smilint output for ./DECNET-PHIV-MIB

Message Severities
Message Types
index-element-no-range (error)5
sequence-type-mismatch (error)10
type-without-format (warning)2



   1: -- extracted from rfc1559.txt
   2: -- at Mon Nov 15 17:11:54 1999
   6:         IMPORTS
   7:            Gauge
   8:               FROM RFC1155-SMI
   9:             OBJECT-TYPE
  10:                FROM RFC-1212
  11:             mib-2, DisplayString
  12:               FROM RFC1213-MIB;
  14:    -- DECNet Phase-IV MIB
  16:         phiv      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 18 }
  18:    -- textual conventions
  20:    PhivAddr ::= OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
  21:    -- This data type is intended as a short word representation of
  22:    -- standard DECnet Phase IV addresses. DECnet addresses are
  23:    -- hierarchically structured numbers assigned to a particular
  24:    -- DECnet node. The address is structured so that the area
  25:    -- number is contained in the most significant 6 bits of the
  26:    -- first octet.  The next 2 bits of the first octet contain
  27:    -- the first two bits of the host address.  The remainder of
  28:    -- the host address is contained in the second octet.
  30:    PhivCounter ::= INTEGER
  30: warning - warning: type `PhivCounter' has no format specification
  31:    -- This data type has been created for DECnet counters.  These
  32:    -- counters latch at their maximum specified value until either
  33:    -- the system is restarted, or they are reset to zero by the user
  34:    -- or management software.
  36:    InterfaceIndex ::= INTEGER
  36: warning - warning: type `InterfaceIndex' has no format specification
  37:    --  The range of ifIndex, i.e., (1..2147483647)
  40:    -- groups in the decnetiv mib
  42:          phivSystem             OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 1 }
  43:          phivManagement         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 2 }
  44:          session                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 3 }
  45:          end                    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 4 }
  46:          routing                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 5 }
  47:          circuit                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 6 }
  48:          ddcmp                  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 7 }
  49:          control                OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 8 }
  50:          ethernet               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 9 }
  51:          counters               OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 10 }
  52:          adjacency              OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 11 }
  53:          line                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 12 }
  54:          nonBroadcastLine       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 14 }
  55:          area                   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { phiv 15 }
  57:    -- System Group
  59:    -- The implementation of the System Group is mandatory for
  60:    -- all systems.
  62:    phivSystemState OBJECT-TYPE
  63:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
  64:             on (1),
  65:             off (2),
  66:             shut (3),
  67:             restricted (4)
  68:         }
  69:         ACCESS read-write
  70:         STATUS mandatory
  71:         DESCRIPTION
  72:             "This represents the operational state of the executor
  73:             node.
  74:             The possible states are:
  75:             ON          Allows logical links.
  76:             OFF         Allows no new links, terminates existing
  77:                         links, and stops routing traffic through.
  78:             SHUT        Allows no new logical links, does not
  79:                         destroy existing logical links, and goes
  80:                         to the OFF state when all logical links are
  81:                         gone.
  83:             RESTRICTED  Allows no new incoming logical links from
  84:                         other nodes.
  86:             NOTE: These values are incremented by one compared to
  87:             the standard DECnet values in order to maintain
  88:             compliance with RFC 1155)."
  89:         ::= { phivSystem 1 }
  91:    phivExecIdent OBJECT-TYPE
  92:         SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..32))
  93:         ACCESS read-write
  94:         STATUS mandatory
  95:         DESCRIPTION
  96:             "This is a text string that describes the executor node
  97:             (for example, 'Research Lab').  The string is up to 32
  98:             characters of any type."
  99:         ::= { phivSystem 2 }
 101:    -- Network Management Group
 103:    -- The implementation of the Network Management Group is
 104:    -- mandatory for all systems which contain a DECnet-style
 105:    -- management version.
 108:    phivMgmtMgmtVers OBJECT-TYPE
 109:         SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
 110:         ACCESS read-only
 111:         STATUS mandatory
 112:         DESCRIPTION
 113:             "This is the read-only Network Management Version,
 114:             consisting of the version number, the Engineering
 115:             Change Order (ECO) number, and the user ECO number
 116:             (for example, 3.0.0). This parameter applies to the
 117:             executor node only."
 118:         ::= { phivManagement 1 }
 120:    -- Session Layer Group
 122:    -- The implementation of the Session Layer Group is optional.
 123:    -- A system can be said to implement this group if and only if
 124:    -- all objects in this group are implemented.
 126:    phivSessionSystemName OBJECT-TYPE
 127:         SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..6))
 128:         ACCESS read-only
 129:         STATUS mandatory
 130:         DESCRIPTION
 131:             "Name to be associated with the node identification.
 132:             Only one name can be assigned to a node address or a
 133:             circuit identification. No name should be used more than
 134:             once in a DECnet network. Node-name is one to six upper
 135:             case alphanumeric characters with at least one alpha
 136:             character. A length of 0 indicates no name."
 137:         ::= { session 1 }
 139:    phivSessionInTimer OBJECT-TYPE
 140:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
 141:         ACCESS read-write
 142:         STATUS mandatory
 143:         DESCRIPTION
 144:             "This value represents the maximum duration between the
 145:             time a connect is received for a process at the
 146:             executor node and the time that process accepts or
 147:             rejects it. If the connect is not accepted or rejected
 148:             by the user within the number of seconds specified,
 149:             Session Control rejects it for the user.  A value of 0
 150:             indicates no timer is running."
 151:         ::= { session 2 }
 153:    phivSessionOutTimer OBJECT-TYPE
 154:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
 155:         ACCESS read-write
 156:         STATUS mandatory
 157:         DESCRIPTION
 158:             "This value represents the duration between the time the
 159:             executor requests a connect and the time that connect is
 160:             acknowledged by the destination node. If the connect is
 161:             not acknowledged within the number of seconds
 162:             specified, Session Control returns an error.  A value of 0
 163:             indicates no timer is running."
 164:         ::= { session 3 }
 166:    -- End Communication Layer Group
 168:    -- The implementation of the End Communication Layer Group is optional.
 169:    -- A system can be said to implement this group if and only if
 170:    -- all objects in this group are implemented.
 172:    -- Remote State Table
 174:    phivEndRemoteTable OBJECT-TYPE
 175:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivEndRemoteEntry
 176:         ACCESS not-accessible
 177:         STATUS mandatory
 178:         DESCRIPTION
 179:             "Information about the state of sessions between the
 180:             node under study and the nodes found in the table."
 181:         ::= { end 1 }
 183:    phivEndRemoteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 184:         SYNTAX PhivEndRemoteEntry
 185:         ACCESS not-accessible
 186:         STATUS mandatory
 187:         DESCRIPTION
 188:             "Information about a particular remote node as seen
 189:             from the end communication layer."
 190:         INDEX  { phivEndRemoteHostNodeID }
 191:         ::= { phivEndRemoteTable 1 }
 193:    PhivEndRemoteEntry ::=
 194:         SEQUENCE {
 195:             phivEndRemoteHostNodeID
 196:                 PhivAddr,
 197:             phivEndRemoteState
 198:                 INTEGER,
 199:             phivEndCircuitIndex
 200:                 INTEGER,
 201:             phivEndActiveLinks
 202:                 INTEGER,
 203:             phivEndDelay
 204:                 INTEGER
 205:         }
 207:    phivEndRemoteHostNodeID OBJECT-TYPE
 208:         SYNTAX PhivAddr -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
 209:         ACCESS read-only
 210:         STATUS mandatory
 211:         DESCRIPTION
 212:             "This value is the address of the remote node to be
 213:             evaluated."
 214:         ::= { phivEndRemoteEntry 1 }
 216:    phivEndRemoteState OBJECT-TYPE
 217:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
 218:             on (1),
 219:             off (2),
 220:             shut (3),
 221:             restricted (4)
 222:         }
 223:         ACCESS read-write
 224:         STATUS mandatory
 225:         DESCRIPTION
 226:             "This represents the operational state of the remote node
 227:             being evaluated.
 228:             The possible states are:
 230:             ON          Allows logical links.
 231:             OFF         Allows no new links, terminates existing
 232:                         links, and stops routing traffic through.
 233:             SHUT        Allows no new logical links, does not
 234:                         destroy existing logical links, and goes
 235:                         to the OFF state when all logical links are
 236:                         gone.
 237:             RESTRICTED  Allows no new incoming logical links from
 238:                         other nodes.
 240:             NOTE: These values are incremented by one compared to
 241:             the standard DECnet values in order to maintain
 242:             compliance with RFC 1155."
 243:         ::= { phivEndRemoteEntry 2 }
 245:    phivEndCircuitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
 246:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
 247:         ACCESS read-only
 248:         STATUS mandatory
 249:         DESCRIPTION
 250:             "A unique index value for each known circuit used to
 251:             communicate with the remote node.  This is the same
 252:             value as phivCircuitIndex."
 253:         ::= { phivEndRemoteEntry 3 }
 255:    phivEndActiveLinks OBJECT-TYPE
 256:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
 257:         ACCESS read-only
 258:         STATUS mandatory
 259:         DESCRIPTION
 260:             "This read-only parameter represents the number of active
 261:             logical links from the executor to the destination node."
 262:         ::= { phivEndRemoteEntry 4 }
 264:    phivEndDelay OBJECT-TYPE
 265:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
 266:         ACCESS read-only
 267:         STATUS mandatory
 268:         DESCRIPTION
 269:             "This read-only parameter is the average round trip
 270:             delay in seconds to the destination node. This
 271:             parameter is kept on a remote node basis."
 272:         ::= { phivEndRemoteEntry 5 }
 274:    -- End System Counter Table
 275:    phivEndCountTable OBJECT-TYPE
 276:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivEndCountEntry
 277:         ACCESS not-accessible
 278:         STATUS mandatory
 279:         DESCRIPTION
 280:             "Information about the counters associated with each end
 281:             system that is known to the entity. These counters
 282:             reflect totals from the perspective of the executor
 283:             node."
 284:         ::= { end 2 }
 286:    phivEndCountEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 287:         SYNTAX PhivEndCountEntry
 288:         ACCESS not-accessible
 289:         STATUS mandatory
 290:         DESCRIPTION
 291:             "Information about a particular session between two end
 292:             systems."
 293:         INDEX  { phivEndCountHostNodeID }
 294:         ::= { phivEndCountTable 1 }
 296:    PhivEndCountEntry ::=
 297:         SEQUENCE {
 298:             phivEndCountHostNodeID
 299:                 PhivAddr,
 300:             phivEndCountSecsLastZeroed
 301:                 PhivCounter,
 302:             phivEndCountUsrBytesRec
 303:                 PhivCounter,
 304:             phivEndCountUsrBytesSent
 305:                 PhivCounter,
 306:             phivEndUCountUsrMessRec
 307:                 PhivCounter,
 308:             phivEndCountUsrMessSent
 309:                 PhivCounter,
 310:             phivEndCountTotalBytesRec
 311:                 PhivCounter,
 312:             phivEndCountTotalBytesSent
 313:                 PhivCounter,
 314:             phivEndCountTotalMessRec
 315:                 PhivCounter,
 316:             phivEndCountTotalMessSent
 317:                 PhivCounter,
 318:             phivEndCountConnectsRecd
 319:                 PhivCounter,
 320:             phivEndCountConnectsSent
 321:                 PhivCounter,
 323:             phivEndCountReponseTimeouts
 324:                 PhivCounter,
 325:             phivEndCountRecdConnectResErrs
 326:                 PhivCounter
 327:         }
 329:    phivEndCountHostNodeID OBJECT-TYPE
 330:         SYNTAX PhivAddr -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
 331:         ACCESS read-only
 332:         STATUS mandatory
 333:         DESCRIPTION
 334:             "This value is the address of the remote node to be
 335:             evaluated."
 336:         ::= { phivEndCountEntry 1 }
 338:    phivEndCountSecsLastZeroed OBJECT-TYPE
 339:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
 340:         ACCESS read-only
 341:         STATUS mandatory
 342:         DESCRIPTION
 343:             "This value is the number of seconds that have elapsed
 344:             since the counters for the node in this table row were
 345:             last set to zero. This counter is located in the
 346:             network management layer, but is returned with the
 347:             end system information which follows."
 348:         ::= { phivEndCountEntry 2 }
 350:    phivEndCountUsrBytesRec OBJECT-TYPE
 351:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
 352:         ACCESS read-only
 353:         STATUS mandatory
 354:         DESCRIPTION
 355:             "Number of user bytes received from the target host."
 356:         ::= { phivEndCountEntry 3 }
 358:    phivEndCountUsrBytesSent OBJECT-TYPE
 359:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
 360:         ACCESS read-only
 361:         STATUS mandatory
 362:         DESCRIPTION
 363:             "Number of user bytes sent to the target host."
 364:         ::= { phivEndCountEntry 4 }
 366:    phivEndUCountUsrMessRec OBJECT-TYPE
 367:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
 368:         ACCESS read-only
 369:         STATUS mandatory
 370:         DESCRIPTION
 371:             "Number of user messages received from the target host."
 372:         ::= { phivEndCountEntry 5 }
 374:    phivEndCountUsrMessSent OBJECT-TYPE
 375:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
 376:         ACCESS read-only
 377:         STATUS mandatory
 378:         DESCRIPTION
 379:             "Number of user messages sent to the target host."
 380:         ::= { phivEndCountEntry 6 }
 382:    phivEndCountTotalBytesRec OBJECT-TYPE
 383:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
 384:         ACCESS read-only
 385:         STATUS mandatory
 386:         DESCRIPTION
 387:             "Number of bytes received from the target host."
