3. Bro Interface

Spicy comes with a Bro plugin that adds support for *.pac2 grammars to Bro. The following overview walks through installation and usage. Keep in mind that everything is in development and not necessarily stable right now.


The Docker Image comes with both Bro itself and the plugin preinstalled, so you can skip the installation process when using that.

3.1. Installation

You currently need the current development version of Bro, as that adds support for dynamically loaded plugins. To get it, use git:

> git clone --recursive git://git.bro.org/bro

Now you need to build Bro with the same C++ compiler (and C++ standard library) that you also use for compiling HILTI/Spicy. If that’s, say, /opt/llvm/bin/clang++, do:

> CXX="/opt/llvm/bin/clang++ --stdlib=libc++" ./configure && make

Then compile HILTI/Spicy, pointing it to your Bro clone:

> make BRO_DIST=/path/to/where/you/cloned/bro/into

Watch the output, it should indicate that it has found Bro.

If things went well, the Bro tests should now succeed:

> cd bro/tests && make
all XXX tests successful



The Bro plugin has no make install for now, one needs to run it right out of the build directory. See below for how to do that.

3.2. Usage

Writing a Spicy analyzer for Bro consists of two steps: writing the analyzer as standard *.pac2 code; and defining the analyzer’s interface to Bro, including the events it will generate, in a separate *.evt file. We look at the two separately in the following, using a simple analyzer for parsing SSH banners as our running example. We then show to run Bro so that it loads the Spicy plugin along with any analyzers.

3.2.1. Spicy Grammar

Here’s a simple grammar ssh.pac2 to parse an SSH banner (e.g., SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.1):

module SSH;

export type Banner = unit {
    magic   : /SSH-/;
    version : /[^-]*/;
    dash    : /-/;
    software: /[^\r\n]*/;

This is indeed just a standard Spicy grammar, just as it can be used with pac-driver [Missing]. It could include further hooks and also global code; the latter will execute once at Bro initialization time. If you add print statements, they will generate the corresponding output as Bro processes input, which can be helpful for debugging.

3.2.2. Protocol Analyzer Interface

Next, we define a file ssh.evt that refers to the grammar to define a new Bro analyzer. An *.evt file has three parts: (1) an grammar specification telling Bro which *.pac file to use; (2) an analyzer definition describing where to hook it into Bro’s traffic processing; and (3) a series of event definitions specifying how to turn what’s parsed into the Bro events. Here’s an ssh.evt to go with our SSH grammar:

grammar ssh.pac2;

protocol analyzer pac2::SSH over TCP:
    parse with SSH::Banner,
    port 22/tcp,
    replaces SSH;

on SSH::Banner -> event ssh::banner($conn, $is_orig, self.version, self.software);

The grammar line specifies a *.pac2 file to load. The path is relative to the location of the *.evt file; if it’s not found there, the plugin further searches for grammars inside the source tree at hilti2/bro/pac2/, and in any directories specified through the environment variable BRO_PAC2_PATH (using the standard syntax of colon-separated paths). The grammar line is optional, one can leave it out if the *.pac2 grammars get loaded otherwise (e.g., via the command line; see below). One can also specify multiple grammar entries.


Technically, the Bro plugin searches the *.pac2 files inside the build directory at <build>/pac2 because that will later correspond to the plugin’s top-level installation directory (installing a plugin essentially means copying the build directory somewhere else). The current build system setup however links that back to the source directory hilti2/bro/pac2/ so that one can edit files there and they will be pulled in directly.

The analyzer block starts with giving the new analyzer a name (pac2::SSH). The namespace isn’t mandatory, but we use it to differentiate Spicy analyzers from Bro’s standard analyzers. The name corresponds to how we’ll refer to the new analyzer in Bro. For example, just like there’s an analyzer::ANALYZER_SSH enum for the standard SSH analyzer, there’ll now be an analyzer::ANALYZER_PAC2_SSH. (As you can see there’s a bit of name normalization going on, use bro -NN to see the final name.). over TCP declares this to be an TCP application-layer analyzer (over UDP is the one other supported alternative right now).

