2.5.12. Hook

TODO. Instruction

hook.disable_group op1 [hook::DisableGroup]
Operator 1:int<64>

Disables the hook group given by op1 globally.

hook.enable_group op1 [hook::EnableGroup]
Operator 1:int<64>

Enables the hook group given by op1 globally.

target = hook.group_enabled op1 [hook::GroupEnabled]
Operator 1:int<64>

Sets target to True if hook group op1 is enabled, and to False otherwise.

target = hook.run op1 op2 [hook::Run]
Target:[ any ]
Operator 1:<hook>
Operator 2:tuple<*>

Executes the hook op1 with arguments op2, storing the hook’s return value in target.

hook.stop op1 [hook::Stop]
Operator 1:[ any ]

Stops the execution of the current hook and returns op1 as the hooks value (if one is needed).