 388:         ::= { phivEndCountEntry 7 }
 390:    phivEndCountTotalBytesSent OBJECT-TYPE
 391:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
 392:         ACCESS read-only
 393:         STATUS mandatory
 394:         DESCRIPTION
 395:             "Number of bytes sent to the target host."
 396:         ::= { phivEndCountEntry 8 }
 398:    phivEndCountTotalMessRec OBJECT-TYPE
 399:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
 400:         ACCESS read-only
 401:         STATUS mandatory
 402:         DESCRIPTION
 403:             "Number of messages received from the target host."
 404:         ::= { phivEndCountEntry 9 }
 406:    phivEndCountTotalMessSent OBJECT-TYPE
 407:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
 408:         ACCESS read-only
 409:         STATUS mandatory
 410:         DESCRIPTION
 411:             "Number of messages sent to the target host."
 412:         ::= { phivEndCountEntry 10 }
 414:    phivEndCountConnectsRecd OBJECT-TYPE
 415:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
 416:         ACCESS read-only
 417:         STATUS mandatory
 418:         DESCRIPTION
 419:             "Number of connects received from the target host."
 420:         ::= { phivEndCountEntry 11 }
 422:    phivEndCountConnectsSent OBJECT-TYPE
 423:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
 424:         ACCESS read-only
 425:         STATUS mandatory
 426:         DESCRIPTION
 427:             "Number of connects sent to the target host."
 428:         ::= {phivEndCountEntry 12 }
 430:    phivEndCountReponseTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
 431:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
 432:         ACCESS read-only
 433:         STATUS mandatory
 434:         DESCRIPTION
 435:             "Number of response timeouts."
 436:         ::= { phivEndCountEntry 13 }
 438:    phivEndCountRecdConnectResErrs OBJECT-TYPE
 439:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
 440:         ACCESS read-only
 441:         STATUS mandatory
 442:         DESCRIPTION
 443:             "Number of received connect resource errors."
 444:         ::= {phivEndCountEntry 14 }
 446:    -- additional End System objects
 448:    phivEndMaxLinks OBJECT-TYPE
 449:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
 450:         ACCESS read-write
 451:         STATUS mandatory
 452:         DESCRIPTION
 453:             "This value represents the maximum active logical
 454:             link count allowed for the executor."
 455:         ::= { end 3 }
 457:    phivEndNSPVers OBJECT-TYPE
 458:         SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
 459:         ACCESS read-only
 460:         STATUS mandatory
 461:         DESCRIPTION
 462:             "This read-only parameter represents the version number
 463:             of the node End Communication S/W. The format is
 464:             version number, ECO, and user ECO, e.g., 4.1.0"
 465:         ::= { end 4 }
 467:    phivEndRetransmitFactor OBJECT-TYPE
 468:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
 469:         ACCESS read-write
 470:         STATUS mandatory
 471:         DESCRIPTION
 472:             "This value represents the maximum number of times the
 473:             source End Communication at the executor node will
 474:             restart the retransmission timer when it expires. If
 475:             the number is exceeded, Session Control disconnects the
 476:             logical link for the user."
 477:         ::= { end 5 }
 479:    phivEndDelayFact OBJECT-TYPE
 480:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255)
 481:         ACCESS read-write
 482:         STATUS mandatory
 483:         DESCRIPTION
 484:             "This is the number by which to multiply one sixteenth
 485:             of the estimated round trip delay to a node to set the
 486:             retransmission timer to that node."
 487:         ::= { end 6 }
 489:    phivEndDelayWeight OBJECT-TYPE
 490:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255)
 491:         ACCESS read-write
 492:         STATUS mandatory
 493:         DESCRIPTION
 494:             "This number represents the weight to apply to a
 495:             current round trip delay estimate to a remote node
 496:             when updating the estimated round trip delay to a node.
 497:             On some systems the number must be 1 less than a power
 498:             of 2 for computational efficiency."
 499:         ::= { end 7 }
 501:    phivEndInactivityTimer OBJECT-TYPE
 502:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
 503:         ACCESS read-write
 504:         STATUS mandatory
 505:         DESCRIPTION
 506:             "This value represents the maximum duration of inactivity
 507:             (no data in either direction) on a logical link before
 508:             the node checks to see if the logical link still works.
 509:             If no activity occurs within the minimum number of
 510:             seconds, End Communication generates artificial
 511:             traffic to test the link (End Communication
 512:             specification)."
 513:         ::= { end 8 }
 515:    phivEndCountZeroCount OBJECT-TYPE
 516:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
 517:             other (1),
 518:             reset (2)
 519:         }
 520:         ACCESS read-write
 521:         STATUS mandatory
 522:         DESCRIPTION
 523:             "When this value is set to 2, all of the counters in
 524:             the End System Counter Table are set to zero."
 525:         ::= { end 9 }
 527:    phivEndMaxLinksActive OBJECT-TYPE
 528:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
 529:         ACCESS read-write
 530:         STATUS mandatory
 531:         DESCRIPTION
 532:             "This value represents the high water mark for the
 533:             number of links that were active at any one time."
 534:         ::= { end 10 }
 536:    -- Routing Layer Group
 538:    -- The implementation of the Routing Layer Group is mandatory for
 539:    -- all systems that implement level 1 routing layer
 540:    -- communications.
 542:    phivRouteBroadcastRouteTimer OBJECT-TYPE
 543:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
 544:         ACCESS read-write
 545:         STATUS mandatory
 546:         DESCRIPTION
 547:             "This value determines the maximum time in seconds
 548:              allowed between Routing updates on Ethernet
 549:              circuits. When this timer expired before a routing
 550:              update occurs, a routing update is forced.  With a
 551:              standard calculation, Routing also uses this timer
 552:              to enforce a minimum delay between routing updates."
 553:         ::= { routing 1 }
 555:    phivRouteBuffSize OBJECT-TYPE
 556:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
 557:         ACCESS read-write
 558:         STATUS mandatory
 559:         DESCRIPTION
 560:             "This parameter value determines the maximum size of
 561:              a Routing message. It therefore determines the maximum
 562:              size message that can be forwarded.  This size includes
 563:              protocol overhead down to and including the End
 564:              Communication layer, plus a constant value of 6. (This
 565:              value of 6 is included to provide compatibility with
 566:              the parameter definition in Phase III, which included
 567:              the Routing overhead.) It does not include Routing or
 568:              Data link overhead (except for the constant value of
 569:              6). There is one buffer size for all circuits.
 571:              NOTE: The BUFFER SIZE defines the maximum size messages
 572:              that the Routing layer can forward. The SEGMENT BUFFER
 573:              SIZE (defined below) defines the maximum size messages
 574:              that the End Communication layer can transmit or
 575:              receive. The SEGMENT BUFFER SIZE is always less than
 576:              or equal to the BUFFER SIZE. Normally the two
 577:              parameters will be equal. They may be different to
 578:              allow the network manager to alter buffer sizes
 579:              on all nodes without interruption of service. They both
 580:              include an extra 6 bytes for compatibility with Phase
 581:              III."
 582:         ::= { routing 2 }
 584:    phivRouteRoutingVers OBJECT-TYPE
 585:         SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
 586:         ACCESS read-only
 587:         STATUS mandatory
 588:         DESCRIPTION
 589:             "This read-only parameter identifies the executor node's
 590:             Routing version number.  The format is version number,
 591:             ECO, and user ECO, e.g., 4.1.0"
 592:         ::= { routing 3 }
 594:    phivRouteMaxAddr OBJECT-TYPE
 595:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1023)
 596:         ACCESS read-write
 597:         STATUS mandatory
 598:         DESCRIPTION
 599:             "This value represents the largest node number and,
 600:             therefore, number of nodes that can be known about
 601:             by the executor node's home area."
 602:         ::= { routing 4 }
 604:    phivRouteMaxBdcastNonRouters OBJECT-TYPE
 605:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
 606:         ACCESS read-write
 607:         STATUS mandatory
 608:         DESCRIPTION
 609:             "This value represents the maximum total number of
 610:             nonrouters the executor node can have on its Ethernet
 611:             circuits."
 612:         ::= { routing 5 }
 614:    phivRouteMaxBdcastRouters OBJECT-TYPE
 615:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
 616:         ACCESS read-write
 617:         STATUS mandatory
 618:         DESCRIPTION
 619:             "This value represents the maximum total number of
 620:             routers the executor node can have on its Ethernet
 621:             circuits."
 622:         ::= { routing 6 }
 624:    phivRouteMaxBuffs OBJECT-TYPE
 625:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
 626:         ACCESS read-write
 627:         STATUS mandatory
 628:         DESCRIPTION
 629:             "This value represents the maximum number of transmit
 630:             buffers that Routing may use for all circuits."
 631:         ::= { routing 7 }
 633:    phivRouteMaxCircuits OBJECT-TYPE
 634:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
 635:         ACCESS read-write
 636:         STATUS mandatory
 637:         DESCRIPTION
 638:             "This value represents the maximum number of Routing
 639:             circuits that the executor node can know about."
 640:         ::= { routing 8 }
 642:    phivRouteMaxCost OBJECT-TYPE
 643:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1022)
 644:         ACCESS read-write
 645:         STATUS mandatory
 646:         DESCRIPTION
 647:             "This value represents the maximum total path cost
 648:             allowed from the executor to any node within an area.
 649:             The path cost is the sum of the circuit costs along
 650:             a path between two nodes. This parameter defines the
 651:             point where the executor node's Routing routing
 652:             decision algorithm declares another node unreachable
 653:             because the cost of the least costly path to the
 654:             other node is excessive. For correct operation, this
 655:             parameter must not be less than the maximum path cost
 656:             of the network."
 657:         ::= { routing 9 }
 659:    phivRouteMaxHops OBJECT-TYPE
 660:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..30)
 661:         ACCESS read-write
 662:         STATUS mandatory
 663:         DESCRIPTION
 664:             "This value represents the maximum number of routing hops
 665:             allowable from the executor to any other reachable node
 666:             within an area. (A hop is the logical distance over a
 667:             circuit between two adjacent nodes.) This parameter
 668:             defines the point where the executor node's Routing
 669:             routing decision algorithm declares another node
 670:             unreachable because the length of the shortest path
 671:             between the two nodes is too long. For correct
 672:             operation, this parameter must not be less than the
 673:             network diameter. (The network diameter is the
 674:             reachability distance between the two nodes of the
 675:             network having the greatest reachability distance,
 676:             where reachability distance is the length the shortest
 677:             path between a given pair of nodes.)"
 678:         ::= { routing 10 }
 680:    phivRouteMaxVisits OBJECT-TYPE
 681:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..63)
 682:         ACCESS read-write
 683:         STATUS mandatory
 684:         DESCRIPTION
 685:             "This value represents the maximum number of nodes a
 686:             message coming into the executor node can have visited.
 687:             If the message is not for this node and the MAXIMUM
 688:             VISITS number is exceeded, the message is discarded.
 689:             The MAXIMUM VISITS parameter defines the point where
 690:             the packet lifetime control algorithm discards
 691:             a packet that has traversed too many nodes. For correct
 692:             operation, this parameter must not be less than the
 693:             maximum path length of the network. (The maximum path
 694:             length is the routing distance between the two nodes of
 695:             the network having the greatest routing distance, where
 696:             routing distance is the length of the least costly
 697:             path between a given pair of nodes.)"
 698:         ::= { routing 11 }
 700:    phivRouteRoutingTimer OBJECT-TYPE
 701:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
 702:         ACCESS read-write
 703:         STATUS mandatory
 704:         DESCRIPTION
 705:             "This value determines the maximum time in seconds
 706:             allowed between Routing updates on non-Ethernet
 707:             circuits. When this timer expires before a routing
 708:             update occurs, a routing update is forced."
 709:         ::= { routing 12 }
 711:    phivRouteSegBuffSize OBJECT-TYPE
 712:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
 713:         ACCESS read-write
 714:         STATUS mandatory
 715:         DESCRIPTION
 716:             "This parameter value determines the maximum size of an
 717:             end-to-end segment. The size is a decimal integer in
 718:             the range 1-65535. This size is in bytes. This size
 719:             includes protocol overhead down to and including the
 720:             End Communication layer, plus a constant value of 6.
 721:             (This value of 6 is included to provide compatibility
 722:             with the BUFFER SIZE parameter definition.) It does not
 723:             include Routing or Data link overhead (except for the
 724:             constant value of 6)."
 725:         ::= { routing 13 }
 727:    phivRouteType OBJECT-TYPE
 728:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
 729:             routing-III (1),
 730:             nonrouting-III (2),
 731:             area (3),
 732:             routing-IV (4),
 733:             nonrouting-IV (5)
 734:         }
 735:         ACCESS read-only
 736:         STATUS obsolete
 737:         DESCRIPTION
 738:             "This parameter indicates the type of the executor
 739:             node. The node-type is one of the following:
 741:             routing-III
 742:             nonrouting-III
 743:             routing-IV
 744:             ronrouting-IV
 745:             area
 747:             A routing node has full routing capability. A
 748:             nonrouting node contains a subset of the Routing
 749:             routing modules. The III and IV indicate the DNA
 750:             phase of the node. Nonrouting nodes can deliver
 751:             and receive packets to and from any node, but cannot
 752:             route packets from other nodes through to other nodes.
 753:             An area node routes between areas. Refer to the Routing
 754:             specification for details.
 755:             For adjacent nodes, this is a read-only parameter that
 756:             indicates the type of the reachable adjacent node.
