smilint output for ./MPLS-LDP-MIB

Message Severities
Message Types
bad-identifier-case (error)1
object-identifier-not-prefix (error)1



   1: -- extracted from draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-mib-10.txt
   2: -- at Fri May  2 06:12:54 2003
   6:      IMPORTS
   8:          Integer32, Counter32, Unsigned32
   9:              FROM SNMPv2-SMI
  11:              FROM SNMPv2-CONF
  13:          RowStatus, TimeInterval, TruthValue,
  14:          TimeStamp, StorageType
  15:              FROM SNMPv2-TC
  17:          InterfaceIndexOrZero
  18:              FROM IF-MIB
  20:          InetAddressPrefixLength,
  21:          InetAddressType,
  22:          InetAddress,
  23:          InetPortNumber
  24:              FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB
  26:          IndexInteger,
  27:          IndexIntegerNextFree
  28:              FROM DIFFSERV-MIB
  30:          mplsMIB,
  31:          MplsLabel,
  32:          MplsLabelDistributionMethod,
  33:          MplsLdpIdentifier,
  34:          MplsLdpLabelType,
  35:          MplsLspType,
  36:          MplsLsrIdentifier,
  37:          MplsRetentionMode
  39:              FROM MPLS-TC-MIB;
  42:      mplsLdpMIB MODULE-IDENTITY
  43:          LAST-UPDATED "200304221200Z"  -- 22 April 2003
  44:          ORGANIZATION "Multiprotocol Label Switching (mpls)
  45:                        Working Group"
  46:          CONTACT-INFO
  48:              "Joan Cucchiara (
  49:               Artel
  51:               Hans Sjostrand (
  52:               ipUnplugged
  54:               James V. Luciani (
  55:               Consultant
  57:               Working Group Chairs:
  58:               George Swallow,   email:
  59:               Loa Andersson,    email:
  61:               MPLS Working Group, email:"
  63:          DESCRIPTION
  64:              "Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003).  This
  65:              version of this MIB module is part of RFCXXX; see
  66:              the RFC itself for full legal notices.
  68:              This MIB contains managed object definitions for the
  69:              'Multiprotocol Label Switching, Label Distribution
  70:              Protocol, LDP' document."
  72:          REVISION "200304221200Z"  -- 22 April 2003
  73:          DESCRIPTION
  74:             "Initial version published as part of RFC XXXX."
  76:          -- Please see the IANA Considerations Section.
  77:          -- The requested mplsMIB subId is 4, e.g.
  78:          --   ::= { mplsMIB 4 }
  80:          ::= { mplsMIB XXX } -- to be assigned by IANA
  80: error - `XXX' should start with a lower case letter
  80: error - Object identifier element `XXX' name only allowed as first element
  82:      --****************************************************************
  84:      mplsLdpNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLdpMIB 0 }
  85:      mplsLdpObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLdpMIB 1 }
  86:      mplsLdpConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLdpMIB 2 }
  88:      --****************************************************************
  89:      -- MPLS LDP Objects
  90:      --****************************************************************
  92:      mplsLdpLsrObjects    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLdpObjects 1 }
  94:      mplsLdpEntityObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLdpObjects 2 }
  96:      --
  97:      -- The MPLS Label Distribution Protocol's
  98:      -- Label Switching Router Objects
  99:      --
 101:      mplsLdpLsrId OBJECT-TYPE
 102:          SYNTAX      MplsLsrIdentifier
 103:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 104:          STATUS      current
 105:          DESCRIPTION
 106:              "The LSR's Identifier."
 107:          ::= { mplsLdpLsrObjects 1 }
 109:      mplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionCapable OBJECT-TYPE
 110:          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
 111:                                 none(1),
 112:                                 other(2),
 113:                                 hopCount(3),
 114:                                 pathVector(4),
 115:                                 hopCountAndPathVector(5)
 116:                              }
 117:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 118:          STATUS      current
 119:          DESCRIPTION
 120:              "A indication of whether this
 121:              Label Switching Router supports
 122:              loop detection.
 124:              none(1) -- Loop Detection is not supported
 125:                         on this LSR.
 127:              other(2) -- Loop Detection is supported but
 128:                          by a method other than those
 129:                          listed below.
 131:              hopCount(3) -- Loop Detection is supported by
 132:                             Hop Count only.
 134:              pathVector(4) -- Loop Detection is supported by
 135:                              Path Vector only.
 137:              hopCountAndPathVector(5) -- Loop Detection is
 138:                                   supported by both Hop Count
 139:                                   And Path Vector.
 141:              Since Loop Detection is determined during
 142:              Session Initialization, an individual session
 143:              may not be running with loop detection.  This
 144:              object simply gives an indication of whether or not the
 145:              LSR has the ability to support Loop Detection and
 146:              which types."
 147:          ::= { mplsLdpLsrObjects 2 }
 150:      --
 151:      -- The MPLS Label Distribution Protocol Entity Objects
 152:      --
 153:      mplsLdpEntityLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
 154:          SYNTAX  TimeStamp
 155:          MAX-ACCESS read-only
 156:          STATUS current
 157:          DESCRIPTION
 158:              "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the most
 159:              recent addition or deletion of an entry
 160:              to/from the mplsLdpEntityTable/mplsLdpEntityStatsTable, or
 161:              the most recent change in value of any objects in the
 162:              mplsLdpEntityTable.
 164:              If no such changes have occurred since the last
 165:              re-initialization of the local management subsystem,
 166:              then this object contains a zero value."
 167:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityObjects 1 }
 169:      mplsLdpEntityIndexNext  OBJECT-TYPE
 170:          SYNTAX      IndexIntegerNextFree
 171:          MAX-ACCESS     read-only
 172:          STATUS         current
 173:          DESCRIPTION
 174:              "This object contains an appropriate value to
 175:              be used for mplsLdpEntityIndex when creating
 176:              entries in the mplsLdpEntityTable. The value
 177:              0 indicates that no unassigned entries are
 178:              available."
 179:         ::= { mplsLdpEntityObjects 2 }
 182:      mplsLdpEntityTable OBJECT-TYPE
 183:          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MplsLdpEntityEntry
 184:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 185:          STATUS      current
 186:          DESCRIPTION
 187:              "This table contains information about the
 188:              MPLS Label Distribution Protocol Entities which
 189:              exist on this Label Switching Router (LSR)
 190:              or Label Edge Router (LER)."
 191:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityObjects 3 }
 193:      mplsLdpEntityEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 194:          SYNTAX      MplsLdpEntityEntry
 195:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 196:          STATUS      current
 197:          DESCRIPTION
 198:              "An entry in this table represents an LDP entity.
 199:              An entry can be created by a network administrator
 200:              or by an SNMP agent as instructed by LDP."
 201:          INDEX       {  mplsLdpEntityLdpId, mplsLdpEntityIndex  }
 202:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityTable 1 }
 204:      MplsLdpEntityEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
 205:          mplsLdpEntityLdpId              MplsLdpIdentifier,
 206:          mplsLdpEntityIndex              IndexInteger,
 207:          mplsLdpEntityProtocolVersion    Unsigned32,
 208:          mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus        INTEGER,
 209:          mplsLdpEntityOperStatus         INTEGER,
 210:          mplsLdpEntityTcpDscPort         InetPortNumber,
 211:          mplsLdpEntityUdpDscPort         InetPortNumber,
 212:          mplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength       Unsigned32,
 213:          mplsLdpEntityKeepAliveHoldTimer Unsigned32,
 214:          mplsLdpEntityHelloHoldTimer     Unsigned32,
 215:          mplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold   Integer32,
 216:          mplsLdpEntityLabelDistMethod    MplsLabelDistributionMethod,
 217:          mplsLdpEntityLabelRetentionMode MplsRetentionMode,
 218:          mplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit    Integer32,
 219:          mplsLdpEntityHopCountLimit      Integer32,
 220:          mplsLdpEntityTransportAddrKind  INTEGER,
 221:          mplsLdpEntityTargetPeer         TruthValue,
 222:          mplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddrType InetAddressType,
 223:          mplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddr     InetAddress,
 224:          mplsLdpEntityLabelType          MplsLdpLabelType,
 225:          mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime  TimeStamp,
 226:          mplsLdpEntityStorageType        StorageType,
 227:          mplsLdpEntityRowStatus          RowStatus
 228:      }
 231:      mplsLdpEntityLdpId OBJECT-TYPE
 232:          SYNTAX      MplsLdpIdentifier
 233:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 234:          STATUS      current
 235:          DESCRIPTION
 236:              "The LDP identifier."
 237:          REFERENCE
 238:              "[RFC3036] LDP Specification, Section on LDP Identifiers."
 239:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 1 }
 241:      mplsLdpEntityIndex OBJECT-TYPE
 242:          SYNTAX      IndexInteger
 243:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 244:          STATUS      current
 245:          DESCRIPTION
 246:              "This index is used as a secondary index to uniquely
 247:              identify this row.  Before creating a row in this table,
 248:              the 'mplsLdpEntityIndexNext' object should be retrieved.
 249:              That value should be used for the value of this index
 250:              when creating a row in this table.  (NOTE:  if a value
 251:              of zero (0) is retrieved, that indicates that no rows
 252:              can be created in this table at this time.
 254:              A secondary index (this object) is meaningful to some
 255:              but not all, LDP implementations.  For example
 256:              in an LDP implementation which uses PPP would
 257:              use this index to differentiate PPP sub-links.
 259:              Another way to use this index is to give this the
 260:              value of ifIndex.  However, this is dependant
 261:              on the implementation."
 262:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 2 }
 264:      mplsLdpEntityProtocolVersion OBJECT-TYPE
 265:          SYNTAX      Unsigned32(1..65535)
 266:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 267:          STATUS      current
 268:          DESCRIPTION
 269:             "The version number of the LDP protocol which will be
 270:             used in the session initialization message.
 272:             Section 3.5.3 in the LDP Specification specifies
 273:             that the version of the LDP protocol is negotiated during
 274:             session establishment. The value of this object
 275:             represents the value that is sent in the initialization
 276:             message."
 277:          REFERENCE
 278:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.3 Initialization
 279:             Message."
 280:          DEFVAL { 1 }
 281:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 3 }
 283:      mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
 284:          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
 285:                        enable(1),
 286:                        disable(2)
 287:                      }
 288:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 289:          STATUS      current
 290:          DESCRIPTION
 291:              "The administrative status of this LDP Entity.