Next comes set of of properties for the analyzer, separated by commas (order is not important):

  • parse with <unit> links the new analyzer with the Spicy grammar: <unit> is the fully-qualified name of the unit we want to use as the top-level entry point for parsing. When specified the way we do here, the unit will be used for both originator- and responder-side traffic. One can use different units for each side by specifying parse originator with <orig-unit> and parse responder with <resp-unit>, respectively.
  • port <port> defines the well-known port for the analyzer; this translates into registering the port with Bro’s analyzer framework at runtime. This is optional; as usual analyzers can also be activated via DPD signatures or even manually from script-land. One can give multiple port specifications (but separately).
  • replaces <analyzer> tells Bro that when this analyzer is activateed, it’s replacing one of the built-in analyzers, given by its name (see again bro -NN for the names of all built-in analyzers). This has two effects: First, the built-in one will be completely disabled at startup, and second in script-land Bro will use the name of the original analyzer in place of this one (e.g., so that in conn.log the service will show up as SSH, not PAC2_SSH).

Events are defined by lines of the form <hook> -> event <name>(<parameters>). Let’s break it down:

  • <hook> defines when an event should be triggered, and it works just like externally defined Spicy hooks, i.e., you give the fully-qualified path to the grammar element that is to trigger the event during parsing. In the example above, on SSH::Banner will trigger an event whenever an instance of the SSH::Banner unit has been fully parsed. One can also refer to individual unit fields and variables (e.g., on SSH::Banner::version). The unit-wide unit hooks work as well (e.g., on SSH::Banner::%init).

  • <name> corresponds directly to the name of the event as visible in Bro. As you can see, one can (and should) use namespaces.

  • The <parameters> define the event’s parameters, specifying both their values and (implicitly) their types at the same time. Each parameter is a complete Spicy expression (except for some “magic” ones starting with $, see below). The type of each Spicy expression determines the Bro type of the corresponding event parameter, with an internal mapping defining how each Spicy type translates into a Bro type (e.g., a bytes objects translates into a Bro string; see Type Mapping for the details). At runtime, when an event is raised, the expression is evaluated to determine the value passed to event’s handlers. That evaluation takes place in a hook context corresponding to what <hook> triggers on, and it has access to the same scope as a manually written hook would have. For example, with the on SSH::Banner event, self refers to a SSH::Banner unit instance and self.version to its version item. If, for example, you wanted an upper-case version of the software identification, you could use self.software.upper().

    In addition to expression parameters, there are three “magic” parameters that provide access to internal Bro state:

    • $conn references the current connection that’s being parsed, and it translates into a connection record parameter for the corresponding Bro event.
    • $is_orig turns into a boolean value indicating whether Spicy is parsing the originator or responder side of the connection.
    • $file references the current file in case of defining a file analyzer rather than a protocol analyzer (see below).

    Note that the magic parameters aren’t expressions; you can’t further manipulate them.

3.2.3. Using a Spicy Analyzer

With both the grammar and the analyzer/event definition in place, we can now write an event handler:

event ssh::banner(c: connection, is_orig: bool, version: string, software: string)
	print "SSH banner", c$id, is_orig, version, software, Hilti::is_compiled();

Note how the ssh::banner definition from ssh.evt maps into the event’s parameter signature.

Before we can use it, we need to tell Bro where to find the Spicy plugin. For that, we set the environment variable BRO_PLUGIN_PATH to the plugin’s build directory:

export BRO_PLUGIN_PATH=/path/to/binpacpp/hilti2/build/bro


If you get the path to the plugin wrong, or forget to set it at all, you’ll get some misleading error messages below as Bro will try to parse ssh.evt file as a Bro script.

Now we can run Bro with the new analyzer by giving it the ssh.evt on the command line. If not an absolute path, Bro will search for the the file first in the current directory first, and then—just as described above for *.pac2 files—in hilti2/bro/pac2/ and any directories specified by BRO_PAC2_PATH.

Let’s first just check that Bro indeeds loads the analyzer correctly. bro -NN will tell us:

# bro -NN ssh.evt
Plugin: Bro::Hilti - Dynamically compiled HILTI/BinPAC++ functionality (dynamic, version 1)
    [Analyzer] pac2_SSH (ANALYZER_PAC2_SSH, enabled)
    [Event] ssh::banner


The -NN output currently does not include all the information shown above. Need to fix.

We see that Bro has found the Spicy plugin. The plugin indeed provides our analyzer pac2_SSH, which generates one event ssh_banner.