 757:             NOTE: The ROUTING-III and NONROUTING-III values are
 758:             incremented by one compared to the standard DECnet
 759:             values in order to maintain compliance with RFC 1155)"
 760:         ::= { routing 14 }
 762:    phivRouteCountAgedPktLoss OBJECT-TYPE
 763:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..127)
 764:         ACCESS read-only
 765:         STATUS mandatory
 766:         DESCRIPTION
 767:             "Number of aged packet losses."
 768:         ::= { routing 15 }
 770:    phivRouteCountNodeUnrPktLoss OBJECT-TYPE
 771:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
 772:         ACCESS read-only
 773:         STATUS mandatory
 774:         DESCRIPTION
 775:             "Number of node unreachable packet losses."
 776:         ::= { routing 16 }
 778:    phivRouteCountOutRngePktLoss OBJECT-TYPE
 779:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..127)
 780:         ACCESS read-only
 781:         STATUS mandatory
 782:         DESCRIPTION
 783:             "Number of node out-of-range packet losses."
 784:         ::= { routing 17 }
 786:    phivRouteCountOverSzePktLoss OBJECT-TYPE
 787:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..127)
 788:         ACCESS read-only
 789:         STATUS mandatory
 790:         DESCRIPTION
 791:             "Number of Oversized packet losses."
 792:         ::= { routing 18 }
 794:    phivRouteCountPacketFmtErr OBJECT-TYPE
 795:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..127)
 796:         ACCESS read-only
 797:         STATUS mandatory
 798:         DESCRIPTION
 799:             "Number of packet format errors."
 800:         ::= { routing 19 }
 802:    phivRouteCountPtlRteUpdtLoss OBJECT-TYPE
 803:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..127)
 804:         ACCESS read-only
 805:         STATUS mandatory
 806:         DESCRIPTION
 807:             "Number of partial routing update losses."
 808:         ::= { routing 20 }
 810:    phivRouteCountVerifReject OBJECT-TYPE
 811:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..127)
 812:         ACCESS read-only
 813:         STATUS mandatory
 814:         DESCRIPTION
 815:             "Number of verification rejects."
 816:         ::= { routing 21 }
 818:    -- Level 1 Routing Table
 820:    phivLevel1RouteTable OBJECT-TYPE
 821:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivLevel1RouteEntry
 822:         ACCESS not-accessible
 823:         STATUS mandatory
 824:         DESCRIPTION
 825:             "Information about the currently known DECnet Phase
 826:             IV Routes."
 827:         ::= { routing 22 }
 829:    phivLevel1RouteEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 830:         SYNTAX PhivLevel1RouteEntry
 831:         ACCESS not-accessible
 832:         STATUS mandatory
 833:         DESCRIPTION
 834:             "Information about the currently known DECnet Phase
 835:             IV Routes."
 836:         INDEX  { phivLevel1RouteNodeAddr }
 837:         ::= { phivLevel1RouteTable 1 }
 839:    PhivLevel1RouteEntry ::=
 840:         SEQUENCE {
 841:             phivLevel1RouteNodeAddr
 842:                 PhivAddr,
 843:             phivLevel1RouteCircuitIndex
 844:                 INTEGER,
 845:             phivLevel1RouteCost
 846:                 INTEGER,
 847:             phivLevel1RouteHops
 848:                 INTEGER,
 849:             phivLevel1RouteNextNode
 850:                 PhivAddr
 851:         }
 853:    phivLevel1RouteNodeAddr OBJECT-TYPE
 854:         SYNTAX PhivAddr -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
 855:         ACCESS read-only
 856:         STATUS mandatory
 857:         DESCRIPTION
 858:             "This value is the address of the node about which
 859:             routing information is contained in this level 1
 860:             routing table."
 861:         ::= { phivLevel1RouteEntry 1 }
 863:    phivLevel1RouteCircuitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
 864:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
 865:         ACCESS read-only
 866:         STATUS mandatory
 867:         DESCRIPTION
 868:             "A unique index value for each known circuit. This is
 869:             the index to the circuit state table and is the same
 870:             value as phivCircuitIndex."
 871:         ::= { phivLevel1RouteEntry 2 }
 873:    phivLevel1RouteCost OBJECT-TYPE
 874:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
 875:         ACCESS read-only
 876:         STATUS mandatory
 877:         DESCRIPTION
 878:             "This read-only parameter represents the total cost
 879:             over the current path to the destination node. Cost is
 880:             a positive integer value associated with using a
 881:             circuit. Routing routes messages (data) along the path
 882:             between two nodes with the smallest cost. COST is kept
 883:             on a remote node basis."
 884:         ::= { phivLevel1RouteEntry 3 }
 886:    phivLevel1RouteHops OBJECT-TYPE
 887:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127)
 888:         ACCESS read-only
 889:         STATUS mandatory
 890:         DESCRIPTION
 891:             "This read-only parameter represents the number of hops
 892:             over to a destination node. A hop is Routing value
 893:             representing the logical distance between two nodes in
 894:             a network. HOPS is kept on a remote node basis."
 895:         ::= { phivLevel1RouteEntry 4 }
 897:    phivLevel1RouteNextNode OBJECT-TYPE
 898:         SYNTAX PhivAddr -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
 899:         ACCESS read-only
 900:         STATUS mandatory
 901:         DESCRIPTION
 902:             "This read-only value indicates the next node on the
 903:             circuit used to get to the node under scrutiny
 904:             (next hop)."
 905:         ::= { phivLevel1RouteEntry 5 }
 907:    -- Additional routing parameters
 909:    phivRouteCountZeroCount OBJECT-TYPE
 910:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
 911:             other (1),
 912:             reset (2)
 913:         }
 914:         ACCESS read-write
 915:         STATUS mandatory
 916:         DESCRIPTION
 917:             "When this value is set to 2, the following objects are
 918:             set to Zero: phivRouteCountAgedPktLoss,
 919:             phivRouteCountNodeUnrPktLoss,
 920:             phivRouteCountOutRngePktLoss,
 921:             phivRouteCountOverSzePktLoss,
 922:             phivRouteCountPacketFmtErr,
 923:             phivRouteCountPtlRteUpdtLoss, and
 924:             phivRouteCountVerifReject."
 925:         ::= { routing 23 }
 927:    phivRouteSystemAddr OBJECT-TYPE
 928:         SYNTAX PhivAddr -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
 929:         ACCESS read-only
 930:         STATUS obsolete
 931:         DESCRIPTION
 932:             "DECnet Phase IV node address."
 933:         ::= { routing 24 }
 935:    phivRouteRoutingType OBJECT-TYPE
 936:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
 937:             routing-III (1),
 938:             nonrouting-III (2),
 939:             area (3),
 940:             routing-IV (4),
 941:             nonrouting-IV (5)
 942:         }
 943:         ACCESS read-write
 944:         STATUS mandatory
 945:         DESCRIPTION
 946:             "This read-write parameter indicates the type of the executor
 947:             node. The node-type is one of the following:
 949:             routing-III
 950:             nonrouting-III
 951:             routing-IV
 952:             ronrouting-IV
 953:             area
 955:             A routing node has full routing capability. A
 956:             nonrouting node contains a subset of the Routing
 957:             routing modules. The III and IV indicate the DNA
 958:             phase of the node. Nonrouting nodes can deliver
 959:             and receive packets to and from any node, but cannot
 960:             route packets from other nodes through to other nodes.
 961:             An area node routes between areas. Refer to the Routing
 962:             specification for details.
 964:             For adjacent nodes, this is a read-only parameter that
 965:             indicates the type of the reachable adjacent node.
 966:             NOTE: The ROUTING-III and NONROUTING-III values are
 967:             incremented by one compared to the standard DECnet
 968:             values in order to maintain compliance with RFC 1155)"
 969:         ::= { routing 25 }
 971:    phivRouteSystemAddress OBJECT-TYPE
 972:         SYNTAX PhivAddr -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
 973:         ACCESS read-write
 974:         STATUS mandatory
 975:         DESCRIPTION
 976:             "DECnet Phase IV node address."
 977:         ::= { routing 26 }
 979:    -- Circuit Group
 981:    -- The implementation of the Circuit Group is mandatory for
 982:    -- all systems.
 984:    -- Circuit Parameters Table
 986:    phivCircuitParametersTable OBJECT-TYPE
 987:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivCircuitParametersEntry
 988:         ACCESS not-accessible
 989:         STATUS mandatory
 990:         DESCRIPTION
 991:             "Information about the parameters associated with all
 992:             circuits currently known."
 993:         ::= {circuit 1 }
 995:    phivCircuitParametersEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 996:         SYNTAX PhivCircuitParametersEntry
 997:         ACCESS not-accessible
 998:         STATUS mandatory
 999:         DESCRIPTION
1000:             "Parameters information about all circuits currently
1001:              known."
1002:         INDEX  { phivCircuitIndex }
1003:         ::= { phivCircuitParametersTable 1 }
1005:    PhivCircuitParametersEntry ::=
1006:         SEQUENCE {
1007:             phivCircuitIndex
1008:                 INTEGER,
1009:             phivCircuitLineIndex
1010:                 INTEGER,
1011:             phivCircuitCommonState
1012:                 INTEGER,
1013:             phivCircuitCommonSubState
1014:                 INTEGER,
1015:             phivCircuitCommonName
1016:                 DisplayString,
1017:             phivCircuitExecRecallTimer
1018:                 INTEGER,
1019:             phivCircuitCommonType
1020:                 INTEGER,
1021:             phivCircuitService
1022:                 INTEGER,
1023:             phivCircuitExecCost
1024:                 INTEGER,
1025:             phivCircuitExecHelloTimer
1026:                 INTEGER
1027:        }
1029:    phivCircuitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1030:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
1031:         ACCESS read-only
1032:         STATUS mandatory
1033:         DESCRIPTION
1034:             "A unique index value for each known circuit."
1035:         ::= { phivCircuitParametersEntry 1 }
1037:    phivCircuitLineIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1038:         SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
1039:         ACCESS read-only
1040:         STATUS mandatory
1041:         DESCRIPTION
1042:             "The line on which this circuit is active.  This is
1043:              the same as the ifIndex."
1044:         ::= { phivCircuitParametersEntry 2 }
1044: error - type of `phivCircuitLineIndex' in sequence and object type definition do not match
1046:    phivCircuitCommonState OBJECT-TYPE
1047:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
1048:             on (1),
1049:             off (2),
1050:             service (3),
1051:             cleared (4)
1052:         }
1053:         ACCESS read-write
1054:         STATUS mandatory
1055:         DESCRIPTION
1056:             "This value represents the circuit's Network Management
1057:             operational state. NOTE: These values are incremented
1058:             by one compared to the standard DECnet values in order
1059:             to maintain compliance with RFC 1155."
1060:         ::= { phivCircuitParametersEntry 3 }
1062:    phivCircuitCommonSubState OBJECT-TYPE
1063:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
1064:             starting (1),
1065:             reflecting (2),
1066:             looping (3),
1067:             loading (4),
1068:             dumping (5),
1069:             triggering (6),
1070:             autoservice (7),
1071:             autoloading (8),
1072:             autodumping (9),
1073:             autotriggering (10),
1074:             synchronizing (11),
1075:             failed (12),
1076:             running (13)
1077:         }
1078:         ACCESS read-only
1079:         STATUS mandatory
1080:         DESCRIPTION
1081:             "This value represents the circuit's Network Management
1082:             operational and service substate. NOTE: These values are
1083:             incremented by one compared to the standard DECnet values
1084:             in order to maintain compliance with RFC 1155."
1085:         ::= { phivCircuitParametersEntry 4 }
1087:    phivCircuitCommonName OBJECT-TYPE
1088:         SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16))
1089:         ACCESS read-only
1090:         STATUS mandatory
1091:         DESCRIPTION
1092:             "The name of the circuit entry in the table, for example,
1093:              SVA-0 or in a level 2 router ASYNC-8 or ETHER-1)."
1094:         ::= { phivCircuitParametersEntry 5 }
1096:    phivCircuitExecRecallTimer OBJECT-TYPE
1097:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
1098:         ACCESS read-write
1099:         STATUS mandatory
1100:         DESCRIPTION
1101:             "This parameter represents the minimum number of
1102:             seconds to wait before restarting the circuit.  A
1103:             value of 0 indicates not timer is running."
1104:         ::= { phivCircuitParametersEntry 6 }
1106:    phivCircuitCommonType OBJECT-TYPE
1107:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
1108:             ddcmp-point (1),
1109:             ddcmp-control (2),
1110:             ddcmp-tributary (3),
1111:             x25 (4),
1112:             ddcmp-dmc (5),
1113:             ethernet (6),
1114:             ci (7),
1115:             qp2-dte20 (8),
1116:             bisync (9),
1117:             other (14),
1118:             fddi (15)
1119:         }
1120:         ACCESS read-only
1121:         STATUS mandatory
1122:         DESCRIPTION
1123:             "Represents the type of the circuit. For X.25 circuits,
1124:             the value must be set to X25. For DDCMP and Ethernet
1125:             circuits it is read only and is the same value as the
1126:             protocol of the associated line.
1127:             NOTE: Values 1 - 5 are incremented by one compared to the
1128:             standard DECnet values in order to maintain compliance
1129:             with RFC 1155."
1130:         ::= { phivCircuitParametersEntry 7 }
1132:    phivCircuitService  OBJECT-TYPE
1133:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
1134:             enabled (1),
1135:             disabled (2)
1136:         }
1137:         ACCESS read-write
1138:         STATUS mandatory
1139:         DESCRIPTION
1140:             "This value indicates whether or not Network Management
1141:             allows service operations on a circuit. The values for
1142:             service-control are as follows:
1144:             ENABLED     SERVICE state and/or service functions are
1145:                         allowed.
1147:             DISABLED    SERVICE state and/or service functions are not
1148:                         allowed.
1150:             NOTE: These values are incremented by one compared to the
1151:             standard DECnet values in order to maintain compliance
1152:             with RFC 1155."
1153:         ::= { phivCircuitParametersEntry 8 }
1155:    phivCircuitExecCost OBJECT-TYPE
1156:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..25)
1157:         ACCESS read-write
1158:         STATUS mandatory
1159:         DESCRIPTION
1160:             "This value represents the routing cost of the circuit.
1161:             Routing sends messages along the path between two nodes
1162:             having the smallest cost."
1163:         ::= { phivCircuitParametersEntry 9 }
1165:    phivCircuitExecHelloTimer OBJECT-TYPE
1166:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..8191)
1167:         ACCESS read-write
1168:         STATUS mandatory
1169:         DESCRIPTION
1170:             "This value determines the frequency of Routing Hello
1171:             messages sent to the adjacent node on the circuit."
1172:         ::= { phivCircuitParametersEntry 10 }
1174:    -- Circuit Counters Table
1176:    phivCircuitCountTable OBJECT-TYPE
1177:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivCircuitCountEntry
1178:         ACCESS not-accessible
1179:         STATUS mandatory
1180:         DESCRIPTION
1181:             "Information about the counters associated with all
1182:             circuits currently known."
1183:         ::= { circuit 2 }
1185:           phivCircuitCountEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1186:         SYNTAX PhivCircuitCountEntry
1187:         ACCESS not-accessible
1188:         STATUS mandatory
1189:         DESCRIPTION
1190:             "Counter information about all circuits currently known"
1191:         INDEX     { phivCircuitIndex }
1192:         ::= { phivCircuitCountTable 1 }
1194:    PhivCircuitCountEntry ::=
1195:         SEQUENCE {
1196:             phivCircuitCountSecLastZeroed
1197:                 PhivCounter,
1198:             phivCircuitCountTermPacketsRecd
1199:                 PhivCounter,
1200:             phivCircuitCountOriginPackSent
1201:                 PhivCounter,
1202:             phivCircuitCountTermCongLoss
1203:                 PhivCounter,
1204:             phivCircuitCountCorruptLoss
1205:                 PhivCounter,
1206:             phivCircuitCountTransitPksRecd
1207:                 PhivCounter,
1208:             phivCircuitCountTransitPkSent
1209:                 PhivCounter,
1210:             phivCircuitCountTransitCongestLoss
1211:                 PhivCounter,
1212:             phivCircuitCountCircuitDown
1213:                 PhivCounter,
1214:             phivCircuitCountInitFailure
1215:                 PhivCounter,
1216:             phivCircuitCountAdjDown
1217:                 PhivCounter,
1218:             phivCircuitCountPeakAdj
1219:                 PhivCounter,
1220:             phivCircuitCountBytesRecd
1221:                 PhivCounter,
1222:             phivCircuitCountBytesSent
1223:                 PhivCounter,
1224:             phivCircuitCountDataBlocksRecd
1225:                 PhivCounter,
1226:             phivCircuitCountDataBlocksSent
1227:                 PhivCounter,
1228:             phivCircuitCountUsrBuffUnav
1229:                 PhivCounter
1230:         }
1232:    phivCircuitCountSecLastZeroed  OBJECT-TYPE
1233:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
1234:         ACCESS read-only
1235:         STATUS mandatory
1236:         DESCRIPTION
1237:             "Number of seconds since the circuit counters for this
1238:             circuit were last zeroed."
1239:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 1 }
1241:    phivCircuitCountTermPacketsRecd OBJECT-TYPE
1242:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
1243:         ACCESS read-only
1244:         STATUS mandatory
1245:         DESCRIPTION
1246:             "Number of terminating packets received on this circuit."
1247:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 2 }
1249:    phivCircuitCountOriginPackSent OBJECT-TYPE
1250:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
1251:         ACCESS read-only
1252:         STATUS mandatory
1253:         DESCRIPTION
1254:             "Number of originating packets sent on this circuit."
1255:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 3 }
1257:    phivCircuitCountTermCongLoss OBJECT-TYPE
1258:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
1259:         ACCESS read-only
1260:         STATUS mandatory
1261:         DESCRIPTION
1262:             "Number of terminating congestion losses on this
1263:             circuit."
1264:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 4 }
1266:    phivCircuitCountCorruptLoss OBJECT-TYPE
1267:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..255)
1268:         ACCESS read-only
1269:         STATUS mandatory
1270:         DESCRIPTION
1271:             "Number of corruption losses on this circuit."
1272:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 5 }
1274:    phivCircuitCountTransitPksRecd OBJECT-TYPE
1275:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
1276:         ACCESS read-only
1277:         STATUS mandatory
1278:         DESCRIPTION
1279:             "Number of Transit packets received on this circuit."
1280:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 6 }
1282:    phivCircuitCountTransitPkSent OBJECT-TYPE
1283:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
1284:         ACCESS read-only
1285:         STATUS mandatory
1286:         DESCRIPTION
1287:             "Number of transit packets sent on this circuit."
1288:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 7 }
1290:    phivCircuitCountTransitCongestLoss OBJECT-TYPE
1291:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
1292:         ACCESS read-only
1293:         STATUS mandatory
1294:         DESCRIPTION
1295:             "Number of transit congestion losses on this circuit."
1296:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 8 }
1298:    phivCircuitCountCircuitDown OBJECT-TYPE
1299:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..255)
1300:         ACCESS read-only
1301:         STATUS mandatory
1302:         DESCRIPTION
1303:             "Number of circuit downs on this circuit."
1304:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 9 }
1306:    phivCircuitCountInitFailure OBJECT-TYPE
1307:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..255)
1308:         ACCESS read-only
1309:         STATUS mandatory
1310:         DESCRIPTION
1311:             "Number of Initialization failures on this circuit."
1312:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 10 }
1314:    phivCircuitCountAdjDown OBJECT-TYPE
1315:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
1316:         ACCESS read-only
1317:         STATUS mandatory
1318:         DESCRIPTION
1319:             "This counter indicates the number of adjacency losses
1320:             that result from any of the following:
1321:                  Node listener timeout
1322:                  Invalid data received at node listener
1323:                  Unexpected control (initialization or verification)
1324:                      message received
1325:                  Routing message received with a checksum error
1326:                  Node identification from a routing message or a
1327:                  Hello message that is not the one expected Hello
1328:                  message received indicating that connectivity
1329:                  became one-way
1330:                  Adjacency idled."
1331:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 11 }
1333:    phivCircuitCountPeakAdj OBJECT-TYPE
1334:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
1335:         ACCESS read-only
1336:         STATUS mandatory
1337:         DESCRIPTION
1338:             "This counter indicates the maximum number of nodes
1339:             that are up on the circuit."
1340:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 12 }
1342:    phivCircuitCountBytesRecd OBJECT-TYPE
1343:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
1344:         ACCESS read-only
1345:         STATUS mandatory
1346:         DESCRIPTION
1347:             "Number of bytes received on this circuit."
1348:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 13 }
1350:    phivCircuitCountBytesSent OBJECT-TYPE
1351:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
1352:         ACCESS read-only
1353:         STATUS mandatory
1354:         DESCRIPTION
1355:             "Number of bytes sent on this circuit."
1356:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 14 }
1358:    phivCircuitCountDataBlocksRecd OBJECT-TYPE
1359:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
1360:         ACCESS read-only
1361:         STATUS mandatory
1362:         DESCRIPTION
1363:             "Number of data blocks received on this circuit."
1364:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 15 }
1366:    phivCircuitCountDataBlocksSent OBJECT-TYPE
1367:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
1368:         ACCESS read-only
1369:         STATUS mandatory
1370:         DESCRIPTION
1371:             "Number of data blocks sent on this circuit."
1372:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 16 }
1374:    phivCircuitCountUsrBuffUnav OBJECT-TYPE
1375:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
1376:         ACCESS read-only
1377:         STATUS mandatory
1378:         DESCRIPTION
1379:             "Number of user buffer unavailable errors."
1380:         ::= { phivCircuitCountEntry 17 }
1382:    -- Additional Circuit Parameters
1384:    phivCircuitOrigQueueLimit OBJECT-TYPE
1385:         SYNTAX INTEGER
1386:         ACCESS read-write
1387:         STATUS mandatory
1388:         DESCRIPTION
1389:             "This parameter indicates the maximum number of
1390:             originating packets that may be outstanding on this
1391:             circuit. This does not include route-thru traffic."
1392:         ::= { circuit 3 }
1394:    phivCircuitCountZeroCount OBJECT-TYPE
1395:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
1396:             other (1),
1397:             reset (2)
1398:         }
1399:         ACCESS read-write
1400:         STATUS mandatory
1401:         DESCRIPTION
1402:             "When this value is set to 2, all of the counters in the
1403:             Circuit Counter Table are set to zero."
1404:         ::= { circuit 4 }
1406:    -- DDCMP Circuit Group
1408:    -- The implementation of the DDCMP Circuit Group is optional.
1409:    -- A system can be said to implement this group if and only if
1410:    -- all objects in this group are implemented.
1412:    -- DDCMP Parameters Table
1414:    phivDDCMPCircuitParametersTable OBJECT-TYPE
1415:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivDDCMPCircuitParametersEntry
1416:         ACCESS not-accessible
1417:         STATUS mandatory
1418:         DESCRIPTION
1419:             "Information about DDCMP circuit parameters."
1420:         ::= { ddcmp 1}
1422:    phivDDCMPCircuitParametersEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1423:         SYNTAX PhivDDCMPCircuitParametersEntry
1424:         ACCESS not-accessible
1425:         STATUS mandatory
1426:         DESCRIPTION
1427:             "Parameters information about DDCMP circuits currently
1428:              known."
1429:         INDEX     { phivDDCMPCircuitIndex }
1430:         ::= { phivDDCMPCircuitParametersTable 1 }
1432:    PhivDDCMPCircuitParametersEntry ::=
1433:         SEQUENCE {
1434:             phivDDCMPCircuitIndex
1435:                 INTEGER,
1436:             phivDDCMPCircuitAdjNodeAddr
1437:                 INTEGER,
1438:             phivDDCMPCircuitTributary
1439:                 INTEGER
1440:         }
1442:    phivDDCMPCircuitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1443:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
1444:         ACCESS read-only
1445:         STATUS mandatory
1446:         DESCRIPTION
1447:             "A unique index value for each known DDCMP circuit.
1448:             This is the same value as phivCircuitIndex."
1449:         ::= { phivDDCMPCircuitParametersEntry 1 }
1451:    phivDDCMPCircuitAdjNodeAddr OBJECT-TYPE
1452:         SYNTAX PhivAddr -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
1453:         ACCESS read-only
1454:         STATUS mandatory
1455:         DESCRIPTION
1456:             "The address of the adjacent node."
1457:         ::= { phivDDCMPCircuitParametersEntry 2 }
1457: error - type of `phivDDCMPCircuitAdjNodeAddr' in sequence and object type definition do not match
1459:    phivDDCMPCircuitTributary OBJECT-TYPE
1460:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
1461:         ACCESS read-only
1462:         STATUS mandatory
1463:         DESCRIPTION
1464:             "This value represents the Data Link physical tributary
1465:             address of the circuit."
1466:         ::= { phivDDCMPCircuitParametersEntry 3 }
1468:    -- DDCMP Circuit Counter Table
1470:    phivDDCMPCircuitCountTable OBJECT-TYPE
1471:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivDDCMPCircuitCountEntry
1472:         ACCESS not-accessible
1473:         STATUS mandatory
1474:         DESCRIPTION
1475:             "Information about the DDCMP counters associated with all
1476:             circuits currently known."
1477:         ::= { ddcmp 2 }
1479:    phivDDCMPCircuitCountEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1480:         SYNTAX PhivDDCMPCircuitCountEntry
1481:         ACCESS not-accessible
1482:         STATUS mandatory
1483:         DESCRIPTION
1484:             "Counter information about DDCMP circuits now known"
1485:         INDEX     { phivCircuitIndex }
1486:         ::= { phivDDCMPCircuitCountTable 1 }
1488:    PhivDDCMPCircuitCountEntry ::=
1489:         SEQUENCE {
1490:             phivDDCMPCircuitErrorsInbd
1491:                 PhivCounter,
1492:             phivDDCMPCircuitErrorsOutbd
1493:                 PhivCounter,
1494:             phivDDCMPCircuitRmteReplyTimeouts
1495:                 PhivCounter,
1496:             phivDDCMPCircuitLocalReplyTimeouts
1497:                 PhivCounter,
1498:             phivDDCMPCircuitRmteBuffErrors
1499:                 PhivCounter,
1500:             phivDDCMPCircuitLocalBuffErrors
1501:                 PhivCounter,
1502:             phivDDCMPCircuitSelectIntervalsElap
1503:                 PhivCounter,
1504:             phivDDCMPCircuitSelectTimeouts
1505:                 PhivCounter
1506:         }
1508:    phivDDCMPCircuitErrorsInbd OBJECT-TYPE
1509:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..255)
1510:         ACCESS read-only
1511:         STATUS mandatory
1512:         DESCRIPTION
1513:             "Number of Data errors inbound."
1514:         ::= { phivDDCMPCircuitCountEntry 1 }
1516:    phivDDCMPCircuitErrorsOutbd OBJECT-TYPE
1517:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..255)
1518:         ACCESS read-only
1519:         STATUS mandatory
1520:         DESCRIPTION
1521:             "Number of outbound data errors."