 292:              If this object is changed from 'enable' to 'disable'
 293:              and this entity has already attempted to establish
 294:              contact with a Peer, then all contact with that
 295:              Peer is lost and all information from that Peer
 296:              needs to be removed from the MIB. (This implies
 297:              that the network management subsystem should clean
 298:              up any related entry in the mplsLdpPeerTable.  This
 299:              further implies that a 'tear-down' for that session
 300:              is issued and the session and all information related
 301:              to that session cease to exist).
 303:              At this point the operator is able to change values
 304:              which are related to this entity.
 306:              When the admin status is set back to 'enable', then
 307:              this Entity will attempt to establish a NEW session
 308:              with the Peer."
 309:          DEFVAL  { enable }
 310:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 4 }
 313:      mplsLdpEntityOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
 314:          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
 315:                        unknown(1),
 316:                        enabled(2),
 317:                        disabled(3)
 318:                      }
 319:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 320:          STATUS      current
 321:          DESCRIPTION
 322:              "The operational status of this LDP Entity."
 323:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 5 }
 325:      mplsLdpEntityTcpDscPort OBJECT-TYPE
 326:          SYNTAX      InetPortNumber
 327:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 328:          STATUS      current
 329:          DESCRIPTION
 330:              "The TCP Discovery Port for
 331:              LDP.  The default value is the well-known
 332:              value of this port."
 333:          REFERENCE
 334:              "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.4.1,
 335:              Basic Discovery Mechanism, Section 2.4.2,
 336:              Extended Discovery Mechanism, Section
 337:              3.10, Well-known Numbers, and Section 3.10.1.
 338:              UDP and TCP Ports."
 339:          DEFVAL { 646 }
 340:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 6 }
 342:      mplsLdpEntityUdpDscPort OBJECT-TYPE
 343:          SYNTAX      InetPortNumber
 344:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 345:          STATUS      current
 346:          DESCRIPTION
 347:              "The UDP Discovery Port for
 348:              LDP.  The default value is the
 349:              well-known value for this port."
 350:          REFERENCE
 351:              "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.4.1,
 352:              Basic Discovery Mechanism, Section 2.4.2,
 353:              Extended Discovery Mechanism, Section
 354:              3.10, Well-known Numbers, and Section 3.10.1.
 355:              UDP and TCP Ports."
 356:          DEFVAL { 646 }
 357:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 7 }
 359:      mplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength OBJECT-TYPE
 360:          SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (256..65535)
 361:          UNITS       "octets"
 362:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 363:          STATUS      current
 364:          DESCRIPTION
 365:             "The maximum PDU Length that is sent in
 366:             the Common Session Parameters of an Initialization
 367:             Message. According to the LDP Specification [RFC3036]
 368:             a value of 255 or less specifies the
 369:             default maximum length of 4096 octets, this is why
 370:             the value of this object starts at 256.  The operator
 371:             should explicitly choose the default value (i.e. 4096),
 372:             or some other value.
 374:             The receiving LSR MUST calculate the maximum PDU
 375:             length for the session by using the smaller of its and
 376:             its peer's proposals for Max PDU Length."
 377:          REFERENCE
 378:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.3.
 379:             Initialization Message."
 380:          DEFVAL { 4096 }
 381:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 8 }
 383:      mplsLdpEntityKeepAliveHoldTimer OBJECT-TYPE
 384:          SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..65535)
 385:          UNITS       "seconds"
 386:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 387:          STATUS      current
 388:          DESCRIPTION
 389:              "The 16-bit integer value which is the proposed keep
 390:              alive hold timer for this LDP Entity."
 391:          DEFVAL { 40 }
 392:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 9 }
 394:      mplsLdpEntityHelloHoldTimer OBJECT-TYPE
 395:          SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..65535)
 396:          UNITS       "seconds"
 397:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 398:          STATUS      current
 399:          DESCRIPTION
 400:              "The 16-bit integer value which is the proposed Hello
 401:              hold timer for this LDP Entity. The Hello Hold time
 402:              in seconds.
 404:              An LSR maintains a record of Hellos received
 405:              from potential peers.  This object represents
 406:              the Hold Time in the Common Hello Parameters TLV of
 407:              the Hello Message.
 409:              A value of 0 is a default value and should be
 410:              interpretted in conjunction with the
 411:              mplsLdpEntityTargetPeer object.
 413:              If the value of this object is 0: if the value of the
 414:              mplsLdpEntityTargetPeer object is false(2), then this
 415:              specifies that the Hold Time's actual default value is
 416:              15 seconds (i.e. the default Hold time for Link Hellos
 417:              is 15 seconds).  Otherwise if the value of the
 418:              mplsLdpEntityTargetPeer object is true(1), then this
 419:              specifies that the Hold Time's actual default value is
 420:              45 seconds (i.e. the default Hold time for Targeted
 421:              Hellos is 45 seconds).
 423:              A value of 65535 means infinite (i.e. wait forever).
 425:              All other values represent the amount of time in
 426:              seconds to wait for a Hello Message.  Setting the
 427:              hold time to a value smaller than 15 is not
 428:              recommended, although not forbidden according
 429:              to [RFC3036]."
 430:          REFERENCE
 431:              "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.2.,
 432:              Hello Message."
 433:          DEFVAL { 0 }
 434:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 10 }
 436:      mplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
 437:          SYNTAX      Integer32(0..100)
 438:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 439:          STATUS      current
 440:          DESCRIPTION
 441:              "When attempting to establish a session with a
 442:              given Peer, the given LDP Entity should
 443:              send out the SNMP notification,
 444:              'mplsLdpInitSesThresholdExceeded', when
 445:              the number of Session Initialization messages sent
 446:              exceeds this threshold.  The notification is
 447:              used to notify an operator when this Entity and
 448:              its Peer are possibily engaged in an endless
 449:              sequence of messages as each NAKs the other's
 450:              Initialization messages with Error Notification
 451:              messages.  Setting this threshold which triggers
 452:              the notification is one way to
 453:              notify the operator.
 455:              A value of 0 (zero) for this object
 456:              indicates that the threshold is infinity, thus
 457:              the SNMP notification will never be generated."
 458:          REFERENCE
 459:              "[RFC3036], LDP Specification,
 460:              Section 2.5.3 Session Initialization."
 461:          DEFVAL { 8 }
 462:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 11 }
 465:      mplsLdpEntityLabelDistMethod OBJECT-TYPE
 466:          SYNTAX      MplsLabelDistributionMethod
 467:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 468:          STATUS      current
 469:          DESCRIPTION
 470:              "For any given LDP session, the method of
 471:              label distribution must be specified."
 472:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 12 }
 474:      mplsLdpEntityLabelRetentionMode OBJECT-TYPE
 475:          SYNTAX      MplsRetentionMode
 476:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 477:          STATUS      current
 478:          DESCRIPTION
 479:              "The LDP Entity can be configured to use either
 480:              conservative or liberal label retention mode.
 482:              If the value of this object is conservative(1)
 483:              then advertized label mappings are retained
 484:              only if they will be used to forward packets,
 485:              i.e. if label came from a valid next hop.
 487:              If the value of this object is liberal(2)
 488:              then all advertized label mappings are retained
 489:              whether they are from a valid next hop or not."
 490:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 13 }
 492:      mplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit OBJECT-TYPE
 493:          SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
 494:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 495:          STATUS      current
 496:          DESCRIPTION
 497:              "If the value of this object is 0 (zero) then
 498:              Loop Dection for Path Vectors is disabled.
 500:              Otherwise, if this object has a value greater than
 501:              zero, then Loop Dection for Path Vectors is enabled,
 502:              and the Path Vector Limit is this value.
 503:              Also, the value of the object,
 504:              'mplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionCapable', must be set to
 505:              either 'pathVector(4)' or 'hopCountAndPathVector(5)',
 506:              if this object has a value greater than 0 (zero),
 507:              otherwise it is ignored."
 508:          REFERENCE
 509:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.8 Loop Dection,
 510:             Section 3.4.5 Path Vector TLV."
 511:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 14 }
 513:      mplsLdpEntityHopCountLimit OBJECT-TYPE
 514:          SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..255)
 515:          MAX-ACCESS   read-create
 516:          STATUS       current
 517:          DESCRIPTION
 518:              "If the value of this object is 0 (zero),
 519:              then Loop Detection using Hop Counters is
 520:              disabled.
 521:              If the value of this object is greater than
 522:              0 (zero) then Loop Detection using Hop
 523:              Counters is enabled, and this object
 524:              specifies this Entity's maximum allowable
 525:              value for the Hop Count.
 526:              Also, the value of the object
 527:              mplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionCapable must be set
 528:              to either 'hopCount(3)' or
 529:              'hopCountAndPathVector(5)' if this object
 530:              has a value greater than 0 (zero), otherwise
 531:              it is ignored."
 532:          DEFVAL { 0 }
 533:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 15 }
 535:      mplsLdpEntityTransportAddrKind OBJECT-TYPE
 536:          SYNTAX     INTEGER {
 537:                                interface(1),
 538:                                loopback(2)
 539:                             }
 540:          MAX-ACCESS read-create
 541:          STATUS     current
 542:          DESCRIPTION
 543:              "This specifies whether the loopback or interface
 544:              address is to be used as the transport address
 545:              in the transport address TLV of the
 546:              hello message.
 548:              If the value is interface(1), then the IP
 549:              address of the interface from which hello
 550:              messages are sent is used as the transport
 551:              address in the hello message.
 553:              Otherwise, if the value is loopback(2), then the IP
 554:              address of the loopback interface is used as the
 555:              transport address in the hello message."
 556:          DEFVAL { loopback }
 557:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 16 }
 559:      mplsLdpEntityTargetPeer OBJECT-TYPE
 560:          SYNTAX      TruthValue
 561:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 562:          STATUS      current
 563:          DESCRIPTION
 564:              "If this LDP entity uses targeted peer then set
 565:              this to true."
 566:          DEFVAL { false }
 567:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 17 }
 569:      mplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
 570:          SYNTAX      InetAddressType
 571:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 572:          STATUS      current
 573:          DESCRIPTION
 574:              "The type of the internetwork layer address used for
 575:              the Extended Discovery. This object indicates how
 576:              the value of mplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddr is to
 577:              be interpreted."
 578:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 18 }
 580:      mplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddr OBJECT-TYPE
 581:          SYNTAX      InetAddress
 582:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 583:          STATUS      current
 584:          DESCRIPTION
 585:              "The value of the internetwork layer address used for
 586:              the Extended Discovery."
 587:         ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 19 }
 589:      mplsLdpEntityLabelType OBJECT-TYPE
 590:          SYNTAX      MplsLdpLabelType
 591:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 592:          STATUS      current
 593:          DESCRIPTION
 594:              "Specifies the optional parameters for the LDP
 595:              Initialization Message.  If the value is generic(1)
 596:              then no optional parameters will be sent in
 597:              the LDP Initialization message associated with
 598:              this Entity.
