2.5.13. Integer

TODO. Instruction

target = decr op1 [integer::Decr]
Operator 1:int<*>

Decrements op1 by one.

target = decr_by op1 op2 [integer::DecrBy]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Decreases op1 by op2.

target = int.add op1 op2 [integer::Add]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Calculates the sum of the two operands. Operands and target must be of same width. The result is calculated modulo 2^{width}.

target = int.and op1 op2 [integer::And]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Calculates the binary and of the two operands. Operands and target must be of same width.

target = int.as_interval op1 [integer::AsInterval]
Operator 1:int<*>

Converts the integer op1 into an interval value, interpreting it as seconds.

target = int.as_sdouble op1 [integer::AsSDouble]
Operator 1:int<*>

Converts the signed integer op1 into a double value.

target = int.as_time op1 [integer::AsTime]
Operator 1:int<*>

Converts the integer op1 into a time value, interpreting it as seconds since the epoch.

target = int.as_udouble op1 [integer::AsUDouble]
Operator 1:int<*>

Converts the unsigned integer op1 into a double value.

target = int.ashr op1 op2 [integer::Ashr]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Arithmetically shifts op1 to the right by op2 bits. The most- signficant bits are filled with the sign of op1. If the value of op2 is larger than the integer type has bits, the result is undefined.

target = int.div op1 op2 [integer::Div]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Divides op1 by op2, flooring the result. Operands and target must be of same width. All integers are treaded as signed. If the product overflows the range of the integer type, the result in undefined. Throws DivisionByZero if op2 is zero.

target = int.eq op1 op2 [integer::Eq]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Returns true iff op1 equals op2.

target = int.flip op1 [integer::Flip]
Operator 1:int<*>

Reverses the bytes of op1.

target = int.from_host op1 op2 [integer::FromHost]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:enum { }

Converts op1 from host byte order to byte order op2.

target = int.mask op1 op2 op3 [integer::Mask]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>
Operator 3:int<*>

Extracts the bit range from op2 to op3 (inclusive) from op1 and shifts them so that they align with the least significant bit in the result.

target = int.mod op1 op2 [integer::Mod]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Calculates the remainder of dividing op1 by op2. Operands and target must be of same width. Throws DivisionByZero if op2 is zero.

target = int.mul op1 op2 [integer::Mul]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Multiplies op1 with op2. Operands and target must be of same width. The result is calculated modulo 2^{width}.

target = int.or op1 op2 [integer::Or]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Calculates the binary or of the two operands. Operands and target must be of same width.

target = int.pow op1 op2 [integer::Pow]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Raise op1 to the power op2. Note that both op1 and op2 are interpreted as unsigned integers. If the result overflows the target’s type, the result is undefined.

target = int.sext op1 [integer::SExt]
Operator 1:int<*>

Sign-extends op1 into an integer of the same width as the target. The width of op1 must be smaller or equal that of the target.

target = int.sgeq op1 op2 [integer::Sgeq]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Returns true iff op1 is greater or equal op2, interpreting both as signed integers.

target = int.sgt op1 op2 [integer::Sgt]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Returns true iff op1 is greater than op2, interpreting both as signed integers.

target = int.shl op1 op2 [integer::Shl]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Shifts op1 to the left by op2 bits. The least-signficant bits are filled with zeros. If the value of op2 is larger than the integer type has bits, the result is undefined.

target = int.shr op1 op2 [integer::Shr]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Shifts op1 to the right by op2 bits. The most-signficant bits are filled with zeros. If the value of op2 is larger than the integer type has bits, the result is undefined.

target = int.sleq op1 op2 [integer::Sleq]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Returns true iff op1 is lower or equal op2, interpreting both as signed integers.

target = int.slt op1 op2 [integer::Slt]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Returns true iff op1 is less than op2, interpreting both as signed integers.

target = int.sub op1 op2 [integer::Sub]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Subtracts op2 from op1. Operands and target must be of same width. The result is calculated modulo 2^{width}.

target = int.to_host op1 op2 [integer::ToHost]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:enum { }

Converts op1 from byte order op2 into host byte order.

target = int.trunc op1 [integer::Trunc]
Operator 1:int<*>

Bit-truncates op1 into an integer of the same width as the target. The width of op1 must be larger or equal that of the target.

target = int.ugeq op1 op2 [integer::Ugeq]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Returns true iff op1 is greater or equal op2, interpreting both as unsigned integers.

target = int.ugt op1 op2 [integer::Ugt]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Returns true iff op1 is greater than op2, interpreting both as unsigned integers.

target = int.uleq op1 op2 [integer::Uleq]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Returns true iff op1 is lower or equal op2, interpreting both as unsigned integers.

target = int.ult op1 op2 [integer::Ult]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Returns true iff op1 is less than op2, interpreting both as unsigned integers.

target = int.xor op1 op2 [integer::Xor]
Operator 1:int<*>
Operator 2:int<*>

Calculates the binary xor of the two operands. Operands and target must be of same width.

target = int.zext op1 [integer::ZExt]
Operator 1:int<*>

Zero-extends op1 into an integer of the same width as the target. The width of op1 must be smaller or equal that of the target.