smilint output for ./SNMPv2-TC

Message Severities
Message Types
type-unref (warning)16
type-without-format (warning)3



   1: -- extracted from rfc2579.txt
   2: -- at Fri Dec 24 21:34:57 1999
  56: DisplayString ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
  56: warning - warning: current type `DisplayString' is not referenced in this module
  57:     DISPLAY-HINT "255a"
  58:     STATUS       current
  60:             "Represents textual information taken from the NVT ASCII
  61:             character set, as defined in pages 4, 10-11 of RFC 854.
  63:             To summarize RFC 854, the NVT ASCII repertoire specifies:
  65:               - the use of character codes 0-127 (decimal)
  67:               - the graphics characters (32-126) are interpreted as
  68:                 US ASCII
  70:               - NUL, LF, CR, BEL, BS, HT, VT and FF have the special
  71:                 meanings specified in RFC 854
  73:               - the other 25 codes have no standard interpretation
  75:               - the sequence 'CR LF' means newline
  77:               - the sequence 'CR NUL' means carriage-return
  79:               - an 'LF' not preceded by a 'CR' means moving to the
  80:                 same column on the next line.
  82:               - the sequence 'CR x' for any x other than LF or NUL is
  83:                 illegal.  (Note that this also means that a string may
  84:                 end with either 'CR LF' or 'CR NUL', but not with CR.)
  86:             Any object defined using this syntax may not exceed 255
  87:             characters in length."
  88:     SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
  90: PhysAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
  90: warning - warning: current type `PhysAddress' is not referenced in this module
  91:     DISPLAY-HINT "1x:"
  92:     STATUS       current
  94:             "Represents media- or physical-level addresses."
  95:     SYNTAX       OCTET STRING
  98: MacAddress ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
  98: warning - warning: current type `MacAddress' is not referenced in this module
  99:     DISPLAY-HINT "1x:"
 100:     STATUS       current
 102:             "Represents an 802 MAC address represented in the
 103:             `canonical' order defined by IEEE 802.1a, i.e., as if it
 104:             were transmitted least significant bit first, even though
 105:             802.5 (in contrast to other 802.x protocols) requires MAC
 106:             addresses to be transmitted most significant bit first."
 107:     SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (6))
 109: TruthValue ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
 109: warning - warning: current type `TruthValue' is not referenced in this module
 110:     STATUS       current
 112:             "Represents a boolean value."
 113:     SYNTAX       INTEGER { true(1), false(2) }
 115: TestAndIncr ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
 115: warning - warning: current type `TestAndIncr' is not referenced in this module
 115: warning - warning: type `TestAndIncr' has no format specification
 116:     STATUS       current
 118:             "Represents integer-valued information used for atomic
 119:             operations.  When the management protocol is used to specify
 120:             that an object instance having this syntax is to be
 121:             modified, the new value supplied via the management protocol
 122:             must precisely match the value presently held by the
 123:             instance.  If not, the management protocol set operation
 124:             fails with an error of `inconsistentValue'.  Otherwise, if
 125:             the current value is the maximum value of 2^31-1 (2147483647
 126:             decimal), then the value held by the instance is wrapped to
 127:             zero; otherwise, the value held by the instance is
 128:             incremented by one.  (Note that regardless of whether the
 129:             management protocol set operation succeeds, the variable-
 130:             binding in the request and response PDUs are identical.)
 132:             The value of the ACCESS clause for objects having this
 133:             syntax is either `read-write' or `read-create'.  When an
 134:             instance of a columnar object having this syntax is created,
 135:             any value may be supplied via the management protocol.
 137:             When the network management portion of the system is re-
 138:             initialized, the value of every object instance having this
 139:             syntax must either be incremented from its value prior to
 140:             the re-initialization, or (if the value prior to the re-
 141:             initialization is unknown) be set to a pseudo-randomly
 142:             generated value."
 143:     SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..2147483647)
 145: AutonomousType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
 145: warning - warning: current type `AutonomousType' is not referenced in this module
 146:     STATUS       current
 148:             "Represents an independently extensible type identification
 149:             value.  It may, for example, indicate a particular sub-tree
 150:             with further MIB definitions, or define a particular type of
 151:             protocol or hardware."
