smilint output for ./RFC1382-MIB

Message Severities
change recommended1
Message Types
default-too-long-smiv1 (change recommended)1
node-implicit (warning)1



   1: -- extracted from rfc1382.txt
   2: -- at Mon Nov 15 17:11:57 1999
1554:           x25CircuitCallParamId OBJECT-TYPE
1555:                   SYNTAX  OBJECT IDENTIFIER
1556:                   ACCESS  read-write
1557:                   STATUS  mandatory
1558:                   DESCRIPTION
1559:                           "This identifies the instance of the
1560:                           x25CallParmIndex for the entry in the
1561:                           x25CallParmTable which contains the call
1562:                           parameters in use with this circuit.  The
1563:                           entry referenced must contain the values
1564:                           that are currently in use by the circuit
1565:                           rather than proposed values.  A value of
1566:                           NULL indicates the circuit is a PVC or is
1567:                           using all the default parameters."
1568:                   DEFVAL { {0 0} }
1568: change recommended - warning: object identifier default values in form of sub-identifier sequences are not implemented
1569:                   ::= { x25CircuitEntry 17 }
2578:           x25Restart      TRAP-TYPE
2579:                   ENTERPRISE  x25
2580:                   VARIABLES { x25OperIndex }
2581:                   DESCRIPTION
2582:                           "This trap means the X.25 PLE sent or
2583:                           received a restart packet.  The restart that
2584:                           brings up the link should not send a
2585:                           x25Restart trap so the interface should send
2586:                           a linkUp trap.  Sending this trap means the
2587:                           agent does not send a linkDown and linkUp
2588:                           trap."
2589:                   ::= 1
2589: warning - warning: implicit node definition