Northeast Ohio Networking Workshop (NEONet 2006)

A one-day workshop will be held at Case Western Reserve University on March 1, 2006 to foster communication and collaboration among researchers investigating internetworking issues in northeast Ohio. We solicit presentations and participation from area researchers and practioners on the topics of networking applications, architectures, protocols and technologies. The following represents a sample set of topics this workshop will cover. Additional related topics are also welcome:

We solicit project-oriented talks and not broad overviews of research programs. We especially solicit talks about early and ongoing work that will foster discussion in the workshop. In addition, we solicit talks that outline areas in which current networks and networking technologies do not meet needs.

Researchers in northeast Ohio are invited to submit a short abstract (of not more than one page) describing a 20-25 minute talk to be given at NEONet. At least 5 minutes of each slot will be allocated to discussion. Abstracts (in text or PDF) should be emailed to the workshop program chairs at Multiple submissions are allowed. In the event of contention for speaking slots the program will be chosen to maximize breadth.

Those wishing to attend NEONet (whether submitting or not) must register by sending their name and affiliation to

NEONet is supported by OhioICE.

Workshop web page:

Important dates:
