-- extracted from rfc1449.txt -- at Fri Dec 24 21:43:19 1999 SNMPv2-TM DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS snmpDomains, snmpProxys FROM SNMPv2-SMI TEXTUAL-CONVENTION FROM SNMPv2-TC; -- SNMPv2 over UDP snmpUDPDomain OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpDomains 1 } -- for a SnmpUDPAddress of length 6: -- -- octets contents encoding -- 1-4 IP-address network-byte order -- 5-6 UDP-port network-byte order -- SnmpUDPAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "1d.1d.1d.1d/2d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents a UDP address." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6)) -- SNMPv2 over OSI snmpCLNSDomain OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpDomains 2 } snmpCONSDomain OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpDomains 3 } -- for a SnmpOSIAddress of length m: -- -- octets contents encoding -- 1 length of NSAP "n" as an unsigned-integer -- (either 0 or from 3 to 20) -- 2..(n+1) NSAP concrete binary representation -- (n+2)..m TSEL string of (up to 64) octets -- SnmpOSIAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "*1x:/1x:" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents an OSI transport-address." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (1 | 4..85)) -- SNMPv2 over DDP snmpDDPDomain OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpDomains 4 } -- for a SnmpNBPAddress of length m: -- -- octets contents encoding -- 1 length of object "n" as an unsigned integer -- 2..(n+1) object string of (up to 32) octets -- n+2 length of type "p" as an unsigned integer -- (n+3)..(n+2+p) type string of (up to 32) octets -- n+3+p length of zone "q" as an unsigned integer -- (n+4+p)..m zone string of (up to 32) octets -- -- for comparison purposes, strings are case-insensitive -- -- all strings may contain any octet other than 255 (hex ff) -- SnmpNBPAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents an NBP name." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (3..99)) -- SNMPv2 over IPX snmpIPXDomain OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpDomains 5 } -- for a SnmpIPXAddress of length 12: -- -- octets contents encoding -- 1-4 network-number network-byte order -- 5-10 physical-address network-byte order -- 11-12 socket-number network-byte order -- SnmpIPXAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION DISPLAY-HINT "4x.1x:1x:1x:1x:1x:1x.2d" STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Represents an IPX address." SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (12)) -- for proxy to community-based SNMPv1 (RFC 1157) rfc1157Proxy OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpProxys 1 } -- uses SnmpUDPAddress rfc1157Domain OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rfc1157Proxy 1 } -- the community-based noAuth rfc1157noAuth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { rfc1157Proxy 2 } END