 155: InstancePointer ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
 155: warning - warning: obsolete type `InstancePointer' is not referenced in this module
 156:     STATUS       obsolete
 158:             "A pointer to either a specific instance of a MIB object or
 159:             a conceptual row of a MIB table in the managed device.  In
 160:             the latter case, by convention, it is the name of the
 161:             particular instance of the first accessible columnar object
 162:             in the conceptual row.
 164:             The two uses of this textual convention are replaced by
 165:             VariablePointer and RowPointer, respectively."
 169: VariablePointer ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
 169: warning - warning: current type `VariablePointer' is not referenced in this module
 170:     STATUS       current
 172:             "A pointer to a specific object instance.  For example,
 173:             sysContact.0 or ifInOctets.3."
 177: RowPointer ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
 177: warning - warning: current type `RowPointer' is not referenced in this module
 178:     STATUS       current
 180:             "Represents a pointer to a conceptual row.  The value is the
 181:             name of the instance of the first accessible columnar object
 182:             in the conceptual row.
 184:             For example, ifIndex.3 would point to the 3rd row in the
 185:             ifTable (note that if ifIndex were not-accessible, then
 186:             ifDescr.3 would be used instead)."
 189: RowStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
 189: warning - warning: current type `RowStatus' is not referenced in this module
 190:     STATUS       current
 192:             "The RowStatus textual convention is used to manage the
 193:             creation and deletion of conceptual rows, and is used as the
 194:             value of the SYNTAX clause for the status column of a
 195:             conceptual row (as described in Section 7.7.1 of [2].)
 196:             The status column has six defined values:
 198:                  - `active', which indicates that the conceptual row is
 199:                  available for use by the managed device;
 201:                  - `notInService', which indicates that the conceptual
 202:                  row exists in the agent, but is unavailable for use by
 203:                  the managed device (see NOTE below); 'notInService' has
 204:                  no implication regarding the internal consistency of
 205:                  the row, availability of resources, or consistency with
 206:                  the current state of the managed device;
 208:                  - `notReady', which indicates that the conceptual row
 209:                  exists in the agent, but is missing information
 210:                  necessary in order to be available for use by the
 211:                  managed device (i.e., one or more required columns in
 212:                  the conceptual row have not been instanciated);
 214:                  - `createAndGo', which is supplied by a management
 215:                  station wishing to create a new instance of a
 216:                  conceptual row and to have its status automatically set
 217:                  to active, making it available for use by the managed
 218:                  device;
 220:                  - `createAndWait', which is supplied by a management
 221:                  station wishing to create a new instance of a
 222:                  conceptual row (but not make it available for use by
 223:                  the managed device); and,
 225:                  - `destroy', which is supplied by a management station
 226:                  wishing to delete all of the instances associated with
 227:                  an existing conceptual row.
 229:             Whereas five of the six values (all except `notReady') may
 230:             be specified in a management protocol set operation, only
 231:             three values will be returned in response to a management
 232:             protocol retrieval operation:  `notReady', `notInService' or
 233:             `active'.  That is, when queried, an existing conceptual row
 234:             has only three states:  it is either available for use by
 235:             the managed device (the status column has value `active');
 236:             it is not available for use by the managed device, though
 237:             the agent has sufficient information to attempt to make it
 238:             so (the status column has value `notInService'); or, it is
 239:             not available for use by the managed device, and an attempt
 240:             to make it so would fail because the agent has insufficient
 241:             information (the state column has value `notReady').
 242:                                      NOTE WELL
 244:                  This textual convention may be used for a MIB table,
 245:                  irrespective of whether the values of that table's
 246:                  conceptual rows are able to be modified while it is
 247:                  active, or whether its conceptual rows must be taken
 248:                  out of service in order to be modified.  That is, it is
 249:                  the responsibility of the DESCRIPTION clause of the
 250:                  status column to specify whether the status column must
 251:                  not be `active' in order for the value of some other
 252:                  column of the same conceptual row to be modified.  If
 253:                  such a specification is made, affected columns may be
 254:                  changed by an SNMP set PDU if the RowStatus would not
 255:                  be equal to `active' either immediately before or after
 256:                  processing the PDU.  In other words, if the PDU also
 257:                  contained a varbind that would change the RowStatus
 258:                  value, the column in question may be changed if the
 259:                  RowStatus was not equal to `active' as the PDU was
 260:                  received, or if the varbind sets the status to a value
 261:                  other than 'active'.
 264:             Also note that whenever any elements of a row exist, the
 265:             RowStatus column must also exist.