1522:         ::= { phivDDCMPCircuitCountEntry 2 }
1524:    phivDDCMPCircuitRmteReplyTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
1525:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..255)
1526:         ACCESS read-only
1527:         STATUS mandatory
1528:         DESCRIPTION
1529:             "Number of remote reply timeouts."
1530:         ::= { phivDDCMPCircuitCountEntry 3 }
1532:    phivDDCMPCircuitLocalReplyTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
1533:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..255)
1534:         ACCESS read-only
1535:         STATUS mandatory
1536:         DESCRIPTION
1537:             "Number of local Reply timeouts."
1538:         ::= { phivDDCMPCircuitCountEntry 4 }
1540:    phivDDCMPCircuitRmteBuffErrors OBJECT-TYPE
1541:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..255)
1542:         ACCESS read-only
1543:         STATUS mandatory
1544:         DESCRIPTION
1545:             "Number of remote reply time out errors."
1546:         ::= { phivDDCMPCircuitCountEntry 5 }
1548:    phivDDCMPCircuitLocalBuffErrors  OBJECT-TYPE
1549:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..255)
1550:         ACCESS read-only
1551:         STATUS mandatory
1552:         DESCRIPTION
1553:             "Number of local buffer errors."
1554:         ::= { phivDDCMPCircuitCountEntry 6 }
1556:    phivDDCMPCircuitSelectIntervalsElap OBJECT-TYPE
1557:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
1558:         ACCESS read-only
1559:         STATUS mandatory
1560:         DESCRIPTION
1561:             "Selection intervals that have elapsed."
1562:         ::= {phivDDCMPCircuitCountEntry 7 }
1564:    phivDDCMPCircuitSelectTimeouts OBJECT-TYPE
1565:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
1566:         ACCESS read-only
1567:         STATUS mandatory
1568:         DESCRIPTION
1569:             "Number of selection timeouts."
1570:         ::= {phivDDCMPCircuitCountEntry 8 }
1570: error - type of `phivDDCMPCircuitSelectTimeouts' in sequence and object type definition do not match
1572:    -- DDCMP Line Count Table
1574:    phivDDCMPLineCountTable OBJECT-TYPE
1575:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivDDCMPLineCountEntry
1576:         ACCESS not-accessible
1577:         STATUS mandatory
1578:         DESCRIPTION
1579:             "The DDCMP Line Count Table."
1580:         ::= { ddcmp 3 }
1582:    phivDDCMPLineCountEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1583:         SYNTAX PhivDDCMPLineCountEntry
1584:         ACCESS not-accessible
1585:         STATUS mandatory
1586:         DESCRIPTION
1587:             "There is one entry in the table for each line."
1588:         INDEX  { phivDDCMPLineCountIndex }
1589:         ::= { phivDDCMPLineCountTable 1 }
1591:    PhivDDCMPLineCountEntry ::=
1592:         SEQUENCE {
1593:             phivDDCMPLineCountIndex
1594:                 InterfaceIndex,
1595:             phivDDCMPLineCountDataErrsIn
1596:                 PhivCounter,
1597:             phivDDCMPLineCountRmteStationErrs
1598:                 PhivCounter,
1599:             phivDDCMPLineCountLocalStationErrs
1600:                 PhivCounter
1601:         }
1603:    phivDDCMPLineCountIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1603: error - index element `phivDDCMPLineCountIndex' of row `phivDDCMPLineCountEntry' must have a range restriction
1604:         SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
1605:         ACCESS read-only
1606:         STATUS mandatory
1607:         DESCRIPTION
1608:             "The line on which this entry's equivalence is
1609:             effective. The interface identified by a particular
1610:             value of this index is the same interface as
1611:             identified by the same value of phivLineIndex.
1612:             This value is the ifIndex."
1613:         ::= { phivDDCMPLineCountEntry 1 }
1615:    phivDDCMPLineCountDataErrsIn OBJECT-TYPE
1616:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..255)
1617:         ACCESS read-only
1618:         STATUS mandatory
1619:         DESCRIPTION
1620:             "Number of data errors inbound."
1621:         ::= { phivDDCMPLineCountEntry 2 }
1623:    phivDDCMPLineCountRmteStationErrs OBJECT-TYPE
1624:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..255)
1625:         ACCESS read-only
1626:         STATUS mandatory
1627:         DESCRIPTION
1628:             "Number of remote station errors."
1629:         ::= { phivDDCMPLineCountEntry 3 }
1631:    phivDDCMPLineCountLocalStationErrs OBJECT-TYPE
1632:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..255)
1633:         ACCESS read-only
1634:         STATUS mandatory
1635:         DESCRIPTION
1636:              "Number of local station errors."
1637:         ::= { phivDDCMPLineCountEntry 4 }
1639:    -- DDCMP Multipoint Circuit Control Group
1641:    -- The implementation of the DDCMP Multipoint Circuit Control
1642:    -- Group is optional.  A system can be said to implement this group
1643:    -- if and only if all objects in this group are implemented.
1645:    phivControlSchedTimer OBJECT-TYPE
1646:         SYNTAX INTEGER (50..65535)
1647:         ACCESS read-only
1648:         STATUS mandatory
1649:         DESCRIPTION
1650:             "This value represents the number of milliseconds
1651:             between recalculation of tributary polling priorities."
1652:         DEFVAL { 200 }
1653:         ::= { control 1 }
1655:    phivControlDeadTimer OBJECT-TYPE
1656:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
1657:         ACCESS read-only
1658:         STATUS mandatory
1659:         DESCRIPTION
1660:             "This value represents the number of milliseconds
1661:             between polls of one of the set of dead
1662:             tributaries."
1663:         DEFVAL { 10000 }
1664:         ::= { control 2 }
1666:    phivControlDelayTimer OBJECT-TYPE
1667:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
1668:         ACCESS read-only
1669:         STATUS mandatory
1670:         DESCRIPTION
1671:             "This value represents the minimum number of
1672:             milliseconds to delay between polls. The delay timer
1673:             limits the effect of a very fast control station on
1674:             slow tributaries."
1675:         ::= { control 3 }
1677:    phivControlStreamTimer OBJECT-TYPE
1678:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
1679:         ACCESS read-only
1680:         STATUS mandatory
1681:         DESCRIPTION
1682:             "This value represents the number of milliseconds a
1683:             tributary or a half duplex remote station is
1684:             allowed to hold the line.
1686:             NOTE: This parameter can also be applied to
1687:             half-duplex lines of type DDCMP POINT."
1688:         DEFVAL { 6000 }
1689:         ::= { control 4 }
1691:    -- DDCMP Multipoint Circuit Control Parameters Table
1693:    phivControlParametersTable OBJECT-TYPE
1694:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivControlParametersEntry
1695:         ACCESS not-accessible
1696:         STATUS mandatory
1697:         DESCRIPTION
1698:             "Information about control circuit parameters."
1699:         ::= { control 5 }
1701:    phivControlParametersEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1702:         SYNTAX PhivControlParametersEntry
1703:         ACCESS not-accessible
1704:         STATUS mandatory
1705:         DESCRIPTION
1706:             "Parameters information about control circuits
1707:             currently known."
1708:         INDEX  { phivControlCircuitIndex }
1709:         ::= { phivControlParametersTable 1 }
1711:    PhivControlParametersEntry ::=
1712:         SEQUENCE {
1713:             phivControlCircuitIndex
1714:                 INTEGER,
1716:             phivControlBabbleTimer
1717:                 INTEGER,
1718:             phivControlMaxBuffs
1719:                 INTEGER,
1720:             phivControlMaxTransmits
1721:                 INTEGER,
1722:             phivControlDyingBase
1723:                 INTEGER,
1724:             phivControlDyingIncrement
1725:                 INTEGER,
1726:             phivControlDeadThreshold
1727:                 INTEGER,
1728:             phivControlDyingThreshold
1729:                 INTEGER,
1730:             phivControlInactTreshold
1731:                 INTEGER,
1732:             phivControlPollingState
1733:                 INTEGER,
1734:             phivControlPollingSubState
1735:                 INTEGER,
1736:             phivControlTransTimer
1737:                 INTEGER
1738:         }
1740:    phivControlCircuitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1741:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
1742:         ACCESS read-only
1743:         STATUS mandatory
1744:         DESCRIPTION
1745:             "A unique index value for each known multipoint
1746:             control circuit.
1747:             This is the same value as phivCircuitIndex."
1748:         ::= { phivControlParametersEntry 1 }
1750:    phivControlBabbleTimer OBJECT-TYPE
1751:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
1752:         ACCESS read-write
1753:         STATUS mandatory
1754:         DESCRIPTION
1755:             "This value represents the number of milliseconds that a
1756:             selected tributary or remote half-duplex station is
1757:             allowed to transmit."
1758:         DEFVAL { 6000 }
1759:         ::= { phivControlParametersEntry 2 }
1761:    phivControlMaxBuffs  OBJECT-TYPE
1762:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..254)
1763:         ACCESS read-write
1764:         STATUS mandatory
1765:         DESCRIPTION
1766:             "This value represents the maximum number of buffers the
1767:             tributary can use from a common buffer pool. If not
1768:             set, there is no common buffer pool and buffers are
1769:             explicitly supplied by the higher level. Count is a
1770:             decimal integer in the range 1-254."
1771:         ::= { phivControlParametersEntry 3 }
1773:    phivControlMaxTransmits  OBJECT-TYPE
1774:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..255)
1775:         ACCESS read-write
1776:         STATUS mandatory
1777:         DESCRIPTION
1778:             "This value represents the maximum number of data
1779:             messages that can be transmitted at one time. Count
1780:             is a decimal integer in the range 1-255."
1781:         DEFVAL { 4 }
1782:         ::= { phivControlParametersEntry 4 }
1784:    phivControlDyingBase OBJECT-TYPE
1785:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
1786:         ACCESS read-write
1787:         STATUS mandatory
1788:         DESCRIPTION
1789:             "This value represents the base priority to which a
1790:             tributary is reset each time it has been polled. A
1791:             separate base can be set for each of the indicated
1792:             polling states. Base is a decimal integer in the range
1793:             0-255.  If not set, the defaults are: active, 255;
1794:             inactive, 0; and dying, 0."
1795:         ::= { phivControlParametersEntry 5 }
1797:    phivControlDyingIncrement OBJECT-TYPE
1798:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
1799:         ACCESS read-write
1800:         STATUS mandatory
1801:         DESCRIPTION
1802:             "This value represents the increment added to the
1803:             tributary priority each time the scheduling timer
1804:             expires.  If not set, the defaults are: active, 0;
1805:             inactive, 64; and dying, 16."
1806:         ::= { phivControlParametersEntry 6 }
1808:    phivControlDeadThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
1809:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
1810:         ACCESS read-write
1811:         STATUS mandatory
1812:         DESCRIPTION
1813:             "This value represents the number of times to poll the
1814:             active, inactive, or dying tributary before changing
1815:             its polling state to dead because of receive timeouts.
1816:             Count is a decimal integer in the range 0-255."
1817:         DEFVAL { 8 }
1818:         ::= { phivControlParametersEntry 7 }
1820:    phivControlDyingThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
1821:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
1822:         ACCESS read-write
1823:         STATUS mandatory
1824:         DESCRIPTION
1825:             "This value represents the number of times to poll the
1826:             active or inactive tributary before changing its
1827:             polling state to dying because of receive timeouts.
1828:             Count is a decimal integer in the range 0-255."
1829:         DEFVAL { 2 }
1830:         ::= { phivControlParametersEntry 8 }
1832:    phivControlInactTreshold OBJECT-TYPE
1833:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
1834:         ACCESS read-write
1835:         STATUS mandatory
1836:         DESCRIPTION
1837:             "This value represents the number of times to poll the
1838:             active tributary before changing its polling state to
1839:             inactive because of no data response. Count is a
1840:             decimal integer in the range
1841:             0-255."
1842:         DEFVAL { 8 }
1843:         ::= { phivControlParametersEntry 9 }
1845:    phivControlPollingState OBJECT-TYPE
1846:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
1847:             automatic (1),
1848:             active (2),
1849:             inactive (3),
1850:             dying (4),
1851:             dead (5)
1852:         }
1853:         ACCESS read-write
1854:         STATUS mandatory
1855:         DESCRIPTION
1856:             "This value represents the state of the tributary
1857:             relative to the multipoint polling algorithm.  If not
1858:             set the default is AUTOMATIC. The possible states are:
1859:             AUTOMATIC
1861:               The tributary's state is allowed to vary according to
1862:               the operation of the polling algorithm.
1866:               The tributary is locked in the specified state.
1868:              NOTE: These values are incremented by one compared to
1869:              the standard DECnet values in order to maintain
1870:              compliance with RFC 1155."
1871:         ::= { phivControlParametersEntry 10 }
1873:    phivControlPollingSubState OBJECT-TYPE
1874:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
1875:             active (1),
1876:             inactive (2),
1877:             dying (3),
1878:             dead (4)
1879:         }
1880:         ACCESS read-only
1881:         STATUS mandatory
1882:         DESCRIPTION
1883:             "This value represents the tributary's state as
1884:             determined by the polling algorithm.  This applies
1885:             only when the polling state is AUTOMATIC and is
1886:             read-only to Network Management.  Polling-substate is
1887:             one of ACTIVE, INACTIVE, DYING, or DEAD.  It is
1888:             displayed as a tag on the polling state, for example:
1889:             AUTOMATIC-INACTIVE."
1890:         ::= { phivControlParametersEntry 11 }
1892:    phivControlTransTimer OBJECT-TYPE
1893:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
1894:         ACCESS read-write
1895:         STATUS mandatory
1896:         DESCRIPTION
1897:             "This value represents the number of milliseconds to
1898:             delay between data message transmits. Milliseconds is
1899:             a decimal integer in the range 0-65535."