 600:              If the value is atmParameters(2) then
 601:              a row must be created in the mplsLdpEntityAtmParms
 602:              Table, which corresponds to this entry.
 604:              If the value is frameRelayParameters(3) then
 605:              a row must be created in the mplsLdpEntityFrameRelayParms
 606:              Table, which corresponds to this entry."
 607:          REFERENCE
 608:              "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.3.,
 609:              Initialization Message."
 610:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 20 }
 612:      mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
 613:          SYNTAX      TimeStamp
 614:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 615:          STATUS      current
 616:          DESCRIPTION
 617:              "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion
 618:              at which any one or more of this entity's counters
 619:              suffered a discontinuity.  The relevant counters are the
 620:              specific instances associated with this entity of
 621:              any Counter32, or Counter64 object contained
 622:              in the 'mplsLdpEntityStatsTable'.  If no such
 623:              discontinuities have occurred since the last
 624:              re-initialization of the local management
 625:              subsystem, then this object contains a zero
 626:              value."
 627:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 21 }
 629:      mplsLdpEntityStorageType  OBJECT-TYPE
 630:          SYNTAX      StorageType
 631:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 632:          STATUS      current
 633:          DESCRIPTION
 634:                   "The storage type for this conceptual row.  Conceptual rows
 635:                   having the value 'permanent(4)' MAY allow write-access to any
 636:                   columnar objects in the row, except for setting the
 637:                   mplsLdpEntityRowStatus to 'destroy(6)'."
 638:          DEFVAL{ nonVolatile }
 639:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 22 }
 641:      mplsLdpEntityRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
 642:          SYNTAX      RowStatus
 643:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
 644:          STATUS      current
 645:          DESCRIPTION
 646:              "The status of this conceptual row.  All writable objects in this
 647:               row may be modified at any time, however, as described in
 648:               detail in the section entitled, 'Changing Values After Session
 649:               Establishment', and again described in the
 650:               DESCRIPTION clause of the mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus object, if a
 651:               session has been initiated with a Peer, changing objects
 652:               in this table will wreak havoc with the session and interrupt
 653:               traffic.  To repeat again: the recommended procedure is to
 654:               set the mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus to down, thereby
 655:               explicitly causing a session to be torn down. Then,
 656:               change objects in this entry, then set the mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus
 657:               to enable which enables a NEW session to be initiated."
 658:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityEntry 23 }
 661:      --
 662:      -- The MPLS LDP Entity Statistics Table
 663:      --
 665:      mplsLdpEntityStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
 666:          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MplsLdpEntityStatsEntry
 667:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 668:          STATUS      current
 669:          DESCRIPTION
 670:              "This table is a read-only table which augments
 671:              the mplsLdpEntityTable.  The purpose of this
 672:              table is to keep statistical information about
 673:              the LDP Entities on the LSR."
 674:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityObjects 4 }
 676:      mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 677:          SYNTAX      MplsLdpEntityStatsEntry
 678:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 679:          STATUS      current
 680:          DESCRIPTION
 681:              "A row in this table contains statistical information
 682:              about an LDP Entity.  Some counters contained in a
 683:              row are for fatal errors received during a former
 684:              LDP Session associated with this entry.  For example,
 685:              an Ldp Pdu received on a TCP connection during an
 686:              LDP Session contains a fatal error.  That
 687:              error is counted here, because the
 688:              session is terminated.
 690:              If the error is NOT fatal (i.e. and the Session
 691:              remains), then the error is counted in the
 692:              mplsLdpSesStatsEntry."
 693:          AUGMENTS       {   mplsLdpEntityEntry  }
 694:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsTable 1 }
 696:      MplsLdpEntityStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
 697:          mplsLdpEntityStatsSesAttempts                   Counter32,
 698:          mplsLdpEntityStatsSesRejectedNoHelloErrors      Counter32,
 699:          mplsLdpEntityStatsSesRejectedAdErrors           Counter32,
 700:          mplsLdpEntityStatsSesRejectedMaxPduErrors       Counter32,
 701:          mplsLdpEntityStatsSesRejectedLRErrors           Counter32,
 702:          mplsLdpEntityStatsBadLdpIdentifierErrors        Counter32,
 703:          mplsLdpEntityStatsBadPduLengthErrors            Counter32,
 704:          mplsLdpEntityStatsBadMessageLengthErrors        Counter32,
 705:          mplsLdpEntityStatsBadTlvLengthErrors            Counter32,
 706:          mplsLdpEntityStatsMalformedTlvValueErrors       Counter32,
 707:          mplsLdpEntityStatsKeepAliveTimerExpErrors       Counter32,
 708:          mplsLdpEntityStatsShutdownReceivedNotifications Counter32,
 709:          mplsLdpEntityStatsShutdownSentNotifications     Counter32
 710:      }
 712:      mplsLdpEntityStatsSesAttempts OBJECT-TYPE
 713:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 714:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 715:          STATUS      current
 716:          DESCRIPTION
 717:              "A count of the total attempted sessions for
 718:              this LDP Entity.
 720:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 721:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 722:              other times as indicated by the value of
 723:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 724:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 1 }
 727:      mplsLdpEntityStatsSesRejectedNoHelloErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 728:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 729:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 730:          STATUS      current
 731:          DESCRIPTION
 732:              "A count of the Session Rejected/No Hello Error
 733:              Notification Messages sent or received by
 734:              this LDP Entity.
 736:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 737:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 738:              other times as indicated by the value of
 739:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 740:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 2 }
 742:      mplsLdpEntityStatsSesRejectedAdErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 743:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 744:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 745:          STATUS      current
 746:          DESCRIPTION
 747:              "A count of the Session Rejected/Parameters
 748:              Advertisement Mode Error Notification Messages sent
 749:              or received by this LDP Entity.
 750:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 751:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 752:              other times as indicated by the value of
 753:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 754:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 3 }
 756:      mplsLdpEntityStatsSesRejectedMaxPduErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 757:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 758:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 759:          STATUS      current
 760:          DESCRIPTION
 761:              "A count of the Session Rejected/Parameters
 762:              Max Pdu Length Error Notification Messages sent
 763:              or received by this LDP Entity.
 765:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 766:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 767:              other times as indicated by the value of
 768:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 769:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 4 }
 771:      mplsLdpEntityStatsSesRejectedLRErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 772:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 773:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 774:          STATUS      current
 775:          DESCRIPTION
 776:              "A count of the Session Rejected/Parameters
 777:              Label Range Notification Messages sent
 778:              or received by this LDP Entity.
 780:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 781:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 782:              other times as indicated by the value of
 783:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 784:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 5 }
 787:      mplsLdpEntityStatsBadLdpIdentifierErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 788:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 789:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 790:          STATUS      current
 791:          DESCRIPTION
 792:              "This object counts the number of Bad LDP Identifier
 793:              Fatal Errors detected by the session(s)
 794:              (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
 795:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 796:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 797:              other times as indicated by the value of
 798:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 799:          REFERENCE
 800:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section"
 801:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 6 }
 803:      mplsLdpEntityStatsBadPduLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 804:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 805:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 806:          STATUS      current
 807:          DESCRIPTION
 808:              "This object counts the number of Bad Pdu Length
 809:              Fatal Errors detected by the session(s)
 810:              (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
 812:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 813:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 814:              other times as indicated by the value of
 815:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 816:          REFERENCE
 817:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section"
 818:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 7 }
 820:      mplsLdpEntityStatsBadMessageLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 821:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 822:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 823:          STATUS      current
 824:          DESCRIPTION
 825:              "This object counts the number of Bad Message
 826:              Length Fatal Errors detected by the session(s)
 827:              (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
 829:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 830:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 831:              other times as indicated by the value of
 832:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 833:          REFERENCE
 834:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section"
 835:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 8 }
 837:      mplsLdpEntityStatsBadTlvLengthErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 838:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 839:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 840:          STATUS      current
 841:          DESCRIPTION
 842:              "This object counts the number of Bad TLV
 843:              Length Fatal Errors detected by the session(s)
 844:              (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
 846:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 847:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 848:              other times as indicated by the value of
 849:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 850:          REFERENCE
 851:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section"
 852:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 9 }
 854:      mplsLdpEntityStatsMalformedTlvValueErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 855:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 856:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 857:          STATUS      current
 858:          DESCRIPTION
 859:              "This object counts the number of Malformed TLV
 860:              Value Fatal Errors detected by the session(s)
 861:              (past and present) associated with this
 862:              LDP Entity.
 864:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 865:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 866:              other times as indicated by the value of
 867:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 868:          REFERENCE
 869:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section"
 870:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 10 }
 872:      mplsLdpEntityStatsKeepAliveTimerExpErrors OBJECT-TYPE
 873:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 874:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 875:          STATUS      current
 876:          DESCRIPTION
 877:              "This object counts the number of Session Keep Alive
 878:              Timer Expired Errors detected by the session(s)
 879:              (past and present) associated with this LDP Entity.
 881:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 882:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 883:              other times as indicated by the value of
 884:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 885:          REFERENCE
 886:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section"
 887:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 11 }
 889:      mplsLdpEntityStatsShutdownReceivedNotifications OBJECT-TYPE
 890:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 891:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 892:          STATUS      current
 893:          DESCRIPTION
 894:              "This object counts the number of Shutdown Notfications
 895:              received related to session(s) (past and present)
 896:              associated with this LDP Entity.
 898:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 899:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 900:              other times as indicated by the value of
 901:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 902:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 12 }
 904:      mplsLdpEntityStatsShutdownSentNotifications OBJECT-TYPE
 905:          SYNTAX      Counter32
 906:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 907:          STATUS      current
 908:          DESCRIPTION
 909:              "This object counts the number of Shutdown Notfications
 910:              sent related to session(s) (past and present) associated
 911:              with this LDP Entity.
 913:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
 914:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
 915:              other times as indicated by the value of
 916:              mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime."
 917:          ::= { mplsLdpEntityStatsEntry 13 }
 920:      --
 921:      -- The MPLS LDP Peer Table
 922:      --
 924:      mplsLdpSesObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLdpObjects 3 }
 927:      mplsLdpPeerLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
 928:          SYNTAX  TimeStamp
 929:          MAX-ACCESS read-only
 930:          STATUS current
 931:          DESCRIPTION
 932:              "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the most
 933:              recent addition or deletion to/from the
 934:              mplsLdpPeerTable/mplsLdpSesTable."