 266:             To summarize the effect of having a conceptual row with a
 267:             status column having a SYNTAX clause value of RowStatus,
 268:             consider the following state diagram:
 271:                                          STATE
 272:               +--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------
 273:               |      A       |     B     |      C      |      D
 274:               |              |status col.|status column|
 275:               |status column |    is     |      is     |status column
 276:     ACTION    |does not exist|  notReady | notInService|  is active
 277: --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------
 278: set status    |noError    ->D|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
 279: column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
 280: createAndGo   |inconsistent- |           |             |
 281:               |         Value|           |             |
 282: --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------
 283: set status    |noError  see 1|inconsist- |inconsistent-|inconsistent-
 284: column to     |       or     |   entValue|        Value|        Value
 285: createAndWait |wrongValue    |           |             |
 286: --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------
 287: set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError
 288: column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
 289: active        |              |           |             |
 290:               |              |     or    |             |
 291:               |              |           |             |
 292:               |              |see 2   ->D|see 8     ->D|          ->D
 293: --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------
 294: set status    |inconsistent- |inconsist- |noError      |noError   ->C
 295: column to     |         Value|   entValue|             |
 296: notInService  |              |           |             |
 297:               |              |     or    |             |      or
 298:               |              |           |             |
 299:               |              |see 3   ->C|          ->C|see 6
 300: --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------
 301: set status    |noError       |noError    |noError      |noError   ->A
 302: column to     |              |           |             |      or
 303: destroy       |           ->A|        ->A|          ->A|see 7
 304: --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------
 305: set any other |see 4         |noError    |noError      |see 5
 306: column to some|              |           |             |
 307: value         |              |      see 1|          ->C|          ->D
 308: --------------+--------------+-----------+-------------+-------------
 310:             (1) goto B or C, depending on information available to the
 311:             agent.
 313:             (2) if other variable bindings included in the same PDU,
 314:             provide values for all columns which are missing but
 315:             required, and all columns have acceptable values, then
 316:             return noError and goto D.
 318:             (3) if other variable bindings included in the same PDU,
 319:             provide legal values for all columns which are missing but
 320:             required, then return noError and goto C.
 322:             (4) at the discretion of the agent, the return value may be
 323:             either:
 325:                  inconsistentName:  because the agent does not choose to
 326:                  create such an instance when the corresponding
 327:                  RowStatus instance does not exist, or
 329:                  inconsistentValue:  if the supplied value is
 330:                  inconsistent with the state of some other MIB object's
 331:                  value, or
 333:                  noError: because the agent chooses to create the
 334:                  instance.
 336:             If noError is returned, then the instance of the status
 337:             column must also be created, and the new state is B or C,
 338:             depending on the information available to the agent.  If
 339:             inconsistentName or inconsistentValue is returned, the row
 340:             remains in state A.
 342:             (5) depending on the MIB definition for the column/table,
 343:             either noError or inconsistentValue may be returned.
 345:             (6) the return value can indicate one of the following
 346:             errors:
 348:                  wrongValue: because the agent does not support
 349:                  notInService (e.g., an agent which does not support
 350:                  createAndWait), or
 352:                  inconsistentValue: because the agent is unable to take
 353:                  the row out of service at this time, perhaps because it
 354:                  is in use and cannot be de-activated.
 356:             (7) the return value can indicate the following error:
 358:                  inconsistentValue: because the agent is unable to
 359:                  remove the row at this time, perhaps because it is in
 360:                  use and cannot be de-activated.
 362:             (8) the transition to D can fail, e.g., if the values of the
 363:             conceptual row are inconsistent, then the error code would
 364:             be inconsistentValue.
 366:             NOTE: Other processing of (this and other varbinds of) the
 367:             set request may result in a response other than noError
 368:             being returned, e.g., wrongValue, noCreation, etc.
 371:                               Conceptual Row Creation
 373:             There are four potential interactions when creating a
 374:             conceptual row:  selecting an instance-identifier which is
 375:             not in use; creating the conceptual row; initializing any
 376:             objects for which the agent does not supply a default; and,
 377:             making the conceptual row available for use by the managed
 378:             device.
 380:             Interaction 1: Selecting an Instance-Identifier
 382:             The algorithm used to select an instance-identifier varies
 383:             for each conceptual row.  In some cases, the instance-
 384:             identifier is semantically significant, e.g., the
 385:             destination address of a route, and a management station
 386:             selects the instance-identifier according to the semantics.