1900:         DEFVAL { 0 }
1901:         ::= { phivControlParametersEntry 12 }
1903:    -- Ethernet Group
1905:    -- The implementation of the Ethernet Group is mandatory
1906:    -- for all systems which support ethernet links.
1907:    -- Ethernet Parameters Table
1909:    phivEthLinkParametersTable OBJECT-TYPE
1910:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivEthLinkParametersEntry
1911:         ACCESS not-accessible
1912:         STATUS mandatory
1913:         DESCRIPTION
1914:              "Information about ethernet link parameters."
1915:         ::= { ethernet 1}
1917:    phivEthLinkParametersEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1918:         SYNTAX PhivEthLinkParametersEntry
1919:         ACCESS not-accessible
1920:         STATUS mandatory
1921:         DESCRIPTION
1922:             "Parameter information about ethernet links currently
1923:             known."
1924:         INDEX     { phivEthLinkIndex }
1925:         ::= { phivEthLinkParametersTable 1 }
1927:    PhivEthLinkParametersEntry ::=
1928:         SEQUENCE {
1929:             phivEthLinkIndex
1930:                 INTEGER,
1931:             phivEthDesigRouterNodeAddr
1932:                 PhivAddr,
1933:             phivEthMaxRouters
1934:                 INTEGER,
1935:             phivEthRouterPri
1936:                 INTEGER,
1937:             phivEthHardwareAddr
1938:                 OCTET STRING
1939:          }
1941:    phivEthLinkIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1942:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
1943:         ACCESS read-only
1944:         STATUS mandatory
1945:         DESCRIPTION
1946:             "The circuit over which this links information is
1947:             collected.  This is the same as phivCircuitIndex."
1948:         ::= { phivEthLinkParametersEntry 1 }
1950:    phivEthDesigRouterNodeAddr OBJECT-TYPE
1951:         SYNTAX PhivAddr -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
1952:         ACCESS read-only
1953:         STATUS mandatory
1954:         DESCRIPTION
1955:             "This value is the address of the designated router."
1956:         ::= { phivEthLinkParametersEntry 2 }
1958:    phivEthMaxRouters OBJECT-TYPE
1959:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
1960:         ACCESS read-write
1961:         STATUS mandatory
1962:         DESCRIPTION
1963:             "This parameter is the maximum number of routers (other
1964:              than the executor itself) allowed on the circuit by
1965:              Routing for circuits that are owned by the executor
1966:              node."
1967:         ::= { phivEthLinkParametersEntry 3 }
1969:    phivEthRouterPri OBJECT-TYPE
1970:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..127)
1971:         ACCESS read-write
1972:         STATUS mandatory
1973:         DESCRIPTION
1974:             "This parameter is the priority that this router is to
1975:              have in the selection of designated router for the
1976:              circuit on circuits that are owned by the executor
1977:              node."
1978:         DEFVAL { 64 }
1979:         ::= { phivEthLinkParametersEntry 4 }
1981:    phivEthHardwareAddr OBJECT-TYPE
1982:         SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
1983:         ACCESS read-only
1984:         STATUS mandatory
1985:         DESCRIPTION
1986:             "This read-only parameter is the address that is
1987:             associated with the line device hardware as seen by
1988:             the DECnet Software.  This value is not the same as
1989:             ifPhysAddress."
1990:         ::= { phivEthLinkParametersEntry 5 }
1992:    -- Counters Group
1994:    -- The implementation of the Counters Group is optional.
1995:    -- A system can be said to implement this group if and only if
1996:    -- all objects in this group are implemented.
1998:    -- Counters Table
2000:    phivCountersCountTable OBJECT-TYPE
2001:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivCountersCountEntry
2002:         ACCESS not-accessible
2003:         STATUS mandatory
2004:         DESCRIPTION
2005:             "Information about ethernet link counters."
2006:         ::= { counters 1 }
2008:    phivCountersCountEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2009:         SYNTAX PhivCountersCountEntry
2010:         ACCESS not-accessible
2011:         STATUS mandatory
2012:         DESCRIPTION
2013:             "Counter information about ethernet links currently
2014:             known."
2015:         INDEX     { phivCountersIndex }
2016:         ::= { phivCountersCountTable 1 }
2018:    PhivCountersCountEntry ::=
2019:         SEQUENCE {
2020:             phivCountersIndex
2021:                 InterfaceIndex,
2022:             phivCountersCountBytesRecd
2023:                 PhivCounter,
2024:             phivCountersCountBytesSent
2025:                 PhivCounter,
2026:             phivCountersCountDataBlocksRecd
2027:                 PhivCounter,
2028:             phivCountersCountDataBlocksSent
2029:                 PhivCounter,
2030:             phivCountersCountEthUsrBuffUnav
2031:                 PhivCounter,
2032:             phivCountersCountMcastBytesRecd
2033:                 PhivCounter,
2034:             phivCountersCountDataBlksRecd
2035:                 PhivCounter,
2036:             phivCountersCountDataBlksSent
2037:                 PhivCounter,
2038:             phivCountersCountMcastBlksRecd
2039:                 PhivCounter,
2040:             phivCountersCountBlksSentDef
2041:                 PhivCounter,
2042:             phivCountersCountBlksSentSingleCol
2043:                 PhivCounter,
2044:             phivCountersCountBlksSentMultCol
2045:                 PhivCounter,
2046:             phivCountersCountSendFailure
2047:                 PhivCounter,
2048:             phivCountersCountCollDetectFailure
2049:                 PhivCounter,
2051:             phivCountersCountReceiveFailure
2052:                 PhivCounter,
2053:             phivCountersCountUnrecFrameDest
2054:                 PhivCounter,
2055:             phivCountersCountDataOver
2056:                 PhivCounter,
2057:             phivCountersCountSysBuffUnav
2058:                 PhivCounter,
2059:             phivCountersCountUsrBuffUnav
2060:                 PhivCounter
2061:          }
2063:    phivCountersIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2063: error - index element `phivCountersIndex' of row `phivCountersCountEntry' must have a range restriction
2064:         SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
2065:         ACCESS read-only
2066:         STATUS mandatory
2067:         DESCRIPTION
2068:             "The interface to which these counters apply.  This is
2069:             the same interface as identified by the same value of
2070:             phivLineIndex. This value is the ifIndex."
2071:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 1 }
2073:    phivCountersCountBytesRecd OBJECT-TYPE
2074:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
2075:         ACCESS read-only
2076:         STATUS mandatory
2077:         DESCRIPTION
2078:             "Number of bytes received over this link."
2079:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 2 }
2081:    phivCountersCountBytesSent OBJECT-TYPE
2082:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
2083:         ACCESS read-only
2084:         STATUS mandatory
2085:         DESCRIPTION
2086:             "Number of bytes sent over this link."
2087:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 3 }
2089:    phivCountersCountDataBlocksRecd OBJECT-TYPE
2090:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
2091:         ACCESS read-only
2092:         STATUS obsolete
2093:         DESCRIPTION
2094:             "Number of data blocks received over this link."
2095:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 4 }
2097:    phivCountersCountDataBlocksSent OBJECT-TYPE
2098:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
2099:         ACCESS read-only
2100:         STATUS obsolete
2101:         DESCRIPTION
2102:             "Number of data blocks sent over this link."
2103:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 5 }
2105:    phivCountersCountEthUsrBuffUnav OBJECT-TYPE
2106:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..65535)
2107:         ACCESS read-only
2108:         STATUS mandatory
2109:         DESCRIPTION
2110:             "Number of user buffer unavailable errors over this
2111:             link."
2112:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 6 }
2114:    phivCountersCountMcastBytesRecd OBJECT-TYPE
2115:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
2116:         ACCESS read-only
2117:         STATUS mandatory
2118:         DESCRIPTION
2119:             "Number of multicast bytes received over this link."
2120:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 7 }
2122:    phivCountersCountDataBlksRecd OBJECT-TYPE
2123:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
2124:         ACCESS read-only
2125:         STATUS mandatory
2126:         DESCRIPTION
2127:             "Number of data blocks received over this link."
2128:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 8 }
2130:    phivCountersCountDataBlksSent OBJECT-TYPE
2131:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
2132:         ACCESS read-only
2133:         STATUS mandatory
2134:         DESCRIPTION
2135:             "Number of data blocks sent over this link."
2136:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 9 }
2138:    phivCountersCountMcastBlksRecd OBJECT-TYPE
2139:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
2140:         ACCESS read-only
2141:         STATUS mandatory
2142:         DESCRIPTION
2143:             "Number of multicast blocks received over this link."
2144:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 10 }
2146:    phivCountersCountBlksSentDef OBJECT-TYPE
2147:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
2148:         ACCESS read-only
2149:         STATUS mandatory
2150:         DESCRIPTION
2151:             "Number of blocks sent, initially deferred over this
2152:             link."
2153:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 11 }
2155:    phivCountersCountBlksSentSingleCol OBJECT-TYPE
2156:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
2157:         ACCESS read-only
2158:         STATUS mandatory
2159:         DESCRIPTION
2160:             "Number of blocks sent, single collision over this link."
2161:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 12 }
2163:    phivCountersCountBlksSentMultCol OBJECT-TYPE
2164:         SYNTAX PhivCounter (0..2147483647)
2165:         ACCESS read-only
2166:         STATUS mandatory
2167:         DESCRIPTION
2168:             "Number of blocks sent, multiple collisions over this
2169:             link."
2170:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 13 }
2172:    phivCountersCountSendFailure OBJECT-TYPE
2173:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
2174:         ACCESS read-only
2175:         STATUS mandatory
2176:         DESCRIPTION
2177:             "Number of send failures over this link."
2178:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 14 }
2178: error - type of `phivCountersCountSendFailure' in sequence and object type definition do not match
2180:    phivCountersCountCollDetectFailure OBJECT-TYPE
2181:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
2182:         ACCESS read-only
2183:         STATUS mandatory
2184:         DESCRIPTION
2185:             "Number of collision detect check failures over this
2186:              link."
2187:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 15 }
2187: error - type of `phivCountersCountCollDetectFailure' in sequence and object type definition do not match
2189:    phivCountersCountReceiveFailure OBJECT-TYPE
2190:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
2191:         ACCESS read-only
2192:         STATUS mandatory
2193:         DESCRIPTION
2194:             "Number of receive failures over this link."
2195:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 16 }
2195: error - type of `phivCountersCountReceiveFailure' in sequence and object type definition do not match
2197:    phivCountersCountUnrecFrameDest OBJECT-TYPE
2198:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
2199:         ACCESS read-only
2200:         STATUS mandatory
2201:         DESCRIPTION
2202:             "Number of unrecognized frame destinations over this
2203:             link."
2204:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 17 }
2204: error - type of `phivCountersCountUnrecFrameDest' in sequence and object type definition do not match
2206:    phivCountersCountDataOver OBJECT-TYPE
2207:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
2208:         ACCESS read-only
2209:         STATUS mandatory
2210:         DESCRIPTION
2211:             "Number of data overruns over this link."
2212:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 18 }
2212: error - type of `phivCountersCountDataOver' in sequence and object type definition do not match
2214:    phivCountersCountSysBuffUnav OBJECT-TYPE
2215:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
2216:         ACCESS read-only
2217:         STATUS mandatory
2218:         DESCRIPTION
2219:             "Number of system buffer unavailables over this link."
2220:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 19 }
2220: error - type of `phivCountersCountSysBuffUnav' in sequence and object type definition do not match
2222:    phivCountersCountUsrBuffUnav OBJECT-TYPE
2223:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
2224:         ACCESS read-only
2225:         STATUS mandatory
2226:         DESCRIPTION
2227:             "Number of user buffer unavailables."
2228:         ::= { phivCountersCountEntry 20 }
2228: error - type of `phivCountersCountUsrBuffUnav' in sequence and object type definition do not match
2230:    -- Adjacency Group
2232:    -- The implementation of the Adjacency Group is mandatory for all
2233:    -- conformant implementations of this memo.
2235:    -- The phivAdjTable has been made obsolete it has been replaced with
2236:    -- the phivAdjNodeTable.
2238:    phivAdjTable OBJECT-TYPE
2239:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivAdjEntry
2240:         ACCESS not-accessible
2241:         STATUS obsolete
2242:         DESCRIPTION
2243:             "The Adjacency Table."
2244:         ::= { adjacency 1 }
2246:    phivAdjEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2247:         SYNTAX PhivAdjEntry
2248:         ACCESS not-accessible
2249:         STATUS obsolete
2250:         DESCRIPTION
2251:             "There is one entry in the table for each adjacency."
2252:         INDEX  { phivAdjCircuitIndex }
2253:         ::= { phivAdjTable 1 }
2255:    PhivAdjEntry ::=
2256:         SEQUENCE {
2257:             phivAdjCircuitIndex
2258:                 INTEGER,
2259:             phivAdjNodeAddr
2260:                 PhivAddr,
2261:             phivAdjBlockSize
2262:                 INTEGER,
2263:             phivAdjListenTimer
2264:                 INTEGER (1..65535),
2265:             phivAdjCircuitEtherServPhysAddr
2266:                 OCTET STRING,
2267:             phivAdjType
2268:                 INTEGER,
2269:             phivAdjState
2270:                 INTEGER,
2271:             phivAdjPriority
2272:                 INTEGER,
2273:             phivAdjExecListenTimer
2274:                 INTEGER (1..65535)
2275:          }
2276:    phivAdjCircuitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2276: error - index element `phivAdjCircuitIndex' of row `phivAdjEntry' must have a range restriction
2277:         SYNTAX INTEGER
2278:         ACCESS read-only
2279:         STATUS obsolete
2280:         DESCRIPTION
2281:             "A unique index value for each known circuit."