Let’s now try processing a trace containing a single SSH connection, making sure to give Bro our event handler ssh-banner.bro as well:

# bro -r ssh-single-conn.trace ssh.evt ssh-banner.bro
SSH banner, [orig_h=, orig_p=49244/tcp, resp_h=, resp_p=22/tcp], F, 1.99, OpenSSH_3.9p1
SSH banner, [orig_h=, orig_p=49244/tcp, resp_h=, resp_p=22/tcp], T, 2.0, OpenSSH_3.8.1p1

3.2.4. File Analyzers

Writing a Spicy file analyzer works pretty similar to a protocol analyzer. The main difference is indeed just that we need to tell Bro to use our Spicy unit for parsing files rather than protocols. We do that via the *.evt file by defining a file analyzer section instead of a protocol analyzer. Here’s an example for a GZIP decoder:

grammar gzip.pac2;

file analyzer pac2::GZIP:
    parse with gzip::File,
    mime-type application/x-gzip;

on gzip::Member -> event gzip::member($file, self.method, self.flags, self.mtime, self.xflags, self.os);

The parse with works the same as with a protocol: it specifies the top-level Spicy unit to use. Instead of giving a well-known port to activate the analyzer automatically (as we do with protocols), we can associate a file analyzer with a MIME type. Now whenever some part of Bro finds data of that type, it will deploy our Spicy analyzer to take it apart.

Here’s the main part of the corresponding grammar file gzip.pac2 (we skip the definition of the OS enum for brevity):

export type File = unit {
    member: Member;

type Member = unit {
    %byteorder = BinPAC::ByteOrder::Little;

    magic   : b"\x1f\x8b";
    method  : uint<8>;
    flags   : bitfield(8) {
        ftext:    0;
        fhrcr:    1;
        fextra:   2;
        fname:    3;
        fcomment: 4;

    mtime  : uint<32> &convert=cast<time>($$);
    xflags : uint<8>;
    os     : uint<8> &convert=OS($$);

    xlen   : uint<16>                 if ( self.flags.fextra != 0 );
    xdata  : bytes &length=self.xlen  if ( self.flags.fextra != 0 );
    name   : bytes &until=b"\x00"     if ( self.flags.fname != 0 );
    comment: bytes &until=b"\x00"     if ( self.flags.fcomment != 0 );
    crc16  : uint<16>                 if ( self.flags.fhrcr != 0 );

For testing let’s also provide an event handler in gzip-header.bro:

type Flags: record  {
        ftext: count;
        fhrcr: count;
        fextra: count;

With that all in place, we can run Bro like this on a trace with a GZIP file transferred via HTTP:

# bro -r gzip-single-request.trace gzip.evt gzip-header.bro
7aNwGytV9k4, 8, 0, 1380302739.000000, 0, gzip::UNIX

3.2.5. HILTI/Spicy Options

Bro’s Spicy plugin comes with a number of options defined in hilti2/bro/scripts/bro/hilti/base/main.bro. These include:

debug: bool (default: false)
If true, compiles all Spicy/HILTI code in debug mode, meaning that Debugging Support will be available (including the HILTI_DEBUG environment variable).
dump_debug: bool (default: false)
Dumps debug information about the compiled analyzers to the console. Can be helpful if Bro isn’t integrating a Spicy analyzer as expected.
optimize: bool (default: true)
Activates code optimization. Should be on normally, but makes debugging in the debugger easier if off.

use_cache: bool (default: true)


This is currently broken and disabled.

Enables caching of compiled Spicy/HILTI code. If on, you will notice that the first time you start Bro with a new (or modified) analyzer, it takes longer than on subsequent invocations. That’s because the first one needs to do all the leg-work of going from Spicy to native code. It then however caches the resulting code on disk and reuses it next time directly.

Normally you want this on, however currently the cache does not always pick up on changes made to *.pac2 or *.evt files (or Bro itself, or the Spicy plugin). If you notice that a change doesn’t seem to take effect, try removing the cache directory (.cache) or simply disable it altogether.

See the script itself for the complete list of all options.

3.2.6. Type Mapping

The following table summarizes how Spicy types get mapped into Bro types. Types not listed are not yet implemented.

Spicy Bro
addr addr
bool bool
bytes string
double double
enum enum [1]
int<*> int
string string
time time
uint<*> count
tuple<*> record [2]
list<*> vector
set<*> set
vector<*> vector

[1] A corresponding Bro enum type is created automatically.

[2] The record fields will by default be named f<n> with n being the zero-baed element index. However, if the tuple gets passed into a Bro event, the initially created record will be coered into the type the event expects and hence then use the corresponding field names instead.