Homework #15 - Spam - Due Monday Apr 13, 1PM

Turn in this assignment via email (vern@berkeley.edu) by the due date, with the term Homework in the Subject.
Last homework!

Read the paper Taster's Choice: A Comparative Analysis of Spam Feeds, Andreas Pitsillidis et al., ACM IMC 2012

  1. Briefly write up your views of:

    1. What are the main contributions of this paper?

    2. What parts of the paper do you find unclear? (optional)

    3. What parts of the paper are questionable? (That is, you think a conclusion may be wrong, an approach or evaluation technically flawed, or data ill-presented.)

  2. Pick a facet of the general problem of unwanted messages that interests you. This needn't regard email spam, but should relate to a contemporary Internet annoyance/scourge where the core issue is the delivery of messages unwanted by the receiver. Sketch an avenue of research related to the problem area - either interesting work that has already been done, or potential future work. For the former, provide citation(s) and discuss the nature of the research, its validation, and findings. For the latter, describe how in practice one might undertake and validate the research.