 388:             In other cases, the instance-identifier is used solely to
 389:             distinguish conceptual rows, and a management station
 390:             without specific knowledge of the conceptual row might
 391:             examine the instances present in order to determine an
 392:             unused instance-identifier.  (This approach may be used, but
 393:             it is often highly sub-optimal; however, it is also a
 394:             questionable practice for a naive management station to
 395:             attempt conceptual row creation.)
 397:             Alternately, the MIB module which defines the conceptual row
 398:             might provide one or more objects which provide assistance
 399:             in determining an unused instance-identifier.  For example,
 400:             if the conceptual row is indexed by an integer-value, then
 401:             an object having an integer-valued SYNTAX clause might be
 402:             defined for such a purpose, allowing a management station to
 403:             issue a management protocol retrieval operation.  In order
 404:             to avoid unnecessary collisions between competing management
 405:             stations, `adjacent' retrievals of this object should be
 406:             different.
 408:             Finally, the management station could select a pseudo-random
 409:             number to use as the index.  In the event that this index
 410:             was already in use and an inconsistentValue was returned in
 411:             response to the management protocol set operation, the
 412:             management station should simply select a new pseudo-random
 413:             number and retry the operation.
 415:             A MIB designer should choose between the two latter
 416:             algorithms based on the size of the table (and therefore the
 417:             efficiency of each algorithm).  For tables in which a large
 418:             number of entries are expected, it is recommended that a MIB
 419:             object be defined that returns an acceptable index for
 420:             creation.  For tables with small numbers of entries, it is
 421:             recommended that the latter pseudo-random index mechanism be
 422:             used.
 424:             Interaction 2: Creating the Conceptual Row
 426:             Once an unused instance-identifier has been selected, the
 427:             management station determines if it wishes to create and
 428:             activate the conceptual row in one transaction or in a
 429:             negotiated set of interactions.
 431:             Interaction 2a: Creating and Activating the Conceptual Row
 433:             The management station must first determine the column
 434:             requirements, i.e., it must determine those columns for
 435:             which it must or must not provide values.  Depending on the
 436:             complexity of the table and the management station's
 437:             knowledge of the agent's capabilities, this determination
 438:             can be made locally by the management station.  Alternately,
 439:             the management station issues a management protocol get
 440:             operation to examine all columns in the conceptual row that
 441:             it wishes to create.  In response, for each column, there
 442:             are three possible outcomes:
 444:                  - a value is returned, indicating that some other
 445:                  management station has already created this conceptual
 446:                  row.  We return to interaction 1.
 448:                  - the exception `noSuchInstance' is returned,
 449:                  indicating that the agent implements the object-type
 450:                  associated with this column, and that this column in at
 451:                  least one conceptual row would be accessible in the MIB
 452:                  view used by the retrieval were it to exist. For those
 453:                  columns to which the agent provides read-create access,
 454:                  the `noSuchInstance' exception tells the management
 455:                  station that it should supply a value for this column
 456:                  when the conceptual row is to be created.
 457:                  - the exception `noSuchObject' is returned, indicating
 458:                  that the agent does not implement the object-type
 459:                  associated with this column or that there is no
 460:                  conceptual row for which this column would be
 461:                  accessible in the MIB view used by the retrieval.  As
 462:                  such, the management station can not issue any
 463:                  management protocol set operations to create an
 464:                  instance of this column.
 466:             Once the column requirements have been determined, a
 467:             management protocol set operation is accordingly issued.
 468:             This operation also sets the new instance of the status
 469:             column to `createAndGo'.
 471:             When the agent processes the set operation, it verifies that
 472:             it has sufficient information to make the conceptual row
 473:             available for use by the managed device.  The information
 474:             available to the agent is provided by two sources:  the
 475:             management protocol set operation which creates the
 476:             conceptual row, and, implementation-specific defaults
 477:             supplied by the agent (note that an agent must provide
 478:             implementation-specific defaults for at least those objects
 479:             which it implements as read-only).  If there is sufficient
 480:             information available, then the conceptual row is created, a
 481:             `noError' response is returned, the status column is set to
 482:             `active', and no further interactions are necessary (i.e.,
 483:             interactions 3 and 4 are skipped).  If there is insufficient
 484:             information, then the conceptual row is not created, and the
 485:             set operation fails with an error of `inconsistentValue'.
