2.5.30. Vector

TODO. Instruction

target = new op1 op2 [vector::New]
Operator 1:vector<*>
Operator 2:[ ref<timer_mgr> ]

Instantiates a new vector object of type op1.

target = vector.exists op1 op2 [vector::Exists]
Operator 1:ref<vector<*>>
Operator 2:int<64>

Checks whether the index op2 has been assinged a value in op1.

target = vector.get op1 op2 [vector::Get]
Operator 1:ref<vector<*>>
Operator 2:int<64>

Returns the element at index op2 in vector op1.

vector.push_back op1 op2 [vector::PushBack]
Operator 1:ref<vector<*>>
Operator 2:any

Sets the element at index op2 in vector op1 to *op3.

vector.reserve op1 op2 [vector::Reserve]
Operator 1:ref<vector<*>>
Operator 2:int<64>

Reserves space for at least op2 elements in vector op1. This operations does not change the vector in any observable way but rather gives a hint to the implementation about the size that will be needed. The implemenation may use this information to avoid unnecessary memory allocations.

vector.set op1 op2 op3 [vector::Set]
Operator 1:ref<vector<*>>
Operator 2:int<64>
Operator 3:any

Sets the element at index op2 in vector op1 to *op3.

target = vector.size op1 [vector::Size]
Operator 1:ref<vector<*>>

Returns the current size of the vector op1, which is the largest accessible index plus one.

vector.timeout op1 op2 op3 [vector::Timeout]
Operator 1:ref<vector<*>>
Operator 2:enum { }
Operator 3:interval

Activates automatic expiration of items for vector op1. All subsequently inserted entries will be expired after an interval of op3 after insertion (if op2 is Expire::Create) or last access (if op2 is Expire::Access). Expired entries are set back to uninitialized. Expiration is disabled if *op3 is zero. Throws NoTimerManager if no timer manager has been associated with the set at construction.

target = begin op1 [iterVector::Begin]
Operator 1:ref<vector<*>>

Returns an iterator pointing to the start of vector object op1.

target = deref op1 [iterVector::Deref]
Operator 1:iterator<vector<*>>

Returns the vector op1 is referencing.

target = end op1 [iterVector::End]
Operator 1:ref<vector<*>>

Returns an iterator pointing to the end of vector object op1.

target = incr op1 [iterVector::Incr]
Operator 1:iterator<vector<*>>

Advances the iterator to the next element, or to the end position if already at the end.