfRouteDest object is not equal to mplsVpnVrfRouteDest." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 4 } mplsVpnVrfRouteTos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IP TOS Field is used to specify the policy to be applied to this route. The encoding of IP TOS is as specified by the following convention. Zero indicates the default path if no more specific policy applies. +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | | | | PRECEDENCE | TYPE OF SERVICE | 0 | | | | | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ IP TOS IP TOS Field Policy Field Policy Contents Code Contents Code 0 0 0 0 ==> 0 0 0 0 1 ==> 2 0 0 1 0 ==> 4 0 0 1 1 ==> 6 0 1 0 0 ==> 8 0 1 0 1 ==> 10 0 1 1 0 ==> 12 0 1 1 1 ==> 14 1 0 0 0 ==> 16 1 0 0 1 ==> 18 1 0 1 0 ==> 20 1 0 1 1 ==> 22 1 1 0 0 ==> 24 1 1 0 1 ==> 26 1 1 1 0 ==> 28 1 1 1 1 ==> 30." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 5 } mplsVpnVrfRouteNextHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddressType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The address type of the mplsVpnVrfRouteNextHopAddrType object." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 6 } mplsVpnVrfRouteNextHop OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InetAddress MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On remote routes, the address of the next system en route; Otherwise, ." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 7 } mplsVpnVrfRouteIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex value that identifies the local interface through which the next hop of this route should be reached. If this value is set to 0, this indicates that no interface is associated with this route." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 8 } mplsVpnVrfRouteType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other (1), -- not specified reject (2), -- route to discard traffic local (3), -- local interface remote (4) -- remote destination } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of route. Note that local(3) refers to a route for which the next hop is the final destination; remote(4) refers to a route for that the next hop is not the final destination. Routes which do not result in traffic forwarding or rejection should not be displayed even if the implementation keeps them stored internally. reject (2) refers to a route which, if matched, discards the message as unreachable. This is used in some protocols as a means of correctly aggregating routes." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 9 } mplsVpnVrfRouteProto OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { other (1), -- not specified local (2), -- local interface netmgmt (3), -- static route icmp (4), -- result of ICMP Redirect -- the following are all dynamic -- routing protocols egp (5), -- Exterior Gateway Protocol ggp (6), -- Gateway-Gateway Protocol hello (7), -- FuzzBall HelloSpeak rip (8), -- Berkeley RIP or RIP-II isIs (9), -- Dual IS-IS esIs (10), -- ISO 9542 ciscoIgrp (11), -- Cisco IGRP bbnSpfIgp (12), -- BBN SPF IGP ospf (13), -- Open Shortest Path First bgp (14), -- Border Gateway Protocol idpr (15), -- InterDomain Policy Routing ciscoEigrp (16) -- Cisco EIGRP } MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The routing mechanism via which this route was learned. Inclusion of values for gateway rout- ing protocols is not intended to imply that hosts should support those protocols." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 10 } mplsVpnVrfRouteAge OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds since this route was last updated or otherwise determined to be correct. Note that no semantics of `too old' can be implied except through knowledge of the routing protocol by which the route was learned." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 11 } mplsVpnVrfRouteInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular routing protocol which is responsi- ble for this route, as determined by the value specified in the route's mplsVpnVrfRouteProto value. If this information is not present, its value SHOULD be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }, which is a syntactically valid object identif-ier, and any implementation conforming to ASN.1 and the Basic Encoding Rules must be able to generate and recognize this value." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 12 } mplsVpnVrfRouteNextHopAS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Autonomous System Number of the Next Hop. The semantics of this object are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's mplsVpnVrfRouteProto value. When this object is unknown or not relevant its value should be set to zero." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 13 } mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The primary routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's mplsVpnVrfRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 14 } mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's mplsVpnVrfRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 15 } mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's mplsVpnVrfRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 16 } mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's mplsVpnVrfRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 17 } mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An alternate routing metric for this route. The semantics of this metric are determined by the routing-protocol specified in the route's mplsVpnVrfRouteProto value. If this metric is not used, its value should be set to -1." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 18 } mplsVpnVrfRouteXCPointer OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MplsIndexType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Index into mplsXCTable which identifies which cross- connect entry is associated with this VRF route entry by containing the mplsXCIndex of that cross-connect entry. The string containing the single octet 0x00 indicates that a label stack is not associated with this route entry. This can be the case because the label bindings have not yet been established, or because some change in the agent has removed them. When the label stack associated with this VRF route is created by the agent, it MUST establish the associated cross-connect entry in the mplsXCTable and then set that index to the value of this object. Changes to the cross-connect object in the mplsXCTable MUST automatically be be reflected the value of this object. If this object represents a static routing entry, then the manager must ensure that this entry is also maintained consistently in the corresponding mplsXCTable as well." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 19 } mplsVpnVrfRouteRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Row status for this table. It is used according to row installation and removal conventions." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 20 } mplsVpnVrfRouteStorageType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX StorageType MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Storage type value." ::= { mplsVpnVrfRouteEntry 21 } -- MPLS L3VPN Notifications mplsVrfIfUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mplsVpnIfConfRowStatus, mplsVpnVrfOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when: a. The ifOperStatus of an interface associated with a VRF changes to the up(1) state. b. When an interface with ifOperStatus = up(1) is associated with a VRF." ::= { mplsVpnNotifications 1 } mplsVrfIfDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mplsVpnIfConfRowStatus, mplsVpnVrfOperStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when: a. The ifOperStatus of an interface associated with a VRF changes to the down(1) state. b. When an interface with ifOperStatus = up(1) state is disassociated with a VRF." ::= { mplsVpnNotifications 2 } mplsNumVrfRouteMidThreshExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mplsVpnVrfPerfCurrNumRoutes, mplsVpnVrfConfMidRouteThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the number of routes contained by the specified VRF exceeds the value indicated by mplsVpnVrfMidRouteThreshold. A single notification MUST be generated when this threshold is exceeded, and no other notifications of this type should be issued until the value of mplsVpnVrfPerfCurrNumRoutes has fallen below that of mplsVpnVrfConfMidRouteThreshold." ::= { mplsVpnNotifications 3 } mplsNumVrfRouteMaxThreshExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mplsVpnVrfPerfCurrNumRoutes, mplsVpnVrfConfHighRouteThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the number of routes contained by the specified VRF exceeds or attempts to exceed the maximum allowed value as indicated by mplsVpnVrfMaxRouteThreshold. In cases where mplsVpnVrfConfHighRouteThreshold is set to the same value as mplsVpnVrfConfMaxRoutes, mplsVpnVrfConfHighRouteThreshold need not be exceeded; rather, just reached for this notification to be issued. Note that mplsVpnVrfConfRouteMaxThreshTime denotes the interval at which the this notification will be re-issued after the maximum value has been exceeded (or reached if mplsVpnVrfConfMaxRoutes and mplsVpnVrfConfHighRouteThreshold are equal) and the initial notification has been issued. This value is intended to prevent continuous generation of notifications by an agent in the event that routes are continually added to a VRF after it has reached its maximum value. The default value is 0 minutes. If this value is set to 0, the agent should only issue a single notification at the time that the maximum threshold has been reached, and should not issue any more notifications until the value of routes has fallen below the configured threshold value." ::= { mplsVpnNotifications 4 } mplsNumVrfSecIllglLblThrshExcd NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mplsVpnVrfSecIllegalLblVltns } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated when the number of illegal label violations on a VRF as indicated by mplsVpnVrfSecIllegalLblVltns has exceeded mplsVpnVrfSecIllegalLblRcvThrsh. The threshold is not included in the varbind here because the value of mplsVpnVrfSecIllegalLblVltns should be one greater than the threshold at the time this notification is issued." ::= { mplsVpnNotifications 5 } mplsNumVrfRouteMaxThreshCleared NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { mplsVpnVrfPerfCurrNumRoutes, mplsVpnVrfConfHighRouteThreshold } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This notification is generated only after the number of routes contained by the specified VRF exceeds or attempts to exceed the maximum allowed value as indicated by mplsVrfMaxRouteThreshold, and then falls below this value. The emission of this notification informs the operator that the error condition has been cleared without the operator having to query the device. Note that mplsVpnVrfConfRouteMaxThreshTime denotes the interval at which the the mplsNumVrfRouteMaxThreshExceeded notification will be re-issued after the maximum value has been exceeded (or reached if mplsVpnVrfConfMaxRoutes and mplsVpnVrfConfHighRouteThreshold are equal) and the initial notification has been issued. Therefore, the generation of this notification should also be emitted with this same frequency (assuming that the error condition is cleared). Specifically, if the error condition is reached and cleared several times during the period of time specified in mplsVpnVrfConfRouteMaxThreshTime, only a single notification will be issued to indicate the first instance of the error condition as well as the first time the error condition is cleared. This behavior is intended to prevent continuous generation of notifications by an agent in the event that routes are continually added and removed to/from a VRF after it has reached its maximum value. The default value is 0. If this value is set to 0, the agent should issue a notification whenever the maximum threshold has been cleared." ::= { mplsVpnNotifications 6 } -- Conformance Statement mplsVpnGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsVpnConformance 1 } mplsVpnCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsVpnConformance 2 } -- Module Compliance mplsVpnModuleCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compliance statement for agents that support the MPLS VPN MIB." MODULE -- this module -- The mandatory groups have to be implemented -- by all LSRs supporting MPLS L3VPNs. However, -- they may all be supported -- as read-only objects in the case where manual -- configuration is unsupported. MANDATORY-GROUPS { mplsVpnScalarGroup, mplsVpnVrfGroup, mplsVpnIfGroup, mplsVpnPerfGroup, mplsVpnVrfRouteGroup, mplsVpnVrfRTGroup, mplsVpnSecGroup, mplsVpnNotificationGroup } ::= { mplsVpnCompliances 1 } -- Units of