 486:             On this error, the management station can issue a management
 487:             protocol retrieval operation to determine if this was
 488:             because it failed to specify a value for a required column,
 489:             or, because the selected instance of the status column
 490:             already existed.  In the latter case, we return to
 491:             interaction 1.  In the former case, the management station
 492:             can re-issue the set operation with the additional
 493:             information, or begin interaction 2 again using
 494:             `createAndWait' in order to negotiate creation of the
 495:             conceptual row.
 496:                                      NOTE WELL
 498:                  Regardless of the method used to determine the column
 499:                  requirements, it is possible that the management
 500:                  station might deem a column necessary when, in fact,
 501:                  the agent will not allow that particular columnar
 502:                  instance to be created or written.  In this case, the
 503:                  management protocol set operation will fail with an
 504:                  error such as `noCreation' or `notWritable'.  In this
 505:                  case, the management station decides whether it needs
 506:                  to be able to set a value for that particular columnar
 507:                  instance.  If not, the management station re-issues the
 508:                  management protocol set operation, but without setting
 509:                  a value for that particular columnar instance;
 510:                  otherwise, the management station aborts the row
 511:                  creation algorithm.
 513:             Interaction 2b: Negotiating the Creation of the Conceptual
 514:             Row
 516:             The management station issues a management protocol set
 517:             operation which sets the desired instance of the status
 518:             column to `createAndWait'.  If the agent is unwilling to
 519:             process a request of this sort, the set operation fails with
 520:             an error of `wrongValue'.  (As a consequence, such an agent
 521:             must be prepared to accept a single management protocol set
 522:             operation, i.e., interaction 2a above, containing all of the
 523:             columns indicated by its column requirements.)  Otherwise,
 524:             the conceptual row is created, a `noError' response is
 525:             returned, and the status column is immediately set to either
 526:             `notInService' or `notReady', depending on whether it has
 527:             sufficient information to (attempt to) make the conceptual
 528:             row available for use by the managed device.  If there is
 529:             sufficient information available, then the status column is
 530:             set to `notInService'; otherwise, if there is insufficient
 531:             information, then the status column is set to `notReady'.
 532:             Regardless, we proceed to interaction 3.
 534:             Interaction 3: Initializing non-defaulted Objects
 536:             The management station must now determine the column
 537:             requirements.  It issues a management protocol get operation
 538:             to examine all columns in the created conceptual row.  In
 539:             the response, for each column, there are three possible
 540:             outcomes:
 541:                  - a value is returned, indicating that the agent
 542:                  implements the object-type associated with this column
 543:                  and had sufficient information to provide a value.  For
 544:                  those columns to which the agent provides read-create
 545:                  access (and for which the agent allows their values to
 546:                  be changed after their creation), a value return tells
 547:                  the management station that it may issue additional
 548:                  management protocol set operations, if it desires, in
 549:                  order to change the value associated with this column.
 551:                  - the exception `noSuchInstance' is returned,
 552:                  indicating that the agent implements the object-type
 553:                  associated with this column, and that this column in at
 554:                  least one conceptual row would be accessible in the MIB
 555:                  view used by the retrieval were it to exist. However,
 556:                  the agent does not have sufficient information to
 557:                  provide a value, and until a value is provided, the
 558:                  conceptual row may not be made available for use by the
 559:                  managed device.  For those columns to which the agent
 560:                  provides read-create access, the `noSuchInstance'
 561:                  exception tells the management station that it must
 562:                  issue additional management protocol set operations, in
 563:                  order to provide a value associated with this column.
 565:                  - the exception `noSuchObject' is returned, indicating
 566:                  that the agent does not implement the object-type
 567:                  associated with this column or that there is no
 568:                  conceptual row for which this column would be
 569:                  accessible in the MIB view used by the retrieval.  As
 570:                  such, the management station can not issue any
 571:                  management protocol set operations to create an
 572:                  instance of this column.
 574:             If the value associated with the status column is
 575:             `notReady', then the management station must first deal with
 576:             all `noSuchInstance' columns, if any.  Having done so, the
 577:             value of the status column becomes `notInService', and we
 578:             proceed to interaction 4.
 579:             Interaction 4: Making the Conceptual Row Available
 581:             Once the management station is satisfied with the values
 582:             associated with the columns of the conceptual row, it issues
 583:             a management protocol set operation to set the status column
 584:             to `active'.  If the agent has sufficient information to
 585:             make the conceptual row available for use by the managed
 586:             device, the management protocol set operation succeeds (a
 587:             `noError' response is returned).  Otherwise, the management
 588:             protocol set operation fails with an error of
 589:             `inconsistentValue'.