 935:          ::= { mplsLdpSesObjects 1 }
 937:      mplsLdpPeerTable OBJECT-TYPE
 938:          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MplsLdpPeerEntry
 939:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 940:          STATUS      current
 941:          DESCRIPTION
 942:              "Information about LDP peers known by Entities in
 943:              the mplsLdpEntityTable.  The information in this table
 944:              is based on information from the Entity-Peer interaction
 945:              during session initialization but is not appropriate
 946:              for the mplsLdpSesTable, because objects in this
 947:              table may or may not be used in session establishment."
 948:          ::= { mplsLdpSesObjects 2 }
 950:      mplsLdpPeerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 951:          SYNTAX      MplsLdpPeerEntry
 952:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 953:          STATUS      current
 954:          DESCRIPTION
 955:              "Information about a single Peer which is related
 956:              to a Session.  NOTE:  this table is augmented by
 957:              the mplsLdpSessionTable."
 958:          INDEX       { mplsLdpEntityLdpId,
 959:                        mplsLdpEntityIndex,
 960:                        mplsLdpPeerLdpId }
 961:          ::= { mplsLdpPeerTable 1 }
 963:      MplsLdpPeerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
 964:          mplsLdpPeerLdpId                MplsLdpIdentifier,
 965:          mplsLdpPeerLabelDistMethod      MplsLabelDistributionMethod,
 966:          mplsLdpPeerPathVectorLimit      Integer32,
 967:          mplsLdpPeerTransportAddrType    InetAddressType,
 968:          mplsLdpPeerTransportAddr        InetAddress
 969:      }
 971:      mplsLdpPeerLdpId OBJECT-TYPE
 972:          SYNTAX      MplsLdpIdentifier
 973:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 974:          STATUS      current
 975:          DESCRIPTION
 976:              "The LDP identifier of this LDP Peer."
 977:          ::= { mplsLdpPeerEntry 1 }
 979:      mplsLdpPeerLabelDistMethod OBJECT-TYPE
 980:          SYNTAX      MplsLabelDistributionMethod
 981:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 982:          STATUS      current
 983:          DESCRIPTION
 984:              "For any given LDP session, the method of
 985:              label distribution must be specified."
 986:          ::= { mplsLdpPeerEntry 2 }
 988:      mplsLdpPeerPathVectorLimit OBJECT-TYPE
 989:          SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
 990:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 991:          STATUS      current
 992:          DESCRIPTION
 993:              "If the value of this object is 0 (zero) then
 994:              Loop Dection for Path Vectors for this Peer
 995:              is disabled.
 997:              Otherwise, if this object has a value greater than
 998:              zero, then Loop Dection for Path  Vectors for this
 999:              Peer is enabled and the Path Vector Limit is this value."
1000:          REFERENCE
1001:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.8 Loop Dection,
1002:             Section 3.4.5 Path Vector TLV."
1003:          ::= { mplsLdpPeerEntry 3 }
1005:      mplsLdpPeerTransportAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
1006:          SYNTAX      InetAddressType
1007:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1008:          STATUS      current
1009:          DESCRIPTION
1010:              "The object specifies how to interpret the address
1011:              for the mplsLdpPeerTransportAddr object."
1012:          REFERENCE
1013:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.5.2
1014:             Transport Connection Establishment and
1015:             Section Hello Message Procedures."
1016:          ::= { mplsLdpPeerEntry 4 }
1019:      mplsLdpPeerTransportAddr OBJECT-TYPE
1020:          SYNTAX      InetAddress
1021:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1022:          STATUS      current
1023:          DESCRIPTION
1024:              "The transport address advertized by the peer
1025:              in the hello message or the Hello source address."
1026:          REFERENCE
1027:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.5.2
1028:             Transport Connection Establishment and
1029:             Section Hello Message Procedures."
1030:          ::= { mplsLdpPeerEntry 5 }
1033:      --
1034:      -- The MPLS LDP Sessions Table
1035:      --
1037:      mplsLdpSesTable OBJECT-TYPE
1038:          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MplsLdpSesEntry
1039:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1040:          STATUS      current
1041:          DESCRIPTION
1042:              "A table of Sessions between the LDP Entities and
1043:              LDP Peers.  Each row represents a single session."
1044:          ::= { mplsLdpSesObjects 3 }
1046:      mplsLdpSesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1047:          SYNTAX      MplsLdpSesEntry
1048:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1049:          STATUS      current
1050:          DESCRIPTION
1051:              "An entry in this table represents information on a
1052:              single session between an LDP Entity and LDP Peer.
1053:              The information contained in a row is read-only.
1055:              Please note:  the Path Vector Limit for the
1056:              Session is the value which is configured in
1057:              the corresponding mplsLdpEntityEntry. The
1058:              Peer's Path Vector Limit is in noted in the
1059:              mplsLdpPeerTable.
1061:              Values which may differ from those configured are
1062:              noted in the objects of this table, the
1063:              mplsLdpAtmSesTable and the
1064:              mplsLdpFrameRelaySesTable. A value will
1065:              differ if it was negotiated between the
1066:              Entity and the Peer. Values may or may not
1067:              be negotiated. For example, if the values
1068:              are the same then no negotiation takes place.
1069:              If they are negotiated, then they may differ."
1070:          AUGMENTS { mplsLdpPeerEntry }
1071:          ::= { mplsLdpSesTable 1 }
1073:      MplsLdpSesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1074:          mplsLdpSesStateLastChange       TimeStamp,
1075:          mplsLdpSesState                 INTEGER,
1076:          mplsLdpSesRole                  INTEGER,
1077:          mplsLdpSesProtocolVersion       Unsigned32,
1078:          mplsLdpSesKeepAliveHoldTimeRem  TimeInterval,
1079:          mplsLdpSesKeepAliveTime         Unsigned32,
1080:          mplsLdpSesMaxPduLength          Unsigned32,
1081:          mplsLdpSesDiscontinuityTime     TimeStamp
1082:      }
1084:      mplsLdpSesStateLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
1085:          SYNTAX TimeStamp
1086:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1087:          STATUS      current
1088:          DESCRIPTION
1089:              "The value of sysUpTime at the time this Session entered
1090:              its current state as denoted by the mplsLdpSesState object."
1091:          ::= { mplsLdpSesEntry 1 }
1093:      mplsLdpSesState OBJECT-TYPE
1094:          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1095:                         nonexistent(1),
1096:                         initialized(2),
1097:                         openrec(3),
1098:                         opensent(4),
1099:                         operational(5)
1100:                      }
1101:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1102:          STATUS      current
1103:          DESCRIPTION
1104:              "The current state of the session, all of the
1105:              states 1 to 5 are based on the state machine for
1106:              session negotiation behavior."
1107:          REFERENCE
1108:              "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.5.4,
1109:              Initialization State Machine."
1110:          ::= { mplsLdpSesEntry 2 }
1112:      mplsLdpSesRole OBJECT-TYPE
1113:          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1114:                         unknown(1),
1115:                         active(2),
1116:                         passive(3)
1118:                      }
1119:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1120:          STATUS      current
1121:          DESCRIPTION
1122:              "During session establishment the LSR takes either the
1123:              active role or the passive role based on address
1124:              comparisons.  This object indicates whether this LSR
1125:              was behaving in an active role or passive role during
1126:              this sessions establishment.
1128:              The value of unknown(1), indicates that the role is not
1129:              able to be determined at the present time."
1130:          REFERENCE
1131:              "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 2.5.3.,
1132:              Session Initialization"
1133:          ::= { mplsLdpSesEntry 3 }
1135:      mplsLdpSesProtocolVersion OBJECT-TYPE
1136:          SYNTAX      Unsigned32(1..65535)
1137:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1138:          STATUS      current
1139:          DESCRIPTION
1140:              "The version of the LDP Protocol which
1141:              this session is using.  This is the version of
1142:              the LDP protocol which has been negotiated during
1143:              session initialization."
1144:          REFERENCE
1145:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.3,
1146:             Initialization Message."
1147:          ::= { mplsLdpSesEntry 4 }
1149:      mplsLdpSesKeepAliveHoldTimeRem OBJECT-TYPE
1150:          SYNTAX      TimeInterval
1151:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1152:          STATUS      current
1153:          DESCRIPTION
1154:              "The keep alive hold time remaining for this session."
1155:          ::= { mplsLdpSesEntry 5 }
1158:      mplsLdpSesKeepAliveTime OBJECT-TYPE
1159:          SYNTAX      Unsigned32
1160:          UNITS       "seconds"
1161:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1162:          STATUS      current
1163:          DESCRIPTION
1164:              "The negotiated KeepAlive Time.  This value is
1165:              negotiated during session initialization."
1166:          REFERENCE
1167:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.3,
1168:             Initialization Message."
1169:          ::= { mplsLdpSesEntry 6 }
1171:      mplsLdpSesMaxPduLength OBJECT-TYPE
1172:          SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..65535)
1173:          UNITS       "octets"
1174:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1175:          STATUS      current
1176:          DESCRIPTION
1177:              "The value of maximum allowable length for LDP PDUs for
1178:              this session.  This value may have been negotiated during
1179:              the Session Initialization.  This object is related to
1180:              the mplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength object.  The
1181:              mplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength object specifies the requested
1182:              LDP PDU length, and this object reflects the negotiated
1183:              LDP PDU length between the Entity and
1184:              the Peer."
1185:          REFERENCE
1186:             "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.3,
1187:             Initialization Message."
1188:          ::= { mplsLdpSesEntry 7 }
1190:      mplsLdpSesDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
1191:          SYNTAX      TimeStamp
1192:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1193:          STATUS      current
1194:          DESCRIPTION
1195:              "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at
1196:              which any one or more of this session's counters
1197:              suffered a discontinuity.  The relevant counters are
1198:              the specific instances associated with this session
1199:              of any Counter32 or Counter64 object contained in the
1200:              mplsLdpSesStatsTable.
1202:              The initial value of this object is the value of
1203:              sysUpTime when the entry was created in this table.
1205:              Also, a command generator can distinguish when a session
1206:              between a given Entity and Peer goes away and a new
1207:              session is established.  This value would change and
1208:              thus indicate to the command generator that this is a
1209:              different session."
1210:          ::= { mplsLdpSesEntry 8 }
1213:      --
1214:      -- The MPLS LDP Session Statistics Table
1215:      --
1218:      mplsLdpSesStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
1219:          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MplsLdpSesStatsEntry
1220:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1221:          STATUS      current
1222:          DESCRIPTION
1223:              "A table of statistics for Sessions between
1224:              LDP Entities and LDP Peers."
1225:          ::= { mplsLdpSesObjects 4 }
1227:      mplsLdpSesStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1228:          SYNTAX      MplsLdpSesStatsEntry
1229:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1230:          STATUS      current
1231:          DESCRIPTION
1232:              "An entry in this table represents statistical
1233:              information on a single session between an LDP
1234:              Entity and LDP Peer."