conformance. mplsVpnScalarGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsVpnConfiguredVrfs, mplsVpnActiveVrfs, mplsVpnConnectedInterfaces, mplsVpnNotificationEnable, mplsVpnVrfConfMaxPossibleRoutes, mplsVpnVrfConfRouteMaxThreshTime } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Collection of scalar objects required for MPLS VPN management." ::= { mplsVpnGroups 1 } mplsVpnVrfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsVpnVrfVpnId, mplsVpnVrfDescription, mplsVpnVrfRD, mplsVpnVrfCreationTime, mplsVpnVrfOperStatus, mplsVpnVrfActiveInterfaces, mplsVpnVrfAssociatedInterfaces, mplsVpnVrfConfMidRouteThreshold, mplsVpnVrfConfHighRouteThreshold, mplsVpnVrfConfMaxRoutes, mplsVpnVrfConfLastChanged, mplsVpnVrfConfRowStatus, mplsVpnVrfConfStorageType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Collection of objects needed for MPLS VPN VRF management." ::= { mplsVpnGroups 2 } mplsVpnIfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsVpnIfVpnClassification, mplsVpnIfVpnRouteDistProtocol, mplsVpnIfConfStorageType, mplsVpnIfConfRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Collection of objects needed for MPLS VPN interface management." ::= { mplsVpnGroups 3 } mplsVpnPerfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsVpnVrfPerfRoutesAdded, mplsVpnVrfPerfRoutesDeleted, mplsVpnVrfPerfCurrNumRoutes } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Collection of objects needed for MPLS VPN performance information." ::= { mplsVpnGroups 4 } mplsVpnSecGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsVpnVrfSecIllegalLblVltns, mplsVpnVrfSecIllegalLblRcvThrsh } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Collection of objects needed for MPLS VPN security-related information." ::= { mplsVpnGroups 6 } mplsVpnVrfRouteGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsVpnVrfRouteDestAddrType, mplsVpnVrfRouteMaskAddrType, mplsVpnVrfRouteNextHop, mplsVpnVrfRouteNextHopAddrType, mplsVpnVrfRouteIfIndex, mplsVpnVrfRouteType, mplsVpnVrfRouteProto, mplsVpnVrfRouteAge, mplsVpnVrfRouteInfo, mplsVpnVrfRouteNextHopAS, mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric1, mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric2, mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric3, mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric4, mplsVpnVrfRouteMetric5, mplsVpnVrfRouteXCPointer, mplsVpnVrfRouteRowStatus, mplsVpnVrfRouteStorageType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects required for VRF route table management." ::= { mplsVpnGroups 7 } mplsVpnVrfRTGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { mplsVpnVrfRTDescr, mplsVpnVrfRT, mplsVpnVrfRTRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects required for VRF route target management." ::= { mplsVpnGroups 8 } mplsVpnNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { mplsVrfIfUp, mplsVrfIfDown, mplsNumVrfRouteMidThreshExceeded, mplsNumVrfRouteMaxThreshExceeded, mplsNumVrfSecIllglLblThrshExcd, mplsNumVrfRouteMaxThreshCleared } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects required for MPLS VPN notifications." ::= { mplsVpnGroups 9 } -- End of MPLS-VPN-MIB END -- -- 16.0 Security Considerations -- -- It is clear that these MIB modules are potentially useful for -- monitoring of MPLS LSRs supporting L3 MPLS VPN. This -- MIB module can also be used for configuration of certain objects, -- and anything that can be configured can be incorrectly configured, -- with potentially disastrous results. -- -- There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module -- with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create. Such -- objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network -- environments. The support for SET operations in a non-secure -- environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on -- network operations. These are the tables and objects and their -- sensitivity/vulnerability: -- -- o the XXX tables collectively -- contain objects which may be used to provision MPLS VRF -- interfaces and configuration. Unauthorized access to objects -- in these tables, could result in disruption of traffic on the -- network. This is especially true if these VRFs have been -- previously provisioned and are in use. The use of stronger -- mechanisms such as SNMPv3 security should be considered where -- possible. Specifically, -- SNMPv3 VACM and USM MUST be used with any v3 agent which -- implements this MIB module. Administrators should consider -- whether read access to these objects should be allowed, -- since read access may be undesirable under certain -- circumstances. -- -- Some of the readable objects in this MIB module "i.e., objects with a -- MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible" may be considered sensitive or -- vulnerable in some network environments. It is thus important to -- control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly -- to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over -- the network via SNMP. These are the tables and objects and their -- sensitivity/vulnerability: -- -- o the XXX tables -- collectively show the VRF interfaces and -- associated VRF configurations as well as their linkages to other -- MPLS-related configuration and/or performanc statistics. -- Administrators not wishing to reveal this information should -- consider these objects sensitive/vulnerable and take -- precautions so they are not revealed. -- -- SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security. -- Even if the network itself is secure "for example by using IPSec", -- even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is -- allowed to access and GET/SET "read/change/create/delete" the objects -- in this MIB module. -- -- It is RECOMMENDED that implementers consider the security features as -- provided by the SNMPv3 framework "see [RFC3410], section 8", -- including full support for the SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms "for -- authentication and privacy". -- -- Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT -- RECOMMENDED. Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to -- enable cryptographic security. It is then a customer/operator -- responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an -- instance of this MIB module, is properly configured to give access -- to the objects only to those principals "users" that have legitimate -- rights to indeed GET or SET "change/create/delete" them. --