 591:                                      NOTE WELL
 593:                  A conceptual row having a status column with value
 594:                  `notInService' or `notReady' is unavailable to the
 595:                  managed device.  As such, it is possible for the
 596:                  managed device to create its own instances during the
 597:                  time between the management protocol set operation
 598:                  which sets the status column to `createAndWait' and the
 599:                  management protocol set operation which sets the status
 600:                  column to `active'.  In this case, when the management
 601:                  protocol set operation is issued to set the status
 602:                  column to `active', the values held in the agent
 603:                  supersede those used by the managed device.
 605:             If the management station is prevented from setting the
 606:             status column to `active' (e.g., due to management station
 607:             or network failure) the conceptual row will be left in the
 608:             `notInService' or `notReady' state, consuming resources
 609:             indefinitely.  The agent must detect conceptual rows that
 610:             have been in either state for an abnormally long period of
 611:             time and remove them.  It is the responsibility of the
 612:             DESCRIPTION clause of the status column to indicate what an
 613:             abnormally long period of time would be.  This period of
 614:             time should be long enough to allow for human response time
 615:             (including `think time') between the creation of the
 616:             conceptual row and the setting of the status to `active'.
 617:             In the absence of such information in the DESCRIPTION
 618:             clause, it is suggested that this period be approximately 5
 619:             minutes in length.  This removal action applies not only to
 620:             newly-created rows, but also to previously active rows which
 621:             are set to, and left in, the notInService state for a
 622:             prolonged period exceeding that which is considered normal
 623:             for such a conceptual row.
 624:                              Conceptual Row Suspension
 626:             When a conceptual row is `active', the management station
 627:             may issue a management protocol set operation which sets the
 628:             instance of the status column to `notInService'.  If the
 629:             agent is unwilling to do so, the set operation fails with an
 630:             error of `wrongValue' or `inconsistentValue'.  Otherwise,
 631:             the conceptual row is taken out of service, and a `noError'
 632:             response is returned.  It is the responsibility of the
 633:             DESCRIPTION clause of the status column to indicate under
 634:             what circumstances the status column should be taken out of
 635:             service (e.g., in order for the value of some other column
 636:             of the same conceptual row to be modified).
 639:                               Conceptual Row Deletion
 641:             For deletion of conceptual rows, a management protocol set
 642:             operation is issued which sets the instance of the status
 643:             column to `destroy'.  This request may be made regardless of
 644:             the current value of the status column (e.g., it is possible
 645:             to delete conceptual rows which are either `notReady',
 646:             `notInService' or `active'.)  If the operation succeeds,
 647:             then all instances associated with the conceptual row are
 648:             immediately removed."
 649:     SYNTAX       INTEGER {
 650:                      -- the following two values are states:
 651:                      -- these values may be read or written
 652:                      active(1),
 653:                      notInService(2),
 655:                      -- the following value is a state:
 656:                      -- this value may be read, but not written
 657:                      notReady(3),
 659:                      -- the following three values are
 660:                      -- actions: these values may be written,
 661:                      --   but are never read
 662:                      createAndGo(4),
 663:                      createAndWait(5),
 664:                      destroy(6)
 665:                  }
 667: TimeStamp ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
 667: warning - warning: current type `TimeStamp' is not referenced in this module
 667: warning - warning: type `TimeStamp' has no format specification
 668:     STATUS       current
 670:             "The value of the sysUpTime object at which a specific
 671:             occurrence happened.  The specific occurrence must be
 672:             defined in the description of any object defined using this
 673:             type.
 675:             If sysUpTime is reset to zero as a result of a re-
 676:             initialization of the network management (sub)system, then
 677:             the values of all TimeStamp objects are also reset.
 678:             However, after approximately 497 days without a re-
 679:             initialization, the sysUpTime object will reach 2^^32-1 and
 680:             then increment around to zero; in this case, existing values
 681:             of TimeStamp objects do not change.  This can lead to
 682:             ambiguities in the value of TimeStamp objects."
 683:     SYNTAX       TimeTicks
 686: TimeInterval ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
 686: warning - warning: current type `TimeInterval' is not referenced in this module
 686: warning - warning: type `TimeInterval' has no format specification
 687:     STATUS       current
 689:             "A period of time, measured in units of 0.01 seconds."
