Homework #12 - Authentication - Due Monday March 16, 1PM
Turn in this assignment via email (vern@berkeley.edu)
by the due date, with the term Homework in the Subject.
Read the paper
Conditioned-safe Ceremonies and a User Study of an Application to Web Authentication, Chris Karlof, J.D. Tygar, and David Wagner, NDSS 2009
Briefly write up your views of:
- What are the main contributions of this paper?
- What parts of the paper do you find unclear? (optional)
- What parts of the paper are questionable? (That is, you think a
conclusion may be wrong, an approach or evaluation technically
flawed, or data ill-presented.)
- Do one of the following:
- Locate a research paper or a news event relating to authentication (broadly
interpreted) that you find interesting. Give citation/URL
information. Explain what's particularly
interesting/distinct/significant about it, and from a skim briefly
discuss the relevant issues, their apparent resolution, and what
related issues remain.
- Sketch a defense against phishing that you believe has good
prospects of being both effective and practical. Defend
your viewpoint.