1235:          AUGMENTS       { mplsLdpPeerEntry }
1236:          ::= { mplsLdpSesStatsTable 1 }
1238:      MplsLdpSesStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1239:          mplsLdpSesStatsUnkMesTypeErrors Counter32,
1240:          mplsLdpSesStatsUnkTlvErrors         Counter32
1241:      }
1243:      mplsLdpSesStatsUnkMesTypeErrors OBJECT-TYPE
1244:          SYNTAX      Counter32
1245:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1246:          STATUS      current
1247:          DESCRIPTION
1248:              "This object counts the number of Unknown Message Type
1249:              Errors detected during this session.
1251:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
1252:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
1253:              other times as indicated by the value of
1254:              mplsLdpSesDiscontinuityTime."
1255:          ::= { mplsLdpSesStatsEntry 1 }
1257:      mplsLdpSesStatsUnkTlvErrors OBJECT-TYPE
1258:          SYNTAX      Counter32
1259:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1260:          STATUS      current
1261:          DESCRIPTION
1262:              "This object counts the number of Unknown TLV Errors
1263:              detected during this session.
1265:              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
1266:              at re-initialization of the management system, and at
1267:              other times as indicated by the value of
1268:              mplsLdpSessionDiscontinuityTime."
1269:          ::= { mplsLdpSesStatsEntry 2 }
1272:      --
1273:      -- The MPLS LDP Hello Adjacency Table
1274:      --
1276:      mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
1277:                                    { mplsLdpSesObjects 5 }
1279:      mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyTable OBJECT-TYPE
1280:          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry
1281:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1282:          STATUS      current
1283:          DESCRIPTION
1284:              "A table of Hello Adjacencies for Sessions."
1285:          ::= { mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyObjects 1 }
1287:      mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1288:          SYNTAX      MplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry
1289:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1290:          STATUS      current
1291:          DESCRIPTION
1292:              "Each row represents a single LDP Hello Adjacency.
1293:              An LDP Session can have one or more Hello adjacencies."
1294:               INDEX       { mplsLdpEntityLdpId,
1295:                             mplsLdpEntityIndex,
1296:                             mplsLdpPeerLdpId,
1297:                             mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyIndex }
1298:          ::= { mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyTable 1 }
1300:      MplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1301:          mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyIndex         Unsigned32,
1302:          mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyHoldTimeRem   TimeInterval,
1303:          mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyHoldTime      Unsigned32,
1304:          mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyType          INTEGER
1305:      }
1307:      mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1308:          SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
1309:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1310:          STATUS      current
1311:          DESCRIPTION
1312:              "An identifier for this specific adjacency."
1313:          ::= { mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry 1 }
1315:      mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyHoldTimeRem OBJECT-TYPE
1316:          SYNTAX      TimeInterval
1317:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1318:          STATUS      current
1319:          DESCRIPTION
1320:              "The time remaining for this Hello Adjacency.
1321:              This interval will change when the 'next'
1322:              Hello message which corresponds to this
1323:              Hello Adjacency is received."
1324:          ::= { mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry 2 }
1326:      mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyHoldTime OBJECT-TYPE
1327:          SYNTAX Unsigned32
1328:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1329:          STATUS      current
1330:          DESCRIPTION
1331:              "The Hello hold time which is negotiated between
1332:              the Entity and the Peer.
1334:               A value of 0 means the default,
1335:               which is 15 seconds for Link Hellos and 45 seconds
1336:               for Targeted Hellos.  A value of 0xffff indicates an
1337:               infinite hold time."
1338:          REFERENCE
1339:             "[RFC3036] LDP Specification, Section 3.5.2 Hello Message"
1340:          ::= { mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry 3 }
1342:      mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyType OBJECT-TYPE
1343:          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1344:                         link(1),
1345:                         targeted(2)
1346:                      }
1347:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1348:          STATUS      current
1349:          DESCRIPTION
1350:              "This adjacency is the result of a 'link'
1351:              hello if the value of this object is link(1).
1352:              Otherwise, it is a result of a 'targeted'
1353:              hello, targeted(2)."
1354:          ::= { mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyEntry 4 }
1357:      --
1358:      --  Session Label (LSP) Mapping to LSR MIB's In Segment LIB Information.
1359:      --
1361:      --
1362:      -- NOTE: the next 2 tables map to the MPLS-LSR-MIB's MplsInSegmentTable
1363:      -- and MplsOutSegmentTable.  The cross-connect information is not
1364:      -- represented here as it can be gleaned from the MPLS-LSR-MIB.
1365:      --
1368:      mplsInSegmentLdpLspTable OBJECT-TYPE
1369:          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MplsInSegmentLdpLspEntry
1370:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1371:          STATUS      current
1372:          DESCRIPTION
1373:              "A table of LDP LSP's which
1374:              map to the InSegment Table in the
1375:              the LSR MIB's."
1376:          ::= { mplsLdpSesObjects 6 }
1378:      mplsInSegmentLdpLspEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1379:          SYNTAX      MplsInSegmentLdpLspEntry
1380:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1381:          STATUS      current
1382:          DESCRIPTION
1383:              "An entry in this table represents information on a
1384:              single LDP LSP which is represented by
1385:              a session's index triple (mplsLdpEntityLdpId,
1386:              mplsLdpEntityIndex, mplsLdpPeerLdpId) AND the
1387:              index tuple (mplsInSegmentLdpLspIfIndex,
1388:              mplsInSegmentLdpLspLabel).
1390:              The information contained in a row is read-only."
1391:          INDEX       { mplsLdpEntityLdpId,
1392:                        mplsLdpEntityIndex,
1393:                        mplsLdpPeerLdpId,
1394:                        mplsInSegmentLdpLspIfIndex,
1395:                        mplsInSegmentLdpLspLabel
1396:                      }
1397:          ::= { mplsInSegmentLdpLspTable 1 }
1399:      MplsInSegmentLdpLspEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1400:          mplsInSegmentLdpLspIfIndex               InterfaceIndexOrZero,
1401:          mplsInSegmentLdpLspLabel                 MplsLabel,
1402:          mplsInSegmentLdpLspLabelType             MplsLdpLabelType,
1403:          mplsInSegmentLdpLspType                  MplsLspType
1404:      }
1406:      mplsInSegmentLdpLspIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1407:          SYNTAX       InterfaceIndexOrZero
1408:          MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1409:          STATUS       current
1410:          DESCRIPTION
1411:              "The ifIndex value associated with this LSP which has the
1412:              same value as the mplsInSegmentIfIndex in the MPLS-LSR-MIB's
1413:              mplsInSegmentTable."
1414:          ::= { mplsInSegmentLdpLspEntry 1 }
1416:      mplsInSegmentLdpLspLabel OBJECT-TYPE
1417:          SYNTAX        MplsLabel
1418:          MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
1419:          STATUS        current
1420:          DESCRIPTION
1421:              "The LDP label for this LSP.  This is also the same value
1422:              as the mplsInSegmentLabel index in the MPLS-LSR-MIB's
1423:              mplsInSegmentTable."
1424:          ::= { mplsInSegmentLdpLspEntry 2 }
1426:      mplsInSegmentLdpLspLabelType  OBJECT-TYPE
1427:          SYNTAX        MplsLdpLabelType
1428:          MAX-ACCESS    read-only
1429:          STATUS        current
1430:          DESCRIPTION
1431:              "The Layer 2 Label Type."
1432:          ::= { mplsInSegmentLdpLspEntry 3 }
1434:      mplsInSegmentLdpLspType OBJECT-TYPE
1435:          SYNTAX        MplsLspType
1436:          MAX-ACCESS    read-only
1437:          STATUS        current
1438:          DESCRIPTION
1439:              "The type of LSP connection."
1440:          ::= { mplsInSegmentLdpLspEntry 4 }
1442:      --
1443:      --  Session Label (LSP) Mapping to LSR MIB's Out Segment LIB Information.
1444:      --
1448:      mplsOutSegmentLdpLspTable OBJECT-TYPE
1449:          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MplsOutSegmentLdpLspEntry
1450:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1451:          STATUS      current
1452:          DESCRIPTION
1453:              "A table of LDP LSP's which
1454:              map to the InSegment Table in the
1455:              the LSR MIB's."
1456:          ::= { mplsLdpSesObjects 7 }
1458:      mplsOutSegmentLdpLspEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1459:          SYNTAX      MplsOutSegmentLdpLspEntry
1460:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1461:          STATUS      current
1462:          DESCRIPTION
1463:              "An entry in this table represents information on a
1464:              single LDP LSP which is represented by
1465:              a session's index triple (mplsLdpEntityLdpId,
1466:              mplsLdpEntityIndex, mplsLdpPeerLdpId) AND the
1467:              index tuple (mplsOutSegmentLdpLspIfIndex,
1468:              mplsOutSegmentLdpLspLabel).
1470:              The information contained in a row is read-only."
1471:          INDEX       { mplsLdpEntityLdpId,
1472:                        mplsLdpEntityIndex,
1473:                        mplsLdpPeerLdpId,
1474:                        mplsOutSegmentLdpLspIfIndex,
1475:                        mplsOutSegmentLdpLspLabel
1476:                      }
1477:          ::= { mplsOutSegmentLdpLspTable 1 }
1479:      MplsOutSegmentLdpLspEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1480:          mplsOutSegmentLdpLspIfIndex               InterfaceIndexOrZero,
1481:          mplsOutSegmentLdpLspLabel                 MplsLabel,
1482:          mplsOutSegmentLdpLspLabelType             MplsLdpLabelType,
1483:          mplsOutSegmentLdpLspType                  MplsLspType
1484:      }
1486:      mplsOutSegmentLdpLspIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1487:          SYNTAX       InterfaceIndexOrZero
1488:          MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
1489:          STATUS       current
1490:          DESCRIPTION
1491:              "The ifIndex value associated with this LSP which has the
1492:              same value as the mplsOutSegmentIfIndex in the MPLS-LSR-MIB's
1493:              mplsOutSegmentTable.  NOTE: the value of zero represents
1494:              the perPlatform label space."
1495:          ::= { mplsOutSegmentLdpLspEntry 1 }
1497:      mplsOutSegmentLdpLspLabel OBJECT-TYPE
1498:          SYNTAX        MplsLabel
1499:          MAX-ACCESS    not-accessible
1500:          STATUS        current
1501:          DESCRIPTION
1502:              "The LDP label for this LSP.  This is also the same value
1503:              as the mplsOutSegmentTopLabel in the MPLS-LSR-MIB's
1504:              mplsOutSegmentTable."
1505:          ::= { mplsOutSegmentLdpLspEntry 2 }
1507:      mplsOutSegmentLdpLspLabelType  OBJECT-TYPE
1508:          SYNTAX        MplsLdpLabelType
1509:          MAX-ACCESS    read-only
1510:          STATUS        current
1511:          DESCRIPTION
1512:              "The Layer 2 Label Type."
1513:          ::= { mplsOutSegmentLdpLspEntry 3 }
1515:      mplsOutSegmentLdpLspType OBJECT-TYPE
1516:          SYNTAX        MplsLspType
1517:          MAX-ACCESS    read-only
1518:          STATUS        current
1519:          DESCRIPTION
1520:              "The type of LSP connection."
1521:          ::= { mplsOutSegmentLdpLspEntry 4 }
1524:      --
1525:      -- Mpls FEC Table
1526:      --
1528:      mplsFecObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
1529:                                            { mplsLdpSesObjects 8 }
1531:      mplsFecIndexNext  OBJECT-TYPE
1532:          SYNTAX         IndexIntegerNextFree
1533:          MAX-ACCESS     read-only
1534:          STATUS         current
1535:          DESCRIPTION
1536:              "This object contains an appropriate value to
1537:              be used for mplsFecIndex when creating
1538:              entries in the mplsFecTable. The value
1539:              0 indicates that no unassigned entries are
1540:              available."
1541:         ::= { mplsFecObjects 1 }
1544:      mplsFecTable OBJECT-TYPE
1545:          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MplsFecEntry
1546:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1547:          STATUS      current
1548:          DESCRIPTION
1549:              "This table represents the FEC
1550:              (Forwarding Equivalence Class)
1551:              Information associated with an LSP."
1552:          ::= { mplsFecObjects 2 }
1554:      mplsFecEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1555:          SYNTAX      MplsFecEntry
1556:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1557:          STATUS      current
1558:          DESCRIPTION
1559:              "Each row represents a single FEC Element."
1560:          INDEX       { mplsFecIndex }
1561:          ::= { mplsFecTable 1 }
1563:      MplsFecEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1564:          mplsFecIndex               IndexInteger,
1565:          mplsFecType                INTEGER,
1566:          mplsFecAddrPrefixLength    InetAddressPrefixLength,
1567:          mplsFecAddrFamily          InetAddressType,
1568:          mplsFecAddr                InetAddress,
1569:          mplsFecStorageType         StorageType,
1570:          mplsFecRowStatus           RowStatus
1571:      }
1573:      mplsFecIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1574:          SYNTAX      IndexInteger
1575:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1576:          STATUS      current
1577:          DESCRIPTION
1578:              "The index which uniquely identifies this entry."
1579:          ::= { mplsFecEntry 1 }
1581:      mplsFecType  OBJECT-TYPE
1582:          SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1583:                         prefix(1),
1584:                         hostAddress(2)
1585:                      }
1586:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1587:          STATUS      current
1588:          DESCRIPTION
1589:              "The type of the FEC.  If the value of this object
1590:              is 'prefix(1)' then the FEC type described by this
1591:              row is for address prefixes.
1593:              If the value of this object is 'hostAddress(2)' then
1594:              the FEC type described by this row is a host address."
1595:          REFERENCE
1596:              "[RFC3036], Section 3.4.1. FEC TLV."
1597:          ::= { mplsFecEntry 2 }
1599:      mplsFecAddrPrefixLength  OBJECT-TYPE
1600:          SYNTAX      InetAddressPrefixLength
1601:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1602:          STATUS      current
1603:          DESCRIPTION
1604:              "If the value of the 'mplsFecType' is 'hostAddress(2)'
1605:              then this object is undefined.
1607:              If the value of 'mplsFecType' is 'prefix(1)'
1608:              then the value of this object is the length in
1609:              bits of the address prefix represented by
1610:              'mplsFecAddr', or zero.  If the value of this
1611:              object is zero, this indicates that the
1612:              prefix matches all addresses.  In this case the
1613:              prefix MUST  also be zero (i.e. 'mplsFecAddr' will
1614:              have the value of zero.)"
1615:          REFERENCE
1616:              "[RFC3036], Section 3.4.1. FEC TLV."
1617:          DEFVAL { 0 }
1618:          ::= { mplsFecEntry 3 }
1620:      mplsFecAddrFamily  OBJECT-TYPE
1621:          SYNTAX      InetAddressType
1622:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1623:          STATUS      current
1624:          DESCRIPTION
1625:              "The value of this object is the type of the address.  The
1626:              type of the address should then be looked up in the
1627:              ADDRESS FAMILY NUMBERS [RFC1700] for the corresponding entry
1628:              there and this value should be encoded in the FEC TLV."
1629:          REFERENCE
1630:              "[RFC3036], Section 3.4.1. FEC TLV."
1631:          ::= { mplsFecEntry 4 }
1633:      mplsFecAddr     OBJECT-TYPE
1634:          SYNTAX      InetAddress
1635:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1636:          STATUS      current
1637:          DESCRIPTION
1638:              "The value of this object is the an address where the
1639:              address type is specified by the 'mplsFecAddrFamily' object.
1641:              This address is then used as either an address prefix,
1642:              or as the host address as indicated by the 'mplsFecType'
1643:              object.  In other words, the FEC element is populated
1644:              according to the Prefix FEC Element value encoding, or
1645:              the Host Address FEC Element encoding."
1646:          REFERENCE
1647:              "[RFC3036], Section 3.4.1 FEC TLV."
1648:          ::= { mplsFecEntry 5 }
1650:      mplsFecStorageType  OBJECT-TYPE
1651:          SYNTAX      StorageType
1652:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1653:          STATUS      current
1654:          DESCRIPTION
1655:                   "The storage type for this conceptual row.  Conceptual rows
1656:                   having the value 'permanent(4)' MAY allow write-access to
1657:                   any columnar objects in the row, except for setting the
1658:                   'mplsFecRowStatus' to 'destroy(6)'."
1659:          DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
1660:          ::= { mplsFecEntry 6 }
1662:      mplsFecRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
1663:          SYNTAX      RowStatus
1664:          MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1665:          STATUS      current
1666:          DESCRIPTION
1667:              "The status of this conceptual row.  If the value of this
1668:              object is 'active(1)', then none of the writable objects of
1669:              this entry can be modified, except to set this object
1670:              to 'destroy(6)'.
1672:              NOTE: if this row is being referenced by any entry in the
1673:              mplsLdpLspFecTable, then a request to destroy this row, will
1674:              result in an inconsistentValue error."
1675:          ::= { mplsFecEntry 7 }
1678:      --
1679:      --  LDP LSP FEC Table
1680:      --
1682:      mplsLdpLspFecTable OBJECT-TYPE
1683:         SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MplsLdpLspFecEntry
1684:         MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1685:         STATUS      current
1686:         DESCRIPTION
1687:            "A table which shows the relationship between
1688:            LDP LSP's and FECs.  Each row represents
1689:            a single LSP to FEC association."
1690:        ::= { mplsLdpSesObjects 9 }
1692:      mplsLdpLspFecEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1693:         SYNTAX     MplsLdpLspFecEntry
1694:         MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
1695:         STATUS     current
1696:         DESCRIPTION
1697:            "An entry represents a LDP LSP
1698:            to FEC association."
1699:         INDEX       { mplsLdpEntityLdpId,
1700:                       mplsLdpEntityIndex,
1701:                       mplsLdpPeerLdpId,
1702:                       mplsLdpLspFecSegment,
1703:                       mplsLdpLspFecIfIndex,
1704:                       mplsLdpLspFecLabel,
1705:                       mplsLdpLspFecIndex
1706:                      }
1707:         ::= { mplsLdpLspFecTable 1 }
1709:      MplsLdpLspFecEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1710:         mplsLdpLspFecSegment      INTEGER,
1711:         mplsLdpLspFecIfIndex      InterfaceIndexOrZero,
1712:         mplsLdpLspFecLabel        MplsLabel,
1713:         mplsLdpLspFecIndex        IndexInteger,
1714:         mplsLdpLspFecOperStatus   INTEGER,
1715:         mplsLdpLspFecLastChange   TimeStamp,
1716:         mplsLdpLspFecStorageType  StorageType,
1717:         mplsLdpLspFecRowStatus    RowStatus
1718:      }
1719:      mplsLdpLspFecSegment OBJECT-TYPE
1720:          SYNTAX INTEGER {
1721:                            inSegment(1),
1722:                            outSegment(2)
1723:                         }
1724:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1725:          STATUS      current
1726:          DESCRIPTION
1727:              "If the value is inSegment(1), then this
1728:              indicates that the following indices,
1729:              mplsLdpLspFecIfIndex and mplsLdpLspFecLabel
1730:              contain the same values as the mplsInSegmentLdpLspIfIndex
1731:              and the mplsInSegmentLdpLspLabel.
1733:              Otherwise, if the value of this object is
1734:              outSegment(2),  then this
1735:              indicates that the following indices,
1736:              mplsLdpLspFecIfIndex and mplsLdpLspFecLabel
1737:              contain the same values as the mplsOutSegmentLdpLspIfIndex
1738:              and the mplsOutSegmentLdpLspLabel."
1739:          ::= { mplsLdpLspFecEntry 1 }
1741:      mplsLdpLspFecIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1742:          SYNTAX      InterfaceIndexOrZero
1743:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1744:          STATUS      current
1745:          DESCRIPTION
1746:              "This index is either the mplsInSegmentLdpLspIfIndex
1747:              or the mplsOutSegmentLdpLspIfIndex as indicated by
1748:              the mplsLdpLspFecSegment."
1749:          ::= { mplsLdpLspFecEntry 2 }
1752:      mplsLdpLspFecLabel OBJECT-TYPE
1753:          SYNTAX      MplsLabel
1754:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1755:          STATUS      current
1756:          DESCRIPTION
1757:              "This index is either the mplsInSegmentLdpLspLabel
1758:              or the mplsOutSegmentLdpLspLabel as indicated by
1759:              the mplsLdpLspFecSegment."
1760:          ::= { mplsLdpLspFecEntry 3 }
1763:      mplsLdpLspFecIndex   OBJECT-TYPE
1764:          SYNTAX      IndexInteger
1765:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1766:          STATUS      current
1767:          DESCRIPTION
1768:              "This index identifies the FEC entry in the
1769:              mplsFecTable associated with this Session.
1770:              In other words, the value of this index
1771:              is the same as the value of the mplsFecIndex
1772:              that denotes the FEC associated with this
1773:              Session."