 690:     SYNTAX       INTEGER (0..2147483647)
 692: DateAndTime ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
 692: warning - warning: current type `DateAndTime' is not referenced in this module
 693:     DISPLAY-HINT "2d-1d-1d,1d:1d:1d.1d,1a1d:1d"
 694:     STATUS       current
 696:             "A date-time specification.
 698:             field  octets  contents                  range
 699:             -----  ------  --------                  -----
 700:               1      1-2   year*                     0..65536
 701:               2       3    month                     1..12
 702:               3       4    day                       1..31
 703:               4       5    hour                      0..23
 704:               5       6    minutes                   0..59
 705:               6       7    seconds                   0..60
 706:                            (use 60 for leap-second)
 707:               7       8    deci-seconds              0..9
 708:               8       9    direction from UTC        '+' / '-'
 709:               9      10    hours from UTC*           0..13
 710:              10      11    minutes from UTC          0..59
 712:             * Notes:
 713:             - the value of year is in network-byte order
 714:             - daylight saving time in New Zealand is +13
 716:             For example, Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM EDT would be
 717:             displayed as:
 719:                              1992-5-26,13:30:15.0,-4:0
 721:             Note that if only local time is known, then timezone
 722:             information (fields 8-10) is not present."
 723:     SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (8 | 11))
 726: StorageType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
 726: warning - warning: current type `StorageType' is not referenced in this module
 727:     STATUS       current
 729:             "Describes the memory realization of a conceptual row.  A
 730:             row which is volatile(2) is lost upon reboot.  A row which
 731:             is either nonVolatile(3), permanent(4) or readOnly(5), is
 732:             backed up by stable storage.  A row which is permanent(4)
 733:             can be changed but not deleted.  A row which is readOnly(5)
 734:             cannot be changed nor deleted.
 736:             If the value of an object with this syntax is either
 737:             permanent(4) or readOnly(5), it cannot be written.
 738:             Conversely, if the value is either other(1), volatile(2) or
 739:             nonVolatile(3), it cannot be modified to be permanent(4) or
 740:             readOnly(5).  (All illegal modifications result in a
 741:             'wrongValue' error.)
 743:             Every usage of this textual convention is required to
 744:             specify the columnar objects which a permanent(4) row must
 745:             at a minimum allow to be writable."
 746:     SYNTAX       INTEGER {
 747:                      other(1),       -- eh?
 748:                      volatile(2),    -- e.g., in RAM
 749:                      nonVolatile(3), -- e.g., in NVRAM
 750:                      permanent(4),   -- e.g., partially in ROM
 751:                      readOnly(5)     -- e.g., completely in ROM
 752:                  }
 754: warning - warning: current type `TDomain' is not referenced in this module
 755:     STATUS       current
 757:           "Denotes a kind of transport service.
 759:           Some possible values, such as snmpUDPDomain, are defined in
 760:           the SNMPv2-TM MIB module.  Other possible values are defined
 761:           in other MIB modules."
 762:     REFERENCE    "The SNMPv2-TM MIB module is defined in RFC 1906."
 766: warning - warning: current type `TAddress' is not referenced in this module
 767:     STATUS       current
 769:           "Denotes a transport service address.
 771:           A TAddress value is always interpreted within the context of a
 772:           TDomain value.  Thus, each definition of a TDomain value must
 773:           be accompanied by a definition of a textual convention for use
 774:           with that TDomain.  Some possible textual conventions, such as
 775:           SnmpUDPAddress for snmpUDPDomain, are defined in the SNMPv2-TM
 776:           MIB module.  Other possible textual conventions are defined in
 777:           other MIB modules."
 778:     REFERENCE    "The SNMPv2-TM MIB module is defined in RFC 1906."
 779:     SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255))
 782: END
 784: -- 
 785: --    Copyright (C) The Internet Society (1999).  All Rights Reserved.
 786: -- 
 787: --    This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
 788: --    others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
 789: --    or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
 790: --    and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
 791: --    kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
 792: --    included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
 793: --    document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
 794: --    the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
 795: --    Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
 796: --    developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
 797: --    copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
 798: --    followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than
 799: --    English.
 800: -- 
 801: --    The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
 802: --    revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.
 803: -- 
 804: --    This document and the information contained herein is provided on an