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3.2 Configuration with Yoid Proxy Servers

Section 2.4 only described YTMP endhost tree management. In other words, it assumed that each endhost knows through local means (i.e., the JoinTree API command) that it wants to join a given group, and that the endhost would serve as a transit member.

For various reasons, there are certainly cases whereby an endhost should not be a transmit member, but instead should use a nearby yoid proxy server instead (see Section 2.2). This is a host that joins the group on behalf of the endhost, acts as a transit member of the tree-mesh, and forwards all content between the endhost and the group. The reasons include performance (the endhost may simply not have the bandwidth or horsepower to act as a transit), reliability (the application may require highly reliable transit members), and security.

Configuring with a proxy server is not necessarily as straight-forward as one might imagine. The main sticking points are:

  1. how does the endhost know when it needs to use a proxy server, and
  2. how does the endhost know which, of possibly several proxy servers, to choose from?

Concerning the first item, it may be possible in many but certainly not all cases for the rendezvous to know that a proxy should be used (for instance, because the application starting the rendezvous knows, or because the rendezvous has some policy database driving it). In these cases the rendezvous can tell the endhost to use a proxy at first contact. It may also be possible for the endhost itself to monitor its own performance and itself determine when a proxy is needed, but this is non trivial.

Concerning the second item, there may be different proxies to use in different situations. At a minimum, it is easy to imagine one set of proxies for high-bandwidth realtime groups, and another set of proxies for large file distribution groups, as these two have markedly different performance criteria. There may be other reasons for choosing a specific proxy over others, for instance security reasons.

As for proxy discovery, perhaps a good approach would be to have a well-known group name, such as


This group could distribute information about proxies in the local domain, including some kind of policy information. Endhosts could stay attached to this group, and over time discover the nearest proxy servers of each type and the policy for when to use them.

Once an endhost determines that it should use a proxy, the protocol for coordinating with the proxy should be straight-forward.

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Paul Francis
Fri Oct 1 11:06:22 JST 1999