1774:          ::= { mplsLdpLspFecEntry 4 }
1777:      mplsLdpLspFecOperStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
1778:         SYNTAX      INTEGER {
1779:                               unknown(1),
1780:                               inUse(2),
1781:                               notInUse(3)
1782:                             }
1783:         MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1784:         STATUS      current
1785:         DESCRIPTION
1786:            "An indication of the operational status of
1787:            the FEC associated with LDP LSP.
1789:            unknown(1) - this is a temporary state which
1790:                         may indicate the LSP-FEC association
1791:                         is in a state of transition.
1793:            inUse(2) - the FEC associated with the LSP is
1794:                       currently being applied.
1796:            notInUse(3) - the FEC associated with the LSP is
1797:                          not being applied.  Eventually, this
1798:                          entry may be aged out."
1799:         ::= { mplsLdpLspFecEntry 5 }
1801:      mplsLdpLspFecLastChange  OBJECT-TYPE
1802:         SYNTAX     TimeStamp
1803:         MAX-ACCESS read-only
1804:         STATUS     current
1805:         DESCRIPTION
1806:            "This value of sysUpTime at the time of the most recent
1807:            change to the mplsLdpLspFecOperStatus object."
1808:         ::= { mplsLdpLspFecEntry 6 }
1810:           mplsLdpLspFecStorageType  OBJECT-TYPE
1811:               SYNTAX      StorageType
1812:               MAX-ACCESS  read-create
1813:               STATUS      current
1814:               DESCRIPTION
1815:                     "The storage type for this conceptual row.  Conceptual rows
1816:                     having the value 'permanent(4)' MAY allow write-access to
1817:                     any columnar objects in the row, except for setting the
1818:                     mplsLdpLspFecRowStatus' to 'destroy(6)'."
1819:               DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
1820:         ::= { mplsLdpLspFecEntry 7 }
1822:      mplsLdpLspFecRowStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
1823:         SYNTAX     RowStatus
1824:         MAX-ACCESS read-create
1825:         STATUS     current
1826:         DESCRIPTION
1827:               "The status of this conceptual row.  If the value of this
1828:               object is 'active(1)', then none of the writable objects of
1829:               this entry can be modified.
1831:               The Agent should delete this row when the Session ceases to
1832:               exist.  If an operator wants to associate the session with
1833:               a different FEC, the recommended
1834:               procedure is (as described in detail in the section
1835:               entitled, 'Changing Values After Session
1836:               Establishment', and again described in the
1837:               DESCRIPTION clause of the mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus object)
1838:               is to set the mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus to down, thereby
1839:               explicitly causing a session to be torn down. This will also
1840:               cause this entry to be deleted.
1842:               Then, set the mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus
1843:               to enable which enables a NEW session to be initiated.
1844:               Once the session is initiated, an entry may be added to this
1845:               table to associate the new session with a FEC."
1846:         ::= { mplsLdpLspFecEntry 8 }
1850:      --
1851:      -- Address Message/Address Withdraw Message Information
1852:      --
1853:      -- This information is associated with a specific Session
1854:      -- because Label Address Messages are sent after session
1855:      -- initialization has taken place.
1856:      --
1857:      mplsLdpSesPeerAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
1858:          SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF MplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry
1859:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1860:          STATUS      current
1861:          DESCRIPTION
1862:              "This table 'extends' the mplsLdpSessionTable.
1863:              This table is used to store Label Address Information
1864:              from Label Address Messages received by this LSR from
1865:              Peers.  This table is read-only and should be updated
1866:              when Label Withdraw Address Messages are received, i.e.
1867:              Rows should be deleted as apropriate.
1869:              NOTE:  since more than one address may be contained
1870:              in a Label Address Message, this table 'extends',
1871:              rather than 'AUGMENTS' the mplsLdpSessionTable's
1872:              information."
1873:          ::= { mplsLdpSesObjects 10 }
1875:      mplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
1876:          SYNTAX      MplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry
1877:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1878:          STATUS      current
1879:          DESCRIPTION
1880:              "An entry in this table represents information on
1881:              a session's single next hop address which was
1882:              advertised in an Address Message from the LDP peer.
1883:              The information contained in a row is read-only."
1884:          INDEX       { mplsLdpEntityLdpId,
1885:                        mplsLdpEntityIndex,
1886:                        mplsLdpPeerLdpId,
1887:                        mplsLdpSesPeerAddrIndex
1888:                      }
1889:          ::= { mplsLdpSesPeerAddrTable 1 }
1891:      MplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
1892:          mplsLdpSesPeerAddrIndex       Unsigned32,
1893:          mplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddrType InetAddressType,
1894:          mplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddr     InetAddress
1895:      }
1897:      mplsLdpSesPeerAddrIndex OBJECT-TYPE
1898:          SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
1899:          MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
1900:          STATUS      current
1901:          DESCRIPTION
1902:              "An index which uniquely identifies this entry within
1903:              a given session."
1904:          ::= { mplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry 1 }
1906:      mplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddrType OBJECT-TYPE
1907:          SYNTAX      InetAddressType
1908:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1909:          STATUS      current
1910:          DESCRIPTION
1911:              "The internetwork layer address type of this Next Hop
1912:              Address as specified in the Label Address Message
1913:              associated with this Session. The value of this
1914:              object indicates how to interpret the value of
1915:              mplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddress."
1916:          ::= { mplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry 2 }
1918:      mplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddr OBJECT-TYPE
1919:          SYNTAX      InetAddress
1920:          MAX-ACCESS  read-only
1921:          STATUS      current
1922:          DESCRIPTION
1923:              "The value of the next hop address."
1924:          REFERENCE
1925:              "[RFC3036], Section 2.7. LDP Identifiers and Next Hop Addresses"
1926:          ::= { mplsLdpSesPeerAddrEntry 3 }
1929:      ---
1930:      --- Notifications
1931:      ---
1933:      mplsLdpInitSesThresholdExceeded NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1934:           OBJECTS     {
1935:                         mplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold
1936:                       }
1937:           STATUS      current
1938:           DESCRIPTION
1939:              "This notification is generated when the value of
1940:              the 'mplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold' object
1941:              is not zero, and the number of Session
1942:              Initialization messages exceeds the value
1943:              of the 'mplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold' object."
1944:           ::= { mplsLdpNotifications 1 }
1946:      mplsLdpPathVectorLimitMismatch NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1947:           OBJECTS     {
1948:                         mplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit,
1949:                         mplsLdpPeerPathVectorLimit
1950:                       }
1951:           STATUS      current
1952:           DESCRIPTION
1953:              "If this notification is enabled to generated,
1954:              then this notification is sent when the
1955:              'mplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit' does NOT match
1956:              the value of the 'mplsLdpPeerPathVectorLimit' for
1957:              a specific Entity."
1958:           REFERENCE
1959:              "[RFC3036], LDP Specification, Section 3.5.3."
1960:           ::= { mplsLdpNotifications 2 }
1962:      mplsLdpSesUp NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1963:           OBJECTS     {
1964:                          mplsLdpSesState,
1965:                          mplsLdpSesDiscontinuityTime,
1966:                          mplsLdpSesStatsUnkMesTypeErrors,
1967:                          mplsLdpSesStatsUnkTlvErrors
1968:                       }
1969:           STATUS      current
1970:           DESCRIPTION
1971:              "If this notification is enabled to generated,
1972:              then this notification is sent when the
1973:              value of 'mplsLdpSesState' enters
1974:              the 'operational(5)' state."
1975:           ::= { mplsLdpNotifications 3 }
1977:      mplsLdpSesDown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
1978:           OBJECTS     {
1979:                          mplsLdpSesState,
1980:                          mplsLdpSesDiscontinuityTime,
1981:                          mplsLdpSesStatsUnkMesTypeErrors,
1982:                          mplsLdpSesStatsUnkTlvErrors
1984:                       }
1985:           STATUS      current
1986:           DESCRIPTION
1987:              "If this notification is enabled to generated,
1988:              then this notification is sent when the
1989:              the value of 'mplsLdpSesState' leaves
1990:              the 'operational(5)' state."
1991:           ::= { mplsLdpNotifications 4 }
1994:      --****************************************************************
1995:      -- Module Conformance Statement
1996:      --****************************************************************
1999:      mplsLdpGroups
2000:          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLdpConformance 1 }
2002:      mplsLdpCompliances
2003:          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mplsLdpConformance 2 }
2005:      --
2006:      -- Full Compliance
2007:      --
2009:      mplsLdpModuleFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
2010:          STATUS current
2011:          DESCRIPTION
2012:              "The Module is implemented with support
2013:              for read-create and read-write.  In other
2014:              words, both monitoring and configuration
2015:              are available when using this MODULE-COMPLIANCE."
2017:          MODULE -- this module
2018:              MANDATORY-GROUPS    { mplsLdpGeneralGroup,
2019:                                    mplsLdpNotificationsGroup
2020:                                  }
2023:          GROUP mplsLdpLspGroup
2024:          DESCRIPTION
2025:              "This group must be supported if the LSR MIB is
2026:              implemented, specifically the mplsInSegmentTable,
2027:              the mplsOutSegmentTable or the mplsXCTable."
2029:          OBJECT mplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddrType
2030:          SYNTAX InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
2031:          DESCRIPTION
2032:             "An implementation is only required to support
2033:             'unknown(0)', IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
2036:          OBJECT mplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddr
2037:          SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
2038:          DESCRIPTION
2039:              "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and
2040:              globally unique IPv6 addresses."
2042:          OBJECT mplsLdpEntityRowStatus
2043:          SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
2044:          WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
2045:          DESCRIPTION
2046:              "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not
2047:              required."
2049:          OBJECT mplsFecAddrFamily
2050:          SYNTAX InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
2051:          DESCRIPTION
2052:             "An implementation is only required to support
2053:             'unknown(0)', IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
2055:          OBJECT mplsFecAddr
2056:          SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
2057:          DESCRIPTION
2058:              "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and
2059:              globally unique IPv6 addresses."
2061:          OBJECT mplsFecRowStatus
2062:          SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
2063:          WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
2064:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2065:          DESCRIPTION
2066:              "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not
2067:              required. Also, the entries in this table may be
2068:              created by the agent, so strictly speaking
2069:              read-create functionality is not necessary, but
2070:              may be nice to have."
2072:          OBJECT mplsLdpLspFecRowStatus
2073:          SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
2074:          WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
2075:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2076:          DESCRIPTION
2077:              "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not
2078:              required. Also, the entries in this table may be
2079:              created by the agent, so strictly speaking
2080:              read-create functionality is not necessary, but
2081:              may be nice to have."