2282:         ::= { phivAdjEntry 1 }
2284:    phivAdjNodeAddr OBJECT-TYPE
2285:         SYNTAX PhivAddr -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
2286:         ACCESS read-only
2287:         STATUS obsolete
2288:         DESCRIPTION
2289:             "The address of the adjacent node."
2290:         ::= { phivAdjEntry 2 }
2292:    phivAdjBlockSize OBJECT-TYPE
2293:         SYNTAX INTEGER
2294:         ACCESS read-only
2295:         STATUS obsolete
2296:         DESCRIPTION
2297:             "This read-only parameter is the block size that was
2298:             negotiated with the adjacent Routing layer during Routing
2299:             initialization over a particular circuit. It includes the
2300:             routing header, but excludes the data link header. This
2301:             parameter is qualified by ADJACENT NODE."
2302:         ::= { phivAdjEntry 3 }
2304:    phivAdjListenTimer OBJECT-TYPE
2305:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
2306:         ACCESS read-only
2307:         STATUS obsolete
2308:         DESCRIPTION
2309:             "This value determines the maximum number of seconds
2310:             allowed to elapse before Routing receives some message
2311:             (either a Hello message or a user message) from the
2312:             adjacent node on the circuit. It was agreed during
2313:             Routing initialization with the adjacent Routing layer.
2314:             This parameter is qualified by ADJACENT NODE."
2315:         ::= { phivAdjEntry 4 }
2317:    phivAdjCircuitEtherServPhysAddr OBJECT-TYPE
2318:         SYNTAX OCTET STRING ( SIZE (6) )
2319:         ACCESS read-only
2320:         STATUS obsolete
2321:         DESCRIPTION
2322:             "This parameter indicates the Ethernet physical address
2323:             of an adjacent node that is being serviced on this
2324:             circuit. This parameter is a qualifier for SERVICE
2325:             SUBSTATE."
2326:         ::= { phivAdjEntry 5 }
2328:    phivAdjType OBJECT-TYPE
2329:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
2330:             routing-III (1),
2331:             nonrouting-III (2),
2332:             area (3),
2333:             routing-IV (4),
2334:             nonrouting-IV (5)
2335:         }
2336:         ACCESS read-only
2337:         STATUS obsolete
2338:         DESCRIPTION
2339:             "This parameter indicates the type of adjacency.
2341:             For adjacent nodes, this is a read-only parameter that
2342:             indicates the type of the reachable adjacent node.
2343:             NOTE: The routing-III and nonrouting-III values are
2344:             incremented by one compared to the standard DECnet
2345:             values in order to maintain compliance with RFC 1155)"
2346:         ::= { phivAdjEntry 6 }
2348:    phivAdjState OBJECT-TYPE
2349:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
2350:             initializing (1),          -- Ethernet one-way
2351:             up (2),                    -- Ethernet two-way
2352:             run (3),                   -- The eight DDCMP/X.25 states
2353:             circuit-rejected (4),
2354:             data-link-start (5),
2355:             routing-layer-initialize (6),
2356:             routing-layer-verify (7),
2357:             routing-layer-complete (8),
2358:             off (9),
2359:             halt (10)
2360:         }
2361:         ACCESS read-only
2362:         STATUS obsolete
2363:         DESCRIPTION
2364:             "This value indicates the state of a router adjacency.
2365:             On adjacencies over a circuit of type
2366:             (phivCircuitCommonType) Ethernet, CI, or FDDI, with an
2367:             adjacent node of type (phivAdjType) ROUTING IV or AREA,
2368:             this variable is the state of the Ethernet
2369:             Initialization Layer for this adjacency, and can have
2370:             values INITIALIZING or UP. (See Section 9.1.1 of
2371:             DECnet Phase IV Routing Layer Functional Specification.)
2373:             On adjacencies over a circuit of type
2374:             (phivCircuitCommonType) Ethernet, CI, or FDDI, with an
2375:             adjacent node of type (phivAdjType) NONROUTING IV,
2376:             this variable will always take on the value UP.
2378:             On adjacencies over a circuit of type
2379:             (phivCircuitCommonType) DDCMP POINT, DDCMP CONTROL,
2380:             DDCMP TRIBUTARY, DDCMP DMC, or X.25, this variable is
2381:             the state of the Routing Layer Initialization Circuit
2382:             State. (See section 7.3, ibid.)  It can have values
2383:             between RUN and HALT.
2385:             On adjacencies over a circuit of type
2386:             (phivCircuitCommonType) OTHER, this variable may be
2387:             used in a manner consistent with the Initialization
2388:             Layer used on that circuit."
2389:         ::= { phivAdjEntry 7 }
2391:    phivAdjPriority OBJECT-TYPE
2392:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
2393:         ACCESS read-only
2394:         STATUS obsolete
2395:         DESCRIPTION
2396:             "Priority assigned by the adjacent node for this
2397:             circuit."
2398:      ::= { phivAdjEntry 8 }
2400:    phivAdjExecListenTimer OBJECT-TYPE
2401:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
2402:         ACCESS read-only
2403:         STATUS obsolete
2404:         DESCRIPTION
2405:             "This read-only value determines the maximum number of
2406:             seconds allowed to elapse before Routing receives some
2407:             message (either a Hello message or a user message) from
2408:             the adjacent node on the circuit. It was agreed during
2409:             Routing initialization with the adjacent Routing layer."
2410:         ::= { phivAdjEntry 9 }
2412:    -- New Adjacency Table this replaces the phivAdjTable.
2414:    phivAdjNodeTable OBJECT-TYPE
2415:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivAdjNodeEntry
2416:         ACCESS not-accessible
2417:         STATUS mandatory
2418:         DESCRIPTION
2419:             "The Adjacent Node Table."
2420:         ::= { adjacency 2 }
2422:    phivAdjNodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2423:         SYNTAX PhivAdjNodeEntry
2424:         ACCESS not-accessible
2425:         STATUS mandatory
2426:         DESCRIPTION
2427:             "There is one entry in the table for each adjacency."
2428:         INDEX  { phivAdjNodeCircuitIndex, phivAdjAddr }
2429:         ::= { phivAdjNodeTable 1 }
2431:    PhivAdjNodeEntry ::=
2432:         SEQUENCE {
2433:             phivAdjNodeCircuitIndex
2434:                 INTEGER,
2436:             phivAdjAddr
2437:                 PhivAddr,
2438:             phivAdjNodeBlockSize
2439:                 INTEGER,
2440:             phivAdjNodeListenTimer
2441:                 INTEGER,
2442:             phivAdjNodeCircuitEtherServPhysAddr
2443:                 OCTET STRING,
2444:             phivAdjNodeType
2445:                 INTEGER,
2446:             phivAdjNodeState
2447:                 INTEGER,
2448:             phivAdjNodePriority
2449:                 INTEGER
2450:          }
2452:    phivAdjNodeCircuitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2453:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
2454:         ACCESS read-only
2455:         STATUS mandatory
2456:         DESCRIPTION
2457:             "A unique index value for each known circuit.  This
2458:             value is the same as phivCircuitIndex and identifies the
2459:             circuit over which the adjacency is realized."
2460:         ::= { phivAdjNodeEntry 1 }
2462:    phivAdjAddr OBJECT-TYPE
2463:         SYNTAX PhivAddr -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
2464:         ACCESS read-only
2465:         STATUS mandatory
2466:         DESCRIPTION
2467:             "The address of the adjacent node."
2468:         ::= { phivAdjNodeEntry 2 }
2470:    phivAdjNodeBlockSize OBJECT-TYPE
2471:         SYNTAX INTEGER
2472:         ACCESS read-only
2473:         STATUS mandatory
2474:         DESCRIPTION
2475:             "This read-only parameter is the block size that was
2476:             negotiated with the adjacent Routing layer during Routing
2477:             initialization over a particular circuit. It includes the
2478:             routing header, but excludes the data link header. This
2479:             parameter is qualified by ADJACENT NODE."
2480:         ::= { phivAdjNodeEntry 3 }
2482:    phivAdjNodeListenTimer OBJECT-TYPE
2483:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
2484:         ACCESS read-only
2485:         STATUS mandatory
2486:         DESCRIPTION
2487:             "This value determines the maximum number of seconds
2488:             allowed to elapse before Routing receives some message
2489:             (either a Hello message or a user message) from the
2490:             adjacent node on the circuit. It was agreed during
2491:             Routing initialization with the adjacent Routing layer.
2492:             This parameter is qualified by ADJACENT NODE."
2493:         ::= { phivAdjNodeEntry 4 }
2495:    phivAdjNodeCircuitEtherServPhysAddr OBJECT-TYPE
2496:         SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
2497:         ACCESS read-only
2498:         STATUS mandatory
2499:         DESCRIPTION
2500:             "This parameter indicates the Ethernet physical address
2501:             of an adjacent node that is being serviced on this
2502:             circuit. This parameter is a qualifier for SERVICE
2503:             SUBSTATE."
2504:         ::= { phivAdjNodeEntry 5 }
2506:    phivAdjNodeType OBJECT-TYPE
2507:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
2508:             routing-III (1),
2509:             nonrouting-III (2),
2510:             area (3),
2511:             routing-IV (4),
2512:             nonrouting-IV (5)
2513:         }
2514:         ACCESS read-only
2515:         STATUS mandatory
2516:         DESCRIPTION
2517:             "This parameter indicates the type of adjacency.
2519:             For adjacent nodes, this is a read-only parameter that
2520:             indicates the type of the reachable adjacent node.
2521:             NOTE: The routing-III and nonrouting-III values are
2522:             incremented by one compared to the standard DECnet
2523:             values in order to maintain compliance with RFC 1155)"
2524:         ::= { phivAdjNodeEntry 6 }
2526:    phivAdjNodeState OBJECT-TYPE
2527:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
2528:             initializing (1),          -- Ethernet one-way
2529:             up (2),                    -- Ethernet two-way
2530:             run (3),                   -- The eight DDCMP/X.25 states
2531:             circuit-rejected (4),
2532:             data-link-start (5),
2533:             routing-layer-initialize (6),
2534:             routing-layer-verify (7),
2535:             routing-layer-complete (8),
2536:             off (9),
2537:             halt (10)
2538:         }
2539:         ACCESS read-only
2540:         STATUS mandatory
2541:         DESCRIPTION
2542:             "This value indicates the state of a router adjacency.
2543:             On adjacencies over a circuit of type
2544:             (phivCircuitCommonType) Ethernet, CI, or FDDI, with an
2545:             adjacent node of type (phivAdjNodeType) ROUTING IV or AREA,
2546:             this variable is the state of the Ethernet
2547:             Initialization Layer for this adjacency, and can have
2548:             values INITIALIZING or UP. (See Section 9.1.1 of
2549:             DECnet Phase IV Routing Layer Functional Specification.)
2551:             On adjacencies over a circuit of type
2552:             (phivCircuitCommonType) Ethernet, CI, or FDDI, with an
2553:             adjacent node of type (phivAdjNodeType) NONROUTING IV,
2554:             this variable will always take on the value UP.
2556:             On adjacencies over a circuit of type
2557:             (phivCircuitCommonType) DDCMP POINT, DDCMP CONTROL,
2558:             DDCMP TRIBUTARY, DDCMP DMC, or X.25, this variable is
2559:             the state of the Routing Layer Initialization Circuit
2560:             State. (See section 7.3, ibid.)  It can have values
2561:             between RUN and HALT.
2563:             On adjacencies over a circuit of type
2564:             (phivCircuitCommonType) OTHER, this variable may be
2565:             used in a manner consistent with the Initialization
2566:             Layer used on that circuit."
2567:         ::= { phivAdjNodeEntry 7 }
2569:    phivAdjNodePriority OBJECT-TYPE
2570:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
2571:         ACCESS read-only
2572:         STATUS mandatory
2573:         DESCRIPTION
2574:             "Priority assigned by the adjacent node for this
2575:             circuit."
2576:            ::= { phivAdjNodeEntry 8 }
2578:    -- Line Group
2580:    -- The implementation of the Line Group is mandatory for all
2581:    -- conformant implementations of this memo.
2583:    phivLineTable OBJECT-TYPE
2584:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivLineEntry
2585:         ACCESS not-accessible
2586:         STATUS mandatory
2587:         DESCRIPTION
2588:             "The Line Table."
2589:         ::= { line 1 }
2591:    phivLineEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2592:         SYNTAX PhivLineEntry
2593:         ACCESS not-accessible
2594:         STATUS mandatory
2595:         DESCRIPTION
2596:             "There is one entry in the table for each line."
2597:         INDEX  { phivLineIndex }
2598:         ::= { phivLineTable 1 }
2600:    PhivLineEntry ::=
2601:         SEQUENCE {
2602:             phivLineIndex
2603:                 InterfaceIndex,
2604:             phivLineName
2605:                 DisplayString,
2606:             phivLineState
2607:                 INTEGER,
2608:             phivLineSubstate
2609:                 INTEGER,
2610:             phivLineService
2611:                 INTEGER,
2612:             phivLineDevice
2613:                 DisplayString,
2614:             phivLineReceiveBuffs
2615:                 INTEGER,
2616:             phivLineProtocol
2617:                 INTEGER,
2618:             phivLineServiceTimer
2619:                 INTEGER,
2620:             phivLineMaxBlock
2621:                 INTEGER
2622:         }
2624:    phivLineIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2624: error - index element `phivLineIndex' of row `phivLineEntry' must have a range restriction
2625:         SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
2626:         ACCESS read-only
2627:         STATUS mandatory
2628:         DESCRIPTION
2629:             "The line on which this entry's equivalence is effective.
