Turn in this assignment via email (vern@berkeley.edu, plain text/HTML/Word) by the due date, with the term Homework in the Subject.
In computer security, a capability is an unforgeable value that indicates that the possessor of the value has the authority to perform some action. That is, merely by being able to provide the capability to some system, the possessor of it is granted some sort of access to the system. A real-world analog would be how the possession of car keys grants the ability to unlock the doors and start the engine of the corresponding car.
Read the paper
SIFF: A Stateless Internet Flow Filter to Mitigate DDoS Flooding Attacks, Abraham Yaar, Adrian Perrig, and Dawn Song, IEEE S&P 2004
Note, if you're not familiar with client puzzles, then you may find section 5.3 hard to follow. Feel free to skip it. (If we have time, I will discuss puzzles in lecture.) In addition, there's no need to read the Appendix.
Briefly write up your views of: