2.5.22. Set

TODO. Instruction

set.clear op1 [set::Clear]
Operator 1:ref<set<*>>

Removes all entries from set op1.

target = set.exists op1 op2 [set::Exists]
Operator 1:ref<set<*>>
Operator 2:any

Checks whether the key op2 exists in set op1. If so, the instruction returns True, and False otherwise.

set.insert op1 op2 [set::Insert]
Operator 1:ref<set<*>>
Operator 2:any

Sets the element at index op2 in set op1 to *op3. If the key already exists, the previous entry is replaced.

set.remove op1 op2 [set::Remove]
Operator 1:ref<set<*>>
Operator 2:any

Removes the key op2 from the set op1. If the key does not exists, the instruction has no effect.

target = set.size op1 [set::Size]
Operator 1:ref<set<*>>

Returns the current number of entries in set op1.

set.timeout op1 op2 op3 [set::Timeout]
Operator 1:ref<set<*>>
Operator 2:enum { }
Operator 3:interval

Activates automatic expiration of items for set op1. All subsequently inserted entries will be expired after an interval of op3 after they (if op2 is Expire::Create) or last accessed (if op2 is Expire::Access). Expiration is disable if *op3 is zero. Throws NoTimerManager if no timer manager has been associated with the set at construction.