2083:          OBJECT mplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddrType
2084:          SYNTAX InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
2085:          DESCRIPTION
2086:              "An implementation is only required to support
2087:              'unknown(0)', IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
2089:          OBJECT mplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddr
2090:          SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
2091:          DESCRIPTION
2092:              "An implementation is only required to support IPv4
2093:              and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
2096:          ::= { mplsLdpCompliances 1 }
2098:      --
2099:      -- Read-Only Compliance
2100:      --
2103:      mplsLdpModuleReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
2104:          STATUS current
2105:          DESCRIPTION
2106:              "The Module is implemented with support
2107:              for read-only.  In other words, only monitoring
2108:              is available by implementing this MODULE-COMPLIANCE."
2110:          MODULE -- this module
2111:              MANDATORY-GROUPS    { mplsLdpGeneralGroup,
2112:                                    mplsLdpNotificationsGroup
2113:                                  }
2116:          GROUP mplsLdpLspGroup
2117:          DESCRIPTION
2118:              "This group must be supported if the LSR MIB is
2119:              implemented, specifically the mplsInSegmentTable,
2120:              the mplsOutSegmentTable or the mplsXCTable."
2122:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityProtocolVersion
2123:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2124:          DESCRIPTION
2125:             "Write access is not required."
2127:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus
2128:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2129:          DESCRIPTION
2130:             "Write access is not required."
2132:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityTcpDscPort
2133:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2134:          DESCRIPTION
2135:             "Write access is not required."
2137:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityUdpDscPort
2138:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2139:          DESCRIPTION
2140:             "Write access is not required."
2142:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength
2143:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2144:          DESCRIPTION
2145:             "Write access is not required."
2147:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityKeepAliveHoldTimer
2148:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2149:          DESCRIPTION
2150:             "Write access is not required."
2152:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityHelloHoldTimer
2153:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2154:          DESCRIPTION
2155:             "Write access is not required."
2157:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold
2158:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2159:          DESCRIPTION
2160:             "Write access is not required."
2162:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityLabelDistMethod
2163:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2164:          DESCRIPTION
2165:             "Write access is not required."
2167:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityLabelRetentionMode
2168:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2169:          DESCRIPTION
2170:             "Write access is not required."
2172:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit
2173:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2174:          DESCRIPTION
2175:             "Write access is not required."
2177:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityHopCountLimit
2178:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2179:          DESCRIPTION
2180:             "Write access is not required."
2182:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityTransportAddrKind
2183:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2184:          DESCRIPTION
2185:             "Write access is not required."
2188:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityTargetPeer
2189:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2190:          DESCRIPTION
2191:             "Write access is not required."
2193:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddrType
2194:          SYNTAX       InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
2195:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2196:          DESCRIPTION
2197:             "Write access is not required.
2198:             An implementation is only required to support
2199:             'unknown(0)', IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
2201:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddr
2202:          SYNTAX       InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
2203:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2204:          DESCRIPTION
2205:              "Write access is not required.
2206:              An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and
2207:              globally unique IPv6 addresses."
2209:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityLabelType
2210:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2211:          DESCRIPTION
2212:             "Write access is not required."
2214:          OBJECT       mplsLdpEntityStorageType
2215:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2216:          DESCRIPTION
2217:             "Write access is not required."
2219:          OBJECT mplsLdpEntityRowStatus
2220:          SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
2221:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2222:          DESCRIPTION
2223:              "Write access is not required, and active is the
2224:              only status that needs to be supported."
2226:          OBJECT       mplsFecType
2227:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2228:          DESCRIPTION
2229:             "Write access is not required."
2231:          OBJECT       mplsFecAddrPrefixLength
2232:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2233:          DESCRIPTION
2234:             "Write access is not required."
2236:          OBJECT       mplsFecAddrFamily
2237:          SYNTAX       InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
2238:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2239:          DESCRIPTION
2240:             "Write access is not required.
2241:             An implementation is only required to support
2242:             'unknown(0)', IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
2245:          OBJECT        mplsFecAddr
2246:          SYNTAX        InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
2247:          MIN-ACCESS    read-only
2248:          DESCRIPTION
2249:              "Write access is not required.
2250:              An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and
2251:              globally unique IPv6 addresses."
2253:          OBJECT       mplsFecStorageType
2254:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2255:          DESCRIPTION
2256:             "Write access is not required."
2258:          OBJECT mplsFecRowStatus
2259:          SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
2260:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2261:          DESCRIPTION
2262:              "Write access is not required, and active is the
2263:              only status that needs to be supported."
2266:          OBJECT       mplsLdpLspFecStorageType
2267:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2268:          DESCRIPTION
2269:             "Write access is not required."
2271:          OBJECT mplsLdpLspFecRowStatus
2272:          SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
2273:          MIN-ACCESS   read-only
2274:          DESCRIPTION
2275:              "Write access is not required, and active is the
2276:              only status that needs to be supported."
2278:          OBJECT mplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddrType
2279:          SYNTAX InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
2280:          DESCRIPTION
2281:             "An implementation is only required to support
2282:             'unknown(0)', IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
2285:          OBJECT mplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddr
2286:          SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
2287:          DESCRIPTION
2288:              "An implementation is only required to support IPv4
2289:              and globally unique IPv6 addresses."
2291:          ::= { mplsLdpCompliances 2 }
2294:      -- units of conformance
2296:      mplsLdpGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP
2297:          OBJECTS {
2298:          mplsLdpLsrId,
2299:          mplsLdpLsrLoopDetectionCapable,
2300:          mplsLdpEntityLastChange,
2301:          mplsLdpEntityIndexNext,
2302:          mplsLdpEntityProtocolVersion,
2303:          mplsLdpEntityAdminStatus,
2304:          mplsLdpEntityOperStatus,
2305:          mplsLdpEntityTcpDscPort,
2306:          mplsLdpEntityUdpDscPort,
2307:          mplsLdpEntityMaxPduLength,
2308:          mplsLdpEntityKeepAliveHoldTimer,
2309:          mplsLdpEntityHelloHoldTimer,
2310:          mplsLdpEntityInitSesThreshold,
2311:          mplsLdpEntityLabelDistMethod,
2312:          mplsLdpEntityLabelRetentionMode,
2313:          mplsLdpEntityPathVectorLimit,
2314:          mplsLdpEntityHopCountLimit,
2315:          mplsLdpEntityTransportAddrKind,
2316:          mplsLdpEntityTargetPeer,
2317:          mplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddrType,
2318:          mplsLdpEntityTargetPeerAddr,
2319:          mplsLdpEntityLabelType,
2320:          mplsLdpEntityDiscontinuityTime,
2321:          mplsLdpEntityStorageType,
2322:          mplsLdpEntityRowStatus,
2323:          mplsLdpEntityStatsSesAttempts,
2324:          mplsLdpEntityStatsSesRejectedNoHelloErrors,
2325:          mplsLdpEntityStatsSesRejectedAdErrors,
2326:          mplsLdpEntityStatsSesRejectedMaxPduErrors,
2327:          mplsLdpEntityStatsSesRejectedLRErrors,
2328:          mplsLdpEntityStatsBadLdpIdentifierErrors,
2329:          mplsLdpEntityStatsBadPduLengthErrors,
2330:          mplsLdpEntityStatsBadMessageLengthErrors,
2331:          mplsLdpEntityStatsBadTlvLengthErrors,
2332:          mplsLdpEntityStatsMalformedTlvValueErrors,
2333:          mplsLdpEntityStatsKeepAliveTimerExpErrors,
2334:          mplsLdpEntityStatsShutdownReceivedNotifications,
2335:          mplsLdpEntityStatsShutdownSentNotifications,
2336:          mplsLdpPeerLastChange,
2337:          mplsLdpPeerLabelDistMethod,
2338:          mplsLdpPeerPathVectorLimit,
2339:          mplsLdpPeerTransportAddrType,
2340:          mplsLdpPeerTransportAddr,
2341:          mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyHoldTimeRem,
2342:          mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyHoldTime,
2343:          mplsLdpHelloAdjacencyType,
2344:          mplsLdpSesStateLastChange,
2345:          mplsLdpSesState,
2346:          mplsLdpSesRole,
2347:          mplsLdpSesProtocolVersion,
2348:          mplsLdpSesKeepAliveHoldTimeRem,
2349:          mplsLdpSesKeepAliveTime,
2350:          mplsLdpSesMaxPduLength,
2351:          mplsLdpSesDiscontinuityTime,
2352:          mplsLdpSesStatsUnkMesTypeErrors,
2353:          mplsLdpSesStatsUnkTlvErrors,
2354:          mplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddrType,
2355:          mplsLdpSesPeerNextHopAddr,
2356:          mplsFecIndexNext,
2357:          mplsFecType,
2358:          mplsFecAddrPrefixLength,
2359:          mplsFecAddrFamily,
2360:          mplsFecAddr,
2361:          mplsFecStorageType,
2362:          mplsFecRowStatus
2363:          }
2364:          STATUS    current
2365:          DESCRIPTION
2366:              "Objects that apply to all MPLS LDP implementations."
2367:          ::= { mplsLdpGroups 1 }
2370:      mplsLdpLspGroup OBJECT-GROUP
2371:          OBJECTS {
2372:          mplsInSegmentLdpLspLabelType,
2373:          mplsInSegmentLdpLspType,
2374:          mplsOutSegmentLdpLspLabelType,
2375:          mplsOutSegmentLdpLspType,
2376:          mplsLdpLspFecOperStatus,
2377:          mplsLdpLspFecLastChange,
2378:          mplsLdpLspFecStorageType,
2379:          mplsLdpLspFecRowStatus
2380:          }
2381:          STATUS    current
2382:          DESCRIPTION
2383:              "These objects are optional and only need to be supported
2384:              for LDP implementations which support the following
2385:              tables in the LSR MIB: mplsInSegmentTable,
2386:              mplsOutSegmentTable and mplsXCTable."
2387:          ::= { mplsLdpGroups 2 }
2390:      mplsLdpNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
2391:          NOTIFICATIONS { mplsLdpInitSesThresholdExceeded,
2392:                          mplsLdpPathVectorLimitMismatch,
2393:                          mplsLdpSesUp,
2394:                          mplsLdpSesDown
2395:                             }
2396:          STATUS   current
2397:          DESCRIPTION
2398:              "The notification(s) which an MPLS LDP implemention
2399:               is required to implement."
2400:          ::= { mplsLdpGroups 3 }
2403:      END
2405: -- 
2406: --    Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). All Rights Reserved.
2407: -- 
2408: -- 
2409: --    This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
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2414: --    included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
2415: --    document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
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2422: -- 
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2426: --    This document and the information contained herein is provided on an