2630:             This is the same as the ifIndex."
2631:         ::= { phivLineEntry 1 }
2633:    phivLineName OBJECT-TYPE
2634:         SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16))
2635:         ACCESS read-only
2636:         STATUS mandatory
2637:         DESCRIPTION
2638:             "The name of the line on this row of the table."
2639:         ::= { phivLineEntry 2 }
2641:    phivLineState OBJECT-TYPE
2642:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
2643:             on (1),
2644:             off (2),
2645:             service (3),
2646:             cleared (4)
2647:         }
2648:         ACCESS read-only
2649:         STATUS mandatory
2650:         DESCRIPTION
2651:             "This value represents Network Management operational
2652:             state.
2653:             NOTE that these values are incremented by one compared to
2654:             the standard DECnet values."
2655:         ::= { phivLineEntry 3 }
2657:    phivLineSubstate OBJECT-TYPE
2658:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
2659:             starting (1),
2660:             reflecting (2),
2661:             looping (3),
2662:             loading (4),
2663:             dumping (5),
2664:             triggering (6),
2665:             auto-service (7),
2666:             auto-loading (8),
2667:             auto-dumping (9),
2668:             auto-triggering (10),
2669:             synchronizing (11),
2670:             failed (12),
2671:             running (13)
2672:         }
2673:         ACCESS read-only
2674:         STATUS mandatory
2675:         DESCRIPTION
2676:             "This value represents the line's read-only Network
2677:             Management substate.
2678:             NOTE that these values are incremented by one compared to
2679:             the standard DECnet values."
2680:         ::= { phivLineEntry 4 }
2682:    phivLineService OBJECT-TYPE
2683:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
2684:             starting (1),
2685:             reflecting (2),
2686:             looping (3),
2687:             other (4)
2688:         }
2689:         ACCESS read-only
2690:         STATUS mandatory
2691:         DESCRIPTION
2692:             "This value represents the line's read-only Network
2693:             Management service.
2694:             NOTE that these values are incremented by one compared to
2695:             the standard DECnet values and OTHER is a new addition."
2696:         ::= { phivLineEntry 5 }
2698:    phivLineDevice OBJECT-TYPE
2699:         SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..16))
2700:         ACCESS read-only
2701:         STATUS mandatory
2702:         DESCRIPTION
2703:             "This value represents the Physical Link device to be
2704:             used on the line."
2705:         ::= { phivLineEntry 6 }
2707:    phivLineReceiveBuffs OBJECT-TYPE
2708:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..65535)
2709:         ACCESS read-only
2710:         STATUS mandatory
2711:         DESCRIPTION
2712:             "This value represents the number of receive buffers
2713:             reserved for the line. It is a decimal number in
2714:             the range 0-65535.  0 is supported for those vendors
2715:             that do not reserve buffers on a per line basis and
2716:             use a pool of buffers that can be used by any line."
2717:         ::= { phivLineEntry 7 }
2719:    phivLineProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
2720:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
2721:             ddcmp-point (1),
2722:             ddcmp-control (2),
2723:             ddcmp-tributary (3),
2724:             reserved (4),
2725:             ddcmp-dmc (5),
2726:             olapb (6),
2727:             ethernet (7),
2728:             ci (8),
2729:             qp2 (9),
2730:             other (14),
2731:             fddi (15)
2732:         }
2733:         ACCESS read-only
2734:         STATUS mandatory
2735:         DESCRIPTION
2736:             "This value represents the protocol used on the line
2737:             device.  Note that these values are incremented by
2738:             one compared to the standard DECnet values."
2739:         ::= { phivLineEntry 8 }
2741:    phivLineServiceTimer OBJECT-TYPE
2742:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
2743:         ACCESS read-only
2744:         STATUS mandatory
2745:         DESCRIPTION
2746:             "This value represents the amount of time in
2747:             milliseconds allowed to elapse before a Data Link
2748:             receive request completes while doing service
2749:             operations."
2750:         ::= { phivLineEntry 9 }
2752:    phivLineMaxBlock OBJECT-TYPE
2753:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
2754:         ACCESS read-only
2755:         STATUS mandatory
2756:         DESCRIPTION
2757:             "This value represents the Data Link maximum block
2758:             size on the line."
2759:         ::= { phivLineEntry 10 }
2761:    -- Non Broadcast Line Group
2763:    -- The implementation of the Non Broadcast Line Group is optional.
2764:    -- A system can be said to implement this group if and only if
2765:    -- all objects in this group are implemented.
2767:    phivNonBroadcastTable OBJECT-TYPE
2768:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivNonBroadcastEntry
2769:         ACCESS not-accessible
2770:         STATUS mandatory
2771:         DESCRIPTION
2772:             "The Non Broadcast Table."
2773:         ::= { nonBroadcastLine 1 }
2775:    phivNonBroadcastEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2776:         SYNTAX PhivNonBroadcastEntry
2777:         ACCESS not-accessible
2778:         STATUS mandatory
2779:         DESCRIPTION
2780:             "There is one entry in the table for each
2781:             Non Broadcast line."
2782:         INDEX  { phivNonBroadcastIndex }
2783:         ::= { phivNonBroadcastTable 1 }
2785:    PhivNonBroadcastEntry ::=
2786:         SEQUENCE {
2787:             phivNonBroadcastIndex
2788:                 InterfaceIndex,
2789:             phivNonBroadcastController
2790:                 INTEGER,
2791:             phivNonBroadcastDuplex
2792:                 INTEGER,
2793:             phivNonBroadcastClock
2794:                 INTEGER,
2795:             phivNonBroadcastRetransmitTimer
2796:                 INTEGER
2797:         }
2799:    phivNonBroadcastIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2799: error - index element `phivNonBroadcastIndex' of row `phivNonBroadcastEntry' must have a range restriction
2800:         SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
2801:         ACCESS read-only
2802:         STATUS mandatory
2803:         DESCRIPTION
2804:             "The Non Broadcast line on which this entry's
2805:             equivalence is effective.  This is the same value
2806:             as the ifIndex."
2807:         ::= { phivNonBroadcastEntry 1 }
2809:    phivNonBroadcastController OBJECT-TYPE
2810:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
2811:             normal (1),
2812:             loopback (2),
2813:             other (3)
2814:         }
2815:         ACCESS read-only
2816:         STATUS mandatory
2817:         DESCRIPTION
2818:             "This value represents the Physical Link hardware
2819:             controller mode for the line device. The values
2820:             for controller-mode are:
2822:             NORMAL  For normal controller operating mode.
2824:             LOOPBACK For software controllable loopback of the
2825:             controller. On those devices that can support this
2826:             mode, it causes all transmitted messages to be looped
2827:             back from within the controller itself. This is
2828:             accomplished without any manual intervention other
2829:             than the setting of this parameter value.
2831:             OTHER indicates function is not supported
2832:             Note that these values are incremented by one compared to
2833:             the standard DECnet values."
2834:         ::= { phivNonBroadcastEntry 2 }
2836:    phivNonBroadcastDuplex OBJECT-TYPE
2837:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
2838:             full (1),
2839:             half (2)
2840:         }
2841:         ACCESS read-only
2842:         STATUS mandatory
2843:         DESCRIPTION
2844:             "This value represents the Physical Link hardware
2845:             duplex mode of the line device. The possible modes
2846:             are:
2848:             FULL   Full-duplex
2849:             HALF   Half-duplex
2851:             Note that these values are incremented by one compared to
2852:             the standard DECnet values."
2853:         ::= { phivNonBroadcastEntry 3 }
2855:    phivNonBroadcastClock OBJECT-TYPE
2856:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
2857:             external (1),
2858:             internal (2),
2859:             other (3)
2860:         }
2861:         ACCESS read-only
2862:         STATUS mandatory
2863:         DESCRIPTION
2864:             "This value represents the Physical Link hardware clock
2865:             mode for the line device. The values for clock-mode are:
2866:             INTERNAL For software controllable loopback use of
2867:             the clock. On those devices that can support this
2868:             mode, it causes the device to supply a clock signal
2869:             such that a transmitted messages can be looped
2870:             back from outside the device. This may require manual
2871:             intervention other than the setting of this parameter
2872:             value. For example, the operator may have to connect
2873:             a loopback plug in place of the normal line.
2875:             EXTERNAL For normal clock operating mode, where the
2876:             clock signal is supplied externally to the controller.
2877:             Note that these values are incremented by one compared to
2878:             the standard DECnet values."
2879:         ::= { phivNonBroadcastEntry 4 }
2881:    phivNonBroadcastRetransmitTimer OBJECT-TYPE
2882:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
2883:         ACCESS read-only
2884:         STATUS mandatory
2885:         DESCRIPTION
2886:             "This value represents number of milliseconds before
2887:             the Data Link retransmits a block on the line. On
2888:             half-duplex lines, this parameter is the select timer."
2889:         DEFVAL { 3000 }
2890:         ::= { phivNonBroadcastEntry 5 }
2892:    -- Area Parameters Group
2894:    -- The implementation of the Area Parameters Group is mandatory
2895:    -- for all systems which implement level 2 routing.
2897:    phivAreaTable OBJECT-TYPE
2898:         SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF PhivAreaEntry
2899:         ACCESS not-accessible
2900:         STATUS mandatory
2901:         DESCRIPTION
2902:             "Table of information kept on all areas known to
2903:             this unit."
2904:         ::= { area 1 }
2906:    phivAreaEntry OBJECT-TYPE
2907:         SYNTAX PhivAreaEntry
2908:         ACCESS not-accessible
2909:         STATUS mandatory
2910:         DESCRIPTION
2911:             "The area routing information."
2912:         INDEX  { phivAreaNum }
2913:         ::= { phivAreaTable 1 }
2915:    PhivAreaEntry ::=
2916:         SEQUENCE {
2917:             phivAreaNum
2918:                 INTEGER,
2919:             phivAreaState
2920:                 INTEGER,
2921:             phivAreaCost
2922:                 Gauge,
2923:             phivAreaHops
2924:                 INTEGER,
2925:             phivAreaNextNode
2926:                 PhivAddr,
2927:             phivAreaCircuitIndex
2928:                INTEGER
2929:         }
2931:    phivAreaNum OBJECT-TYPE
2932:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..64)
2933:         ACCESS read-only
2934:         STATUS mandatory
2935:         DESCRIPTION
2936:             "This value indicates the area number of this entry."
2937:         ::= { phivAreaEntry 1 }
2939:    phivAreaState OBJECT-TYPE
2940:         SYNTAX INTEGER {
2941:             reachable (4),
2942:             unreachable (5)
2943:         }
2944:         ACCESS read-only
2945:         STATUS mandatory
2946:         DESCRIPTION
2947:             "This value indicates the state of the area"
2948:         ::= { phivAreaEntry 2 }
2950:    phivAreaCost OBJECT-TYPE
2951:         SYNTAX Gauge
2952:         ACCESS read-only
2953:         STATUS mandatory
2954:         DESCRIPTION
2955:             "The total cost over the current path to the
2956:              destination area. Cost is a value associated with
2957:              using a circuit. Routing routes messages (data)
2958:              along the path between 2 areas with the smallest
2959:              cost."
2960:         ::= { phivAreaEntry 3 }
2962:    phivAreaHops OBJECT-TYPE
2963:         SYNTAX INTEGER (0..255)
2964:         ACCESS read-only
2965:         STATUS mandatory
2966:         DESCRIPTION
2967:             "The number of hops to a destination area. A hop is
2968:             the routing value representing the logical distance
2969:             between two areas in network."
2970:         ::= { phivAreaEntry 4 }
2972:    phivAreaNextNode OBJECT-TYPE
2973:         SYNTAX PhivAddr -- OCTET STRING (SIZE (2))
2974:         ACCESS read-only
2975:         STATUS mandatory
2976:         DESCRIPTION
2977:             "The next node on the circuit used to get to the
2978:             area under scrutiny."
2979:         ::= { phivAreaEntry 5 }
2981:    phivAreaCircuitIndex OBJECT-TYPE
2982:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..65535)
2983:         ACCESS read-only
2984:         STATUS mandatory
2985:         DESCRIPTION
2986:             "A unique index value for each known circuit."
2987:         ::= { phivAreaEntry 6 }
2989:    -- Additional Area Parameters
2991:    phivAreaMaxCost OBJECT-TYPE
2992:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1022)
2993:         ACCESS read-write
2994:         STATUS mandatory
2995:         DESCRIPTION
2996:             "This value represents the maximum total path cost
2997:             allowed from the executor to any other level 2 routing
2998:             node. The AREA MAXIMUM COST number is decimal in the
2999:             range 1-1022. This parameter is only applicable if
3000:             the executor node is of type AREA."
3001:         ::= { area 2 }
3003:    phivAreaMaxHops OBJECT-TYPE
3004:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..30)
3005:         ACCESS read-write
3006:         STATUS mandatory
3007:         DESCRIPTION
3008:             "This value represents the maximum number of routing hops
3009:             allowable from the executor to any other level 2
3010:             routing node.  This parameter is only applicable if the
3011:             executor node is of type AREA."
3012:         ::= { area 3 }
3014:    phivRouteMaxArea OBJECT-TYPE
3015:         SYNTAX INTEGER (1..63)
3016:         ACCESS read-write
3017:         STATUS mandatory
3018:         DESCRIPTION
3019:             "This value represents the largest area number and,
3020:             therefore, number of areas that can be known about
3021:             by the executor node's Routing. This parameter is only
3022:             applicable if the executor node is of type AREA."
3023:         ::= { area 4 }
3025:           END