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3.5 Distributing Across a Lot of Time


As already stated (many times), yoid distributes across time as well as across space. Distributing across time, however, can require certain new coordination mechanisms--particularly for endhost-based distribution.

To get the benefits of ``multicast'', each consumer of content must be expected to transmit on average, as much as it receives. For a group with spigot content, at any given time, some members will be transmitting more than they receive, some less, and some the same, depending on whether they have more then one, zero, or one tree neighbor respectively. For instance, on a perfectly balanced tree with a fanout of 2, half the members will transmit to two neighbors, and half to none. On average though, transmission equals reception.

The difficulty arises with bucket and keg content (file distribution). Here it will typically not be the case that a member transmits as much as or more than it receives during the time it is actively receiving. For popular content, where there are multiple simultaneous receivers, typically a member will be part way into its reception before it is asked to start transmitting to another member. For less popular content, it will often be the case that a member receives all the content without being asked to transmit it at all.

As a result, if we want to get the benefits of yoid, members of bucket or keg content must be expected to stay attached to the tree for some period of time after they themselves have received the full content. This presents a number of questions. Is a member always expected to stay attached after it has received the content? If not, what are the criteria for deciding to stay attached? How long is a member expected to stay attached? If a member disconnects from the internet before it has transmitted as much as it received, is it expected to rejoin the group later until it does transmit?

There are no easy answers here, just various engineering and policy trade-offs. For instance, since there is overhead involved in keeping a group even when no content is being transmitted, clearly it is a lose to keep a group for very infrequently accessed content. The cost of keeping the tree at some point exceeds the cost of always transmitting the content from the original source.

Even if the cost of keeping the tree is less than the cost of transmitting the content, endhosts may certainly object to having to stay attached to a lot of groups. For instance, imagine an endhost that receives 1000 yoid buckets per day, with each bucket retrieved on average one per hour. Such an endhost would be expected to store content for and stay attached to about 40 groups at any given time.

An alternative to this would be to require each endhost to stay attached to some fraction of groups it joins, but to transmit proportionately more for each group. For instance, the endhost could be expected to stay attached to 10% of the groups it joins, but until it has transmitted 10 times as much as it received for each group.

I don't want to belabor this any more--you get the idea. Obviously a lot of research is needed here.

It may work out that doing bucket or keg yoid distribution over the public internet is just not tenable, and that some sort of cache server infrastructure is more appropriate. Doing endhost-based bucket or keg yoid distribution in an enterprise setting strikes me as more palatable, given the administrative commonality across endhosts and the control of those endhosts by IT.

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Paul Francis
Fri Oct 1 11:06:22 JST 1999