2.5.23. String

TODO. Instruction

target = string.cmp op1 op2 [string::Cmp]
Operator 1:string
Operator 2:string

Compares op1 with op2 and returns True if their characters match. Returns False otherwise.

target = string.concat op1 op2 [string::Concat]
Operator 1:string
Operator 2:string

Concatenates op1 with op2 and returns the result.

target = string.decode op1 op2 [string::Decode]
Operator 1:ref<bytes>
Operator 2:enum { }

Converts bytes op1 into a string, assuming characters are encoded in character set op2. Supported character sets are currently: ASCII, UTF8, UTF16LE, UTF16BE, UTF32LE, UTF32BE. tIf the string cannot be decoded with the given character set, the instruction tthrows an ~~DecodingError exception. If the character set given is not supported, tthe instruction throws a ~~ValueError exception. .. todo:: Support further character sets.

target = string.encode op1 op2 [string::Encode]
Operator 1:string
Operator 2:enum { }

Converts op1 into bytes, encoding characters using the character set op2. Supported character sets are currently: ASCII, UTF8. If the any characters cannot be encoded with the given character set, they will be replaced with place-holders. If the character set given is not supported, the instruction throws a ~~ValueError exception. Todo: We need to figure out how to support more character sets.

target = string.find op1 op2 [string::Find]
Operator 1:string
Operator 2:string

Searches op2 in op1, returning the start index if it find it. Returns -1 if it does not find op2 in op1.

target = string.join op1 op2 [string::Join]
Operator 1:string
Operator 2:ref<list<*>>

Renders each of the elements in list op2 into a string (as if one printed it), and then concatenates them using op1 as the separator.

target = string.length op1 [string::Length]
Operator 1:string

Returns the number of characters in the string op1.

target = string.lt op1 op2 [string::Lt]
Operator 1:string
Operator 2:string

Compares op1 with op2 and returns True if op1 is lexicographically smaller than op2. Returns False otherwise.

target = string.substr op1 op2 op3 [string::Substr]
Operator 1:string
Operator 2:int<64>
Operator 3:int<64>

Extracts the substring of length op3 from op1